Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C5 Antique Competition
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C5 Antique Competition
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C5 Antique Competition

In front of Su Huairen's villa, a fleet of luxury cars was already parked. The least expensive among them would set you back a few million yuan. Yaen Feilong, who had arrived by taxi, was likely the only one to do so.

"Those involved in the antique trade are really loaded. I guess I need to step up my game," Yaen Feilong mused to himself. After paying the cab fare, he made his way toward Su Huairen's villa.

"Can you believe it? Someone came here in a taxi?" A voice, dripping with exaggeration, rang out as a red Cayenne pulled up next to Yaen Feilong. A young man stepped out, clutching a bag.

"What's the matter? Got a problem with what Young Master Loong says? If so, keep it to yourself. Haha..." A glamorous woman descended from the passenger side of the Cayenne and casually linked arms with Young Master Loong.

Arrogant women like her were always so vexing. Yaen Feilong furrowed his brow but continued on his way to the villa without engaging them.

"This guy thinks he can get into a place like this by taxi? He must be here just to freeload," the woman sneered, seeing that Yaen Feilong hadn't responded.

"I'd be embarrassed to attend the same event as this person," Young Master Loong commented with a shrug, feigning resignation.

"I've heard a saying that seems quite fitting for you," Yaen Feilong paused, turning to look at the woman with a smirk. "Arrogant women fall into two categories: either their man is capable, or they're living off someone else's capability. Which one are you?"

"You dare insult me? If I don't make you regret it today, my name isn't Luo Xiaofeng!" Luo Xiaofeng fumed, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Why waste your breath on such rubbish? Let's head inside. Today's event will be attended by many big names from the antique circle," Young Master Loong interjected, eager to move on.

"My treasures will certainly be the center of attention," he boasted, patting his bag with an air of superiority.

"You're lucky for now. We'll settle our differences after the banquet," he added, issuing a veiled threat as they walked away.

Luo Xiaofeng shot Yaen Feilong a disdainful look and remarked, "Carrying a bag full of fakes and treating them like treasures?"

Yaen Feilong gave Young Master Loong's bag a cursory glance and, with a slight shake of his head, made his way into the villa. The place was teeming with guests, and his arrival went largely unnoticed.

"Little brother, you've finally arrived," Su Huairen said with a hearty laugh as he approached, a tall young woman following close behind him.

She was strikingly beautiful, with flawless features and a shapely figure—undoubtedly the most beautiful girl Yaen Feilong had ever laid eyes on.

"I was held up for a bit, Elder Su, so I'm a bit late," Yaen Feilong replied with a modest smile, though he couldn't help stealing glances at the girl.

The appreciation of beauty is universal, after all.

"This is Chu Yue'er, the granddaughter of an old friend and a rising star in the antique circle. You should definitely find time to exchange ideas," Su Huairen suggested.

"Yue'er, this is the young man I've been telling you about, Yaen Feilong."

Su Huairen introduced them, and Chu Yue'er's lips curved into a smile laced with a hint of challenge.

"So, you're Yaen Feilong. Elder Su's praise suggests you're no ordinary person," she said.

Antique appraisal was Chu Yue'er's forte, and among her peers, she had yet to meet her match. Yaen Feilong's esteemed reputation in Su Huairen's eyes had sparked her competitive spirit.

"Elder Su flatters me," Yaen Feilong responded with a grin.

"True ability needs no excuses. If you're up for it, why not have a friendly challenge right now?" Chu Yue'er's eyes sparkled with competitiveness, not one to shy away from a challenge.

"A challenge?" Yaen Feilong's eyebrows lifted slightly, aware that backing down would only diminish him in her eyes.

"Many antiques have been brought here today, and while most are authentic, a few are high-quality replicas. How about we pick a few items at random and put our appraisal skills to the test?"

Chu Yue'er directly outlined the terms of the contest.

"Is this acceptable?"

Yaen Feilong turned to Su Huairen for his opinion. As a guest, it was only proper for him to defer to his host.

"In our line of work, martial arts serve as a means to forge friendships. Competitions are certainly permissible."

Su Huairen responded with a smile and a nod. The impending contest between Yaen Feilong and Chu Yue'er had captured the attention of everyone in the hall.

"She's Elder Chu's granddaughter, a prodigy of the antique circle!"

"Who is this young man? To challenge Chu Yue'er is to court disgrace!"


The crowd murmured among themselves, with no one favoring Yaen Feilong.

"Haha, timing is everything. This foolhardy guy dares to challenge Miss Yue'er? Well then, let's use my items as stakes for their contest."

Just then, Young Master Loong and Luo Xiaofeng made their entrance.

Young Master Loong had already caught wind of the contest and was eager to seize the opportunity to embarrass Yaen Feilong.


Chu Yue'er nodded slightly, exuding confidence.

"No problem."

Yaen Feilong readily accepted the challenge.

"Kid, since you're so sure of yourself, how about we raise the stakes?"

Luo Xiaofeng's eyes were icy as she addressed Yaen Feilong, clearly up to no good.

"A wager? What kind of bet?"

Yaen Feilong gave Luo Xiaofeng a wary look.

"We'll bet a million. If you win, you get the million. But if you lose, forget the money; just kneel and give me three resounding kowtows, then call me 'grandma' three times."

"What do you say? Are you in?"

A cold smirk spread across Luo Xiaofeng's face as she laid out her true intentions – to simply belittle Yaen Feilong. She was convinced he stood no chance against Chu Yue'er.

"There's no need to accept her terms. This is merely a friendly exchange."

Chu Yue'er interjected with a slight furrow of her brows.

Chu Yue'er's unexpected openness took Yaen Feilong by surprise. He hadn't pegged the fiercely competitive young lady as someone with such a kind heart.

"Who could possibly resist an offer of one million? I certainly can't turn it down."

"Fine, I accept your wager!"

Yaen Feilong gave Chu Yue'er a slight smile before turning his beaming grin towards Luo Xiaofeng.

"Quite self-assured, aren't you? But you stand no chance of winning!"

Chu Yue'er's face grew cool upon hearing Yaen Feilong's words. In the realm where she was most confident, she was certain she wouldn't be defeated!

"Ha, I can't wait to see you kneel and call me 'grandma'!"

Luo Xiaofeng burst into hearty laughter.

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