Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C9 Killing with Eyes
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Infinity: The Multiverse Corner Shop/C9 Killing with Eyes
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C9 Killing with Eyes

Young Master Loong glanced at him for a few moments before turning and walking away.

"Young Master Loong, if there's anything you need help with, feel free to call me anytime. I can offer you a discount on that price," Yaen Feilong said. But by the time he finished his sentence, Young Master Loong was already far away.

Everyone knew the Loong family wielded considerable power. While Yaen Feilong spoke to him, those nearby scarcely dared to breathe too loudly.

Elder Su, the pillar of the family, encouraged everyone to relax despite the minor mishap. The event in the hall was to proceed as planned.

Noticing that the crowd had settled back into their earlier routine, Chu Yue'er approached Yaen Feilong and admonished him for his actions.

"Alright, thank you for your concern. I'm off now," Yaen Feilong said with an air of ease.

Yaen Feilong unilaterally declared the gathering over.

He reflected on the number of people he had upset, realizing his list of adversaries was growing.

Strangely, Yaen Feilong wasn't flustered by this outcome; he was actually quite thrilled. They had always been brash and overbearing, but now he had the skills to back it up, almost as if he were delivering justice on behalf of the heavens.

Indeed, Huang Tianyun bore a grudge against Yaen Feilong and was quick to act, rounding up a gang of toughs with the intent to break every one of Yaen Feilong's limbs!

So, as Yaen Feilong made his way home, several cars abruptly pulled up beside him, disgorging a dozen men in black.

Yaen Feilong was momentarily at a loss for words. Was this all they could muster? It seemed they had underestimated him.

With no desire for idle chatter, Yaen Feilong decided not to wait for them to make their move.

In the world, there had yet to be someone who could give him a real challenge.

Effortlessly, Yaen Feilong dispatched them all to the ground.

The rush of loosening his limbs was exhilarating.

With a smile, Yaen Feilong approached the ringleader of the group.

"Your boss clearly has little respect for me. So, who is he? When I pay a visit, I'll make sure to ask for a hefty sum for medical expenses."

"What are you rambling about?" The man lying on the ground gave Yaen Feilong a look of sheer terror, yet his defiance was palpable.

"Look at the state you're in. Is there any point in being so stubborn with me? We all know what's going on here, clear as day."

With that, Yaen Feilong delivered another punishing blow to the man's injury.

Just because I seem approachable doesn't mean I'll tolerate being pushed around.

"Were you a bit out of it earlier? How about now?"

"You're all just mercenaries, after all. Considering the sorry state you're in, I doubt your boss would hold it against you."

Yaen Feilong began to appeal to their emotions and logic.

As the others wavered, Yaen Feilong stretched out his hand again, causing them to recoil in fear.

"Relax, I was just stretching, that's all."

"Stay back, and I'll tell you."

Yaen Feilong, however, shook his head.

Simply telling me won't do; without evidence, what good is it? Even if I confront their boss, what if he denies everything?

Yaen Feilong decided to record the confession.

But the men were adamant, insisting their boss would deal with them harshly for such a betrayal.

"If you're not cooperative, I can handle you right now," Yaen Feilong warned, urging them to reconsider quickly.

Under Yaen Feilong's pressure, they eventually confessed in front of the camera, revealing the identity of the mastermind with all the details.

Having obtained the information he needed, Yaen Feilong instructed them to get into the vehicle.

They had been out for quite some time; their boss must be growing impatient by now.

"Don't look so tense. Rest assured, I won't say you led me here; I'll claim I forced you."

Upon reaching Huang Tianyun's location, the first to meet him were the battered thugs he had sent.

Seeing his own men in such a wretched state, he couldn't hide his disdain.

"Can't you lot handle one measly kid? Look at the state of you all."

"Did you manage to do what I asked?"

The man dressed in black hung his head, too afraid to utter a word.

"Am I speaking to thin air here, or are you all deaf?"

"Don't tell me that all of you couldn't handle just one person."

Huang Tianyun was quickly losing his temper, his words growing increasingly harsh. He called them useless, idiots, and worse.

Yaen Feilong, overhearing this from outside, grimaced in distaste.

What kind of era were we living in that they still resorted to such outdated methods?

They weren't indentured to him. Though their actions weren't exactly exemplary, they were subject to correction by professional law enforcement.

"Fine, if you're so eager to teach me a lesson, come and face me yourself. Sending them after me—what kind of skill is that?" Yaen Feilong said, leaning against the doorway.

Huang Yuntian was visibly shaken by the sight of an unharmed Yaen Feilong. He gestured towards the hired muscle and then back at Yaen Feilong.

Could it be that so many couldn't defeat Yaen Feilong? And they even returned injured?

Yaen Feilong strode in and took a seat directly across from him.

"Relax. There seems to be some misunderstanding between us. Maybe you should send them away, and we can talk, just the two of us."

"I have nothing to discuss with you," Huang Yuntian retorted, his disdain for Yaen Feilong evident.

"No, you do."

With a simple wave of his hand, Yaen Feilong signaled the thugs to leave, and they promptly did as he commanded.

Huang Yuntian watched in bewilderment. Had they forgotten who was paying them?

Now alone in the room, Huang Yuntian feigned ignorance, questioning Yaen Feilong about his reasons for being there, claiming he was rather busy at the moment.

"Those men earlier..."

"My employees," Huang Yuntian interjected. "I apologize for you having to overhear me reprimanding them."

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