Insect Witness/C1 The girlfriend disappeared(1)
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Insect Witness/C1 The girlfriend disappeared(1)
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C1 The girlfriend disappeared(1)

At twelve o'clock in the morning, the bus finally arrived at Yuetian Village. When he got off the bus, he could see a huge river, three hundred meters wide, in front of him. It was the Lai River. As long as he took a boat across the Lai River, the place where smoke rose from the other side would be Green Dragon Town, which was Su Heshan's hometown.

The current Shen Yuan, however, did not feel a trace of happiness or excitement. His parents, who had originally planned to visit Hailey in Green Dragon Town today, had been unable to contact her ever since yesterday. It was as if Su Hai Shan had disappeared into thin air. He took out his cell phone and dialed the familiar number again. He still heard the same line, "The number you dialed has been turned off."

What had happened? Why was Su Heshan still keeping her cell phone turned off?

Shen Yuan restlessly walked down the embankment, past the gallows that towered above the river bank, and arrived at the pier. Just as he was about to sit down on the stone chair, a crisp sound came from beneath his feet. Lowering his head, he realized that the sharp shoe on his left shoe had accidentally kicked a bunch of keys on a metal ring.

Who accidentally fell here? Shen Yuan picked up the key and placed it in his own pocket.

About ten minutes later, a boatman on the other side of the river was slowly approaching with a few ferrymen on board.

As the boat approached, Shen Yuan could see that the boatman standing at the bow was a young girl, pure and beautiful. He wore a long, purple sweater, tight, light gray pants, white, soft leather boots, a cute, round hat, and a long, thin, flowery scarf.

"Sir, do you want to board the ship?" As the girl spoke, she leaned against the dock and threw the anchor into the water.

"Yes, I want to go to Green Dragon Town." Shen Yuan smiled and waited for the ferryman to get off the boat before walking into the cabin.

"From the sound of your accent, you're not from here?" The girl put the anchor on the bow of the boat and inserted the bamboo pole into the bottom of the river. Then, she bent over to support the bamboo pole and began to change the direction of the boat.

"Yes, I am from Chang De." Shen Yuan loudly replied, "My name is Shen Yuan, I would like to ask for young lady's name."

"Have you seen the habit of asking for her name?" When the young girl laughed, the shallow dimples were like the green waves produced by the spring wind that blew across the surface of the water.

"I — —" Shen Yuan seemed to have remembered something, and took out the key he picked up from the riverbank from his pocket. "This is something I just picked up from the pier, I don't know which passenger accidentally dropped it here, so I'll hand it over to you now. If the owner comes looking for you, I'll have to trouble you to pass it on to him. "

The young girl took the key that Shen Yuan threw over, her face revealed a shocked expression, "This is Yang Wen's thing!"

"Who is Yang Wen?" Shen Yuan was puzzled by the young girl's muttering.

"Hehe, it's my little brother." As the young girl spoke, she embarrassedly smiled and said, "Thank you. I'm his sister, Yang Xue."

"Are you a boatman here?" Shen Yuan felt that her temperament and delicate skin was not compatible with the long-term outdoor climate.

"No, I'm studying in the Department of Pathology at the Central South University School of Medicine. I'm at home during the winter vacation, and my dad has caught a cold recently. I'll help him sail the boat for a few days."

"Nice to meet you. I happen to be working at the Institute of Forensic Medicine."

"So you're a university teacher. How did you come to the medical academy?"

"Last year, the Institute of Forensic Medicine wanted to recruit someone with a background in forensic entomology. I wanted to try my luck, but I didn't expect that no one would compete with me for this position. Naturally, I had the honor to enter this unit." Shen Yuan said, "How old is your brother? Why can't he help your father? "

"My brother went out on the 25th. He hasn't come home yet, and there's no news on his phone either. My parents are very worried, so while helping my dad with the boat, I asked around to find out if anyone has seen my brother."

"So it's like that. "Excuse me, do you have a girl named Su Heshan living in Green Dragon Town?" Shen Yuan asked.

"You're looking for her?"

Shen Yuan nodded his head, "Yes, she is my girlfriend."

"Sister Heshan and I are friends. Hehe, how is it that I don't know anything about you guys?" Speak, how did you meet? "

"Last year, in a news release written in Coptic, Su Heshan wrote about the role of the giant goldflies in solving the crime and visited my lab to observe the appearance, lifestyle and developmental characteristics of the giant goldflies in rat carcasses. After this article was published, she won the first prize in the Copperwood competition. To thank me for my help, she invited me to dance in a ballroom for the night, and we started to hang out. "

"Oh, so it's a lunatic made from a giant golden fly, hehe." Yang Xue looked across the river and asked, "You came all the way from Changsha, why didn't you see Sister Heshan coming to pick you up?"

