Insect Witness/C11 Dubious maggot length(4)
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Insect Witness/C11 Dubious maggot length(4)
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C11 Dubious maggot length(4)

"No, you can clear someone else's name."



"Ridiculous." Ding Wei said as he prepared to leave.

"No, I hear you're a very just policeman. Do you want an innocent person to be caught in a murder case and ignored?"

His cell phone rang. The call was from his colleagues Little Gao and Little Fatty. They said that an unusual death had occurred in Sharum.

"Sorry, I have a mission. I have to go." With that, Ding Wei drove away.

Sha Lu, south of Changsha City.

Ding Wei stopped his car by a separate courtyard with a garden on the second floor.

The victim's building was built on a small hill. It had two separate floors, with two suites each, a bedroom, gym, and recreation room on the upper floor, and a living room, conference room, and kitchen on the lower. The main room was on the first floor. The victim had been killed near the door in the hall. There was a small garden, a laundry counter, and a washing machine and even a well with two grapefruit trees in it. A red brick wall about two meters tall surrounded the building and entered through a large iron gate. The iron gate locks automatically lock when people enter or leave the house. The iron gate outside did not seem to have much effect on the courtyard. Since the wall was not high, it would not be difficult for the tall killer to climb up and jump into the wall with just a little force. Of course, it was still quite difficult to enter the rooms inside the building, because when the owner of the building wasn't there, the aluminum alloy sliding doors would be locked.

The victim also had a separate two-room, one-room suite, with an area of seventy-five square meters, located less than a meter away from the building's exterior walls. The house was not meant to be the victim's, and the victim had decided to buy it because the second floor of the building where the victim lived was clearly visible from the window.

When Ding Wei entered through the courtyard entrance, he immediately saw a female corpse lying beside the aluminum alloy door frame at the entrance of the hall. Gao, Pang and Liu Zhiwei, the medical examiner, were waiting for him. The crime scene was basically filled up.

Judging from the scene, the victim was wearing a beige nightgown with the front of it open and her breasts exposed. The hem of his shirt had been rolled up and was leaning against a sliding door made of aluminum alloy. Needless to say, with her full breasts and her snow-white thighs, any man who looks at her will have a physical sensation like an electric shock.

Gao's real name was Gao Jianxin. Everyone was used to calling him Gao because he was also tall. Little Fatty's real name was Liu Aiguo. He was only 1.66 meters tall, but his weight was more than 150 pounds. The two of them were Ding Wei's partners and also Ding Wei's subordinates. The victim was about thirty-five or sixteen years old. He was 1.62 meters tall and weighed 75.3 kilograms. The body was found in a separate building on the southern outskirts of Changsha City. Usually, he lived alone and the identity of the deceased was confirmed. His name was Ah Shuang, and he was from Jinzhou, in Nanmu County. About two kilometers from the building where the victim lived, the victim ran a beige bath with about twenty employees. Foot Bath Shop is located about two bus stops away from the South Station of Changsha High-speed Railway.

The source of the report was a middle-aged woman who lived next door to the victim. Her name was Liu Liqin. The victim was a distant relative and also her landlord and boss. According to the source of the report, the victim usually liked to hang out with different men. Usually, the small matters of the foot bath shop were handled by Liu Liqin. Once or twice a week, the victim would go to the foot bath shop. In the days prior to the victim's disappearance, Liu Liqin had seen her victim go out shopping and shopping almost every day, but then she hadn't seen her for a few days, thinking that she was out on a trip or that she had met a new man and had gone out to play with him, so she didn't take it to heart. On the 12th of March, a new man arrived at the foot shop. Whether or not he was hired would require the consent of the victim. At this moment, Liu Liqin found that the victim's cell phone could not be reached. Thus, she reported the case to the nearby Sharum police station. The police officer went to the front of the building and found no one opening the door. He forced his way through the metal door and found that the victim had been lying dead in front of the door to the hall for many days. The door of the hall was the only way to enter the room from the outside. The door was left open at the time of the crime.

In addition to a collection of legal books from a bookstore, there was also a paper bag from a department store. Inside the bag was a new nylon rope that had never been used before. The nylon rope had been sealed in and stuffed into the bag, but the bag had not been opened. Next to the paper bag was a discarded shopping bag. Inside the bag was nothing unusual. All the objects at the scene that might have left the killer's finger marks had been meticulously wiped clean by the killer. No signs of intruders were detected in the victim. The necklaces, ornaments, earrings, the family passbook, the bank card, and more than ten thousand dollars in cash were still intact.

There was no damage on the corner of the table, and the other items in the living room were arranged neatly. There were no traces of movement. Two short hair were collected from the coffee table for inspection. The evidence from the crime scene indicated that the killer had only been in the living room and had not entered any other rooms or gone up to the second floor. Several fingerprints that did not belong to the deceased were found in the other rooms, but were of no value in the determination of the case.

In the living room, a tea set made out of purple sand and clay was lying on the table. The tea table moved forward a little bit. This meant that near the tea table, the murderer had made contact with the victim before his death, so the contact was not too intense.

"There are no other injuries on the body of the deceased. There is a strangulation mark on her neck. I assume that she was strangled to death." The Public Security Examiner Liu Zhiwei said.

"How long was the victim dead?" Ding Wei asked.

"The eyes of the deceased were badly turbid and the whole body tissue was in the swelling stage. The estimated time of death should be between 3 and 8 days from the date of discovery."

"Can't the estimated time of death be accurate to a certain day?"


"Anything else?"

"There's nothing else." "However, we found some annoying maggots on the body, and we intend to get rid of them before we dissect them."

"No, don't do that. "Leave those flies behind." Ding Wei thought of the slightly curly haired Shen Yuan who just came looking for him.

Ding Wei drove to the Central South University School of Medicine and met with Shen Yuan in the office of the Institute of Forensic Medicine.

"I promised to help you." Ding Wei said, "However, I have conditions."

"What condition?"

"Firstly, I can help you find the clue you need, but I will not interfere in the case that the City of Lai is handling. If you can find solid evidence, you can give the police new information and ask them to reopen the investigation, but I've read the file information from the police in Lai City, which is almost impossible. That way you have to sue the court and convince them and the prosecutor's office with evidence. However, doing so will be risky, and you will most likely be disgraced. You have to think about what it means to you to fail. "

"From the perspective of judicial justice, I hope that there will be a reasonable scientific explanation for the causes and consequences of the case, which will reduce the possible doubtful elements of the case and make the judicial justice more authoritative. Personally, I also very much hope that in the case of Su Heshan's murder there may be some secret that I do not know about. It seemed like the only way to solve this mystery was to rely on insect experiments. So I made all the preparations. "

"So, what are your plans?"

"My insect research experiment is divided into two steps. The first step is to observe whether the sulfur content in the gases in the environment will affect the sulfur content in the insects, based on the unique geographical factors of Goose-Ridge Mountain. It is easy to find some regularity in this kind of experiment because there are few influencing factors in the laboratory, and too many uncontrollable factors in the outdoor will lead to the increase of the experiment cycle. Only after successful indoor experiments can they be moved outdoors for the next step. "

"Can you explain the purpose of your experiment?"

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