Insect Witness/C15 Strangulation or suffocation(4)
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Insect Witness/C15 Strangulation or suffocation(4)
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C15 Strangulation or suffocation(4)

"Didn't Chen Huan know that Ah Shuang was a woman with water attribute as well?"

"When seducing men, Frost is good at coaxing them. If Chen Huan knew that Ah Shuang was such a person from the very beginning, she definitely wouldn't have wanted her. Ah Shuang must have invented some moving story to make Chen Huan believe that it was real, making Chen Huan fall for her trick. But then, somehow, Chen Huan did fall in love with her and wanted her to have a baby. In fact, she had been secretly taking birth control pills. That's one of the reasons they argued. "

"Why doesn't Frost want children?"

"When she was 24, she started fooling around with a lot of men at Sophora Rice Brewery, and within a year she quit and went to the Laoshan Hotel in Changsha. Soon after she became a waitress at the hotel, she became pregnant with a child. Since he didn't know who his father was, he had no choice but to find a brewery worker named Liu Hao to curry favor with and marry him. In less than a year, he had gotten a divorce. For a woman like her, who only wanted to be happy and enjoy herself, it was impossible for her to want to have a baby after a painful experience. Besides, the child born in ten thousand years was not Chen Huan's. If she angered Chen Huan, she knew in her heart what would happen to her. Although the two of them didn't have any marriage constraints, Chen Huan had already announced that Ah Shuang was his woman. How could he tolerate her interacting with other men? "Think about it, does it count as ballet on a wire rope high in the sky when Ah Shuang is stealing a man while carrying Chen Huan on her back?"

"You don't know any of these men?"

"Ah Shuang only deals with those who are rich. With my status as a foot washer, which rich person do I know? Those who have money usually go to the nightclubs to look for young ladies. Those who don't have much money usually come to our small shop to wash their feet and massage. Those who come often may be able to recognize each other after seeing each other. Those who don't come often, who can still remember them? Chen Huanhuan would occasionally come to the foot bath shop once or twice. Every time she came, she would give out money regardless of whether she saw a person's face or not. Each person was worth a hundred yuan. This man must be one of the rich ones I know. He's here to take care of Ah Shuang's business. "

"Did you see anyone you knew in Ah Shuang's building?"

"That's impossible. The house I rented, when I first came here, was a building with windows that looked out on Frost. Inside the house I could see the second floor opposite. Later, Frost had the window sealed. If they were talking loudly, I would still be able to hear them. If they were speaking softly, I wouldn't be able to hear them. However, I can't tell if she has a customer I know from her voice or not. "

"So, have you heard anything that's still fresh in your mind?"

"Yes, yes, twice. One night when Chen Huan went into the building where Ah Shuang lived, she found a lot of fresh fruits in the room. Ah Shuang said it was from a fruit shop owner. Because she had recently gained three kilograms, she worried that she would continue to gain weight and eat apples instead of dinner. The two of them had a huge argument over this matter. Due to Chen Huan not being able to find any evidence, this matter was never brought up again. "

"What about the other time?"

"It was Chen Huan and a friend who were talking in the living room. Perhaps Ah Shuang heard the conversation. After that friend left, Chen Huan angrily told Ah Shuang," If you dare to eavesdrop on our conversation in the future, be careful that I might kill you. " I wonder what Ah Shuang heard that provoked Chen Huan into such a tantrum. "

"Was that person here at night?"

"No, early in the morning. Chen Huan had thought that Ah Shuang would not be at home, so she had invited a guest to speak with her in the meeting room. From the way they were arguing, it seems like Ah Shuang was found out while hiding nearby to eavesdrop. "

"How long has this been going on?"

"This is on January 27th, I was resting at home that day, but we don't have any business until 11 am in the foot shop."

"When did his friend leave?"

"After finding out that Ah Shuang was eavesdropping, I left. I drove away. "

"What kind of car?"

"Gray car, bigger."

"What's your number?"

"Why would I look at any number? I don't understand any of the brands either."

"Is that so? That's all? "

"Well, let me think, I remember, there's one more thing. I don't know if you've noticed, but there's a luxurious villa on the hillside about a mile away from the building where Ah Shuang lives. Once, when Ah Shuang and I went to buy some fresh strawberries from one of the orchards there, we happened to pass by the villa where a small car stopped in front of a small shop and a tall, white, tender man got out of it. He had a very nice smile on his face. Have you seen the bodies of the soldiers at the parade? With his figure, that man might have gone to buy something from the store. Ah Shuang actually went up to greet him, as if she was very familiar with him. But the man's face changed drastically, he said, 'I don't know you,' and he turned around and got into the car. In the car sat a very stout woman wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and he asked, "What's the matter, the man said he met a crazy woman." And then he drove away. "

"How old is the man?"

"He's about the same age as you."

"Did Ah Shuang ever mention to you what kind of person he was?"

"Why would Ah Shuang say such a thing to anyone? She would never gossip about anyone else, would never ask about anyone else's business, much less tell anyone what was on her mind. Talking about money when one has money, and not saying anything when one has no money. "However, it seems weird. It seems like Ah Shuang went to the villa to look for this person a few times. I wonder if she found him."

"How do you know how many times she went?"

"I guessed. She told me to let her know if I met the man at the villa. "

Ding Wei was worried that Liu Liqin might have gone too far, so he said, "Ah Shuang is greedy for comfort and comfort. Actually, as long as she agrees to Chen Huan's conditions, Chen Huan can totally satisfy her."

"Yeah, following Chen Huan would have been a good result. Many women would never have thought that they would get such a chance. Chen Huan wants a child is no more than a legitimate reason, for Ah Shuang is no big deal. So, when I said that Ah Shuang didn't want to give birth to a child, it was a big mistake. What man's eyes can hold a woman like this by his side? "

"Do you think that the murder of Ah Shuang must have something to do with Chen Huan?"

"Not necessarily. It was not only Boss Chen who said that he wanted to kill her. "

"Who else?"

"Liu He, Ah Shuang's ex-husband."

"What's going on?"

"It was also because Ah Shuang angered Liu Hao in order to fight for the custody of a child." Liu Liqin said, "Because when she was working as a waitress at Laoshan Hotel, she accidentally got pregnant with some men she didn't know, so she found Liu Mingxiang, who was working at Sophora Rice Brewery at the time, and said she was willing to marry him. Liu Hao was a good person who honestly fawned over her. Although he saw that she had a big belly, she was indeed pretty. Furthermore, he had a good impression of Ah Shuang, so he happily accepted her and the child in her belly. But after she married Liu He and gave birth to her child, Ah Shuang started to meet some men outside. At that time, Ah Shuang's financial situation was not very good, but she was innately fond of dating men. Of course, this marriage would not last long. The two of them divorced, and the child was awarded to Liu. Later, when Ah Shuang followed Chen Huan, her situation became better and she had enough money to raise her children. Ah Shuang wanted to return to her children, but Liu Xie refused. Ah Shuang said she was going to the court to sue for the return of the child. According to the law, Ah Shuang is the child's biological mother, Liu Xie is not the child's biological father. Ah Shuang has a high chance of winning against the child. In this case, Liu repeatedly ran to the door of Ah Shuang's house, took out a knife and threatened to kill her as long as she sued the court. If Ah Shuang really did file a petition with the court, Liu was not going to say anything about killing people. "

"In that case, who could possibly have killed Ah Shuang?"

"Big brother, we can only talk about this in private." Liu Liqin had accidentally touched Ding Wei's groin.

Ding Wei's face turned red and he quickly took her hand away from his pants.

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