Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C6 Identify the Authenticity
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C6 Identify the Authenticity
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C6 Identify the Authenticity

Elder Su noticed the discontent on their faces and quickly intervened to defuse the tension.

As all eyes were upon them, the staff wheeled the safe forward.

Yaen Feilong, being a man, thought it was only right to let the young lady go first, so he gestured for Chu Yue'er to take a look.

But Chu Yue'er wasn't swayed by his gesture. She stepped up to open the safe without giving Yaen Feilong as much as a glance.

"What an impolite young lady," Yaen Feilong thought to himself.

The item revealed to the crowd was a pastel octagonal vase, once played with by an emperor during the Qing Dynasty, which significantly increased its value.

"The items Elder Su acquires are truly exceptional. This one looks particularly beautiful, elegant, and generous."

"Indeed, the pattern on it seems so naturally perfect; it's absolutely gorgeous."

The crowd was unanimous in their admiration.

Yaen Feilong wondered if these sycophants ever grew tired. He found their company utterly dull.

He was curious, however, to see how Chu Yue'er would discern the authenticity of the item.

Elder Su, with a smile, called for silence. "Since this is a competition, I myself don't know if the item is genuine or not. It was acquired by my staff, so please, let's not jump to conclusions."

As he spoke, most had already formed their own opinions.

Elder Su's staff were seasoned veterans; the likelihood that they would treasure this item was slim.

Chu Yue'er took up her tools and began a meticulous examination. Yaen Feilong watched, impressed by her apparent skill.

After about ten minutes, Chu Yue'er confidently declared the item authentic.

Now it was Yaen Feilong's turn.

However, Luo Xiaofeng spoke up, "You're quite clever, presenting yourself as a gentleman by letting the young lady go first, knowing full well her capabilities. Now that she's given the correct answer, all you have to do is agree."

If he were truly so underhanded, Yaen Feilong mused, he wouldn't be in the poor standing he currently found himself.

Since they all believed it to be true, it was unfortunate that Yaen Feilong was about to shatter that belief. He walked over to the man and gave him a contemptuous glance. "Don't speak too soon."

There's an old saying, "Don't slap a smiling face." Despite Yaen Feilong's biting remarks, the others could only swallow their pride.

Yaen Feilong scrutinized the bottle with great attention. He had to acknowledge that the forger's craftsmanship was impressive, capable of deceiving many.

"Have you figured anything out yet? If not, you might as well concede," Luo Xiaofeng pressed impatiently.

"Pay attention."

"It's a counterfeit," Yaen Feilong declared with conviction.

"No way. He's outright rejecting the old man's granddaughter's expertise. That takes guts."

"It doesn't look fake at all."

Suddenly, the room buzzed with conversation, and the atmosphere heated up.

Chu Yue'er was indignant. She had never misjudged an antique since she started appraising them. Why should this man suddenly declare her assessment false?

"You're spouting utter nonsense," Chu Yue'er retorted, her gaze fierce.

Yaen Feilong, seeing her reaction, thought to himself that those unaware of the situation might assume he owed her a great deal of money. He had merely spoken the truth; there was no reason for her to detest him so.

"Explain to me, where is it fake? Look at the color, the pattern, and the mark beneath it."

"It may be a convincing fake, but I'm sorry to say, a fake is a fake, and it will never be the real thing."

"You!" Chu Yue'er, accustomed to the deference due to her status, had never been so publicly challenged. Yaen Feilong's disregard for her reputation in front of everyone was a severe blow to her pride.

Just then, Elder Su approached.

Chu Yue'er, as if finding sanctuary, quickly moved behind him, seeking her grandfather's support.

"Since both of you are in doubt, let me have a look," Elder Su suggested.

The crowd, trusting in Elder Su's expertise, cheered him on.

Elder Su, advanced in years, needed a magnifying glass and reading glasses to examine the finer details.

Watching him labor so intently, Yaen Feilong really wanted to tell him to stop and just trust himself.

After roughly ten minutes, Elder Su looked at Yaen Feilong with a grave expression. "Elder, what conclusion have you reached? Don't leave us hanging; we're all eager to hear your verdict."

"Indeed. If such a fine piece turns out to be counterfeit, we'll all need to be more vigilant in the future."

"What nonsense are you spouting?" Luo Xiaofeng, eager to see Yaen Feilong defeated, never allowed anyone to suggest the item was a fake.

"Let's all remain calm. Based on my years of experience, I am confident that this item is authentic."

Chu Yue'er felt a wave of relief wash over her as her grandfather spoke. She hadn't been wrong after all; it was that rascal who was being obstinate.

Elder Su and Yaen Feilong, having known each other for years, had a mutual respect. Despite the bet, Elder Su didn't want Yaen Feilong to lose face, so he stepped over to offer some face-saving comments. "This piece has some surprising details. Maybe in the future, we can learn from each other again, right Yue'er?"

Yaen Feilong merely offered a faint smile, remaining silent. His stance was clear: the truth is eternal, while a falsehood will never become the truth.

Luo Xiaofeng couldn't hide her smugness. "Some people boast so boldly. I wonder if they understand the concept of gracefully accepting a loss."

"Exactly. You must accept defeat."

The others hadn't anticipated Yaen Feilong's earnestness. The item had been authenticated; did he intend to dispute that?

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