"These two days, I've called her more than ten times and her phone is always off. I don't know what's going on, but I still insisted on coming over because I promised her that I would come see her parents today. Now that we have reached Green Dragon Town, I still do not know how to find her home. "

"Hahaha!" Yang Xue laughed, "Once you enter Green Dragon Town, you just need to ask where the Su Family Building is. There is no one in the town who doesn't know."

After getting off the boat, Shen Yuan bid farewell to Yang Xue and walked into Green Dragon Town. Not long after, he found the Su Family Building beside a stream where a row of willow trees were growing.

The building was a two-story brick structure with a clear stream running by. Beyond the tall walls, the low bungalows were hidden, the roof red with tiles against the blue sky, the hall gravel dotted with green grass. Two soaring eagle statues stood guard beside two heavy iron gates.

The moment Shen Yuan walked to the front door, he suddenly felt stuffy. When he regained his composure, he noticed that there was an old-fashioned lock on the door.

An old man who was standing not far from them walked over. "Young man, who are you looking for?"

"Su Heshan."

"Hmm, Hailey, I heard that she was hurt by someone. My whole family went out today."

"What?" Su Heshan was killed? " As if someone had knocked him on the back of his head, Shen Yuan felt a buzzing sound in his head, and the world spun before his eyes. Before he came here, although he had a faint premonition in his heart, he had never thought that he would be killed.

"I'm not sure about the specifics, but I heard from some people that came back from outside that it's true or false. We have to wait for the Su Clan's people to come back before we can know."

"Can you tell me where the Su Clan members went?"

"He went to Ji Zhou town so early in the morning." The old man pointed to the east. "Take the car there. It should take about twenty minutes."

In the areas under the jurisdiction of Lai City, usually only the Lai City bus station led to the various towns, and there were no buses between the towns. Therefore, from Cyan Dragon Town to Ji Zhou Town, they usually walked. They had to be in a hurry to get to it or to take a truck to get there.

When Shen Yuan arrived at Ji Zhou Town, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon. There was a small boat on the quay leading to Bird Island, and the yellow cordon around it had not yet been removed. Residents of the town of Jeju were all talking about the morning incident on the boat. After asking around, Shen Yuan found out about the scene of the public security forensic investigation. After that, the ship's corpse was taken to the autopsy room of the funeral home in Lai City.

It was already 4.30 in the afternoon when Shen Yuan arrived at the autopsy room of the funeral home in Lai City.

Inside the autopsy room, the police surgeon was waiting to dissect the body. Two policemen were standing next to a couple in their fifties, trying to persuade them of something. The couple was crying so hard that they didn't pay any attention to what the police were saying.

Shen Yuan immediately recognized that the couple was Su Heshan's parents. He had once seen Su Heshan's photo album, which contained an eight-inch family photo of her and her parents. According to Su Heshan, her mother was a housewife. Her father had opened a brick and tile factory and a rice mill in Qinglong Town. In Qinglong Town, she could be considered a capable person.

Her mother, named Liu Bingling, cried until her eyes were red and swollen, her voice hoarse and out of tune. Heshan's father, named Su Zobo, kept trying to wipe the tears off his face with his hands.

Shen Yuan immediately stepped forward and introduced himself to the Su Zobers.

"So you are Sister Shan's boyfriend," Liu Bingling said as she pulled on Shen Yuan, sobbing, "Sister Shan's death was so tragic!"

"Auntie." Shen Yuan's heart was heavy and depressed, he did not know what to say to Liu Bing Ling. After he spat out the two words, he was like a fish stuck in its throat, unable to speak for a while.

After a while, Su Zuo Bo told Shen Yuan about some of the situation from time to time.

On the afternoon of the 25th, Su Heshan received a call from a friend, inviting her to go to Yuetian Village across the river. At eight o'clock in the evening, she still hadn't called home, and her cell phone couldn't be reached. The Susobers began to worry. The same thing happened the next day. In the afternoon, the couple were as anxious as ants on a hot pan. Apart from alerting the police station, they asked around everywhere for news of Su Heshan. Her relatives, friends, and Su Heshan's classmates had all looked for her. Everyone said that they didn't see her. Su Heshan had mysteriously disappeared just like that.

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