Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C8 A Hot Woman
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C8 A Hot Woman
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C8 A Hot Woman

Yaen Feilong had never been under such an intense gaze from a girl before, and it made him somewhat embarrassed.

Her stare was almost scorching.

Yaen Feilong admitted that he really couldn't handle it and wasn't prepared for such attention.

Chu Yue'er seemed eager to say more.

"Are you upset because of how I acted towards you earlier? Don't worry, I can apologize. I'm sorry." Chu Yue'er not only offered her apologies to Yaen Feilong but also bowed to him.

But, please, not here with everyone watching—it made it seem like she had committed some grave error. Elder Su's glare felt like it could strike her down.

"Chu Yue'er, can you give me a moment to think? I've also got some important tasks to attend to right now."

"Is there anything I can assist you with?"

Yaen Feilong's mouth twitched slightly.

He seemed much more at ease now. Where had that earlier version of her gone? She wasn't acting like this before.

Yaen Feilong approached Elder Su.

"I'm truly sorry for today's incident. I had no intention of causing offense."

Elder Su conveyed his understanding and acknowledged his failing eyesight. It seemed he would indeed have to hand things over to someone else in a few years. If possible, he hoped Yaen Feilong would be willing to offer some guidance.

Well, Yaen Feilong wasn't entertaining such thoughts at all; he simply wanted to manage his small store effectively.

"Um..." As Yaen Feilong was trying to find the right words, he caught sight of Luo Xiaofeng flitting about before him.

Right, she had been quite thrilled during their wager, hadn't she? So why was she silent now that the results were in? Trying to dodge the outcome wasn't going to be easy. Did she think she could just vanish?

With this in mind, Yaen Feilong raised his voice for all to hear.

"Luo Xiaofeng, now that the outcome is clear, aren't you going to honor our bet?"

Yaen Feilong's challenge turned all eyes on Luo Xiaofeng. She had been cheerfully greeting people just moments before but now stood frozen in awkward silence.

"Trying to back out now seems a bit late, doesn't it? And given the size of your enterprise, I'm sure you won't miss a small sum like this."

"Of course."

"So, how do you plan to make the payment? Perhaps you could write me a check? That way, I won't have to trouble you to go to the bank yourself, nor will I have to bother your employees."

"I was in a rush when I left today and didn't bring my wallet."

"No problem. There's bound to be a pen and paper around here. If not, you can simply write me an IOU." Yaen Feilong always lived by one rule: there are more solutions than problems.

Luo Xiaofeng's face was a picture of displeasure.

She managed a strained smile towards Yaen Feilong.

If it weren't for the crowd, Yaen Feilong would have loved to capture her current expression. It was a grimace so unattractive that it could serve as a talisman against evil spirits.

"I will pay you," Luo Xiaofeng said through clenched teeth, glaring at Yaen Feilong.

"That's to be expected. I trust that someone of your integrity wouldn't swindle me out of such a small amount. I just need to know when exactly. Even lottery tickets have a redemption period."


Luo Xiaofeng was thinking that as long as she didn't hand over the money in public, she could later deny the debt if he came looking for her.

Yaen Feilong was well aware of her thoughts and openly challenged her in front of the crowd.

"We haven't had much interaction, so I have a lot of trust in you. Surely you won't forget about this matter later on, and then pretend not to recognize the debt when I come to collect?"

After speaking, Yaen Feilong gazed at her with an innocent look in his wide eyes.

"No," Luo Xiaofeng managed to utter.

Who among those present had a particularly close relationship with Luo Xiaofeng? They were merely onlookers, none willing to engage directly with Yaen Feilong.

Everyone had seen Yaen Feilong's capabilities firsthand. They were all opportunists, believing that Yaen Feilong would bring them benefits in the future, so no one dared to cross him.

Who could she turn to for help now? Only Young Master Loong remained.

"Young Master Loong, isn't it odd? I've already agreed to his terms, yet he persists in hounding me."

Young Master Loong's expression was icy as he confronted Yaen Feilong, questioning whether he'd had his fill of the limelight. He made it clear that any issues should be directed at him, not at a woman.

Yaen Feilong was indifferent; it didn't matter to him which of the two paid up, as long as he got his money.

It was an unwarranted loss of a million, and although Young Master Loong could afford it, the thought of Yaen Feilong squandering the money was particularly unsettling.

"Alright, I'll honor the wager."

On the surface, Young Master Loong seemed to be lecturing Luo Xiaofeng, but his tone was sarcastic and peculiar.

"We've made the bet, so let's be people of integrity. It's only a million, after all."

Luo Xiaofeng was inwardly fuming. She had hoped Young Master Loong would stand up for her, but instead, she found herself cast aside.

He was the one who had given her the money, wasn't he? Surely he wouldn't abandon her over a mere million yuan. But life wasn't that easy.

"With Young Master Loong having spoken, what more can I say? Yaen Feilong, give me your account details. We'll deposit the money when we get back."

As she spoke, Luo Xiaofeng casually placed her hand on Young Master Loong's arm.

She was only slightly clever, it seemed.

Yaen Feilong, though aware of the vast difference between people, couldn't help but feel a pang of melancholy when he considered the chasm between himself and Chu Yue'er.

Resigned, Yaen Feilong wrote down his account information on a slip of paper and handed it to her.

Young Master Loong was implicated as well.

Fuming, Luo Xiaofeng stormed off.

Yaen Feilong maintained his smile, but he sensed that Young Master Loong was close to wanting him dead.

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