Insect Witness/C4 The girlfriend disappeared(4)
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Insect Witness/C4 The girlfriend disappeared(4)
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C4 The girlfriend disappeared(4)

Something happened to his little brother! Dear brother, something has happened to you! Yang Xue could only feel her head buzzing as tears streamed down her cheeks. What should I tell my parents about this? To say that his brother had killed someone, they definitely wouldn't accept such a thing; were they not going to tell him the truth? But if he could hide this from Chu Yi, he could not hide it from Fifteen.

After an hour, she hid in the quilt and sobbed. The sound of knocking on the door woke her up.

Dad stood outside and shouted, "Xue'er, what's wrong? What are you crying for? "

Yang Xue quickly hid the letter under the quilt, wiped away her tears, forced a smile and opened the door, "Dad, it's nothing, it's a letter from my classmate, I'm reading it."

"A letter from your classmate?" Yang Xuanxiang looked at her suspiciously, "Daughter, don't lie to me. When did you get a letter from your classmates at home? In this era, who still wrote letters on paper?

"Dad, doesn't our family not have computers?"

"Don't bully Dad for not having read a book. "Although our family doesn't have a computer, the WeChat on our phones can also communicate. Being able to write, speak, and even send videos, what does that have to do with our family having a computer?"

The more he lied, the less effective he became.

"Dad, I don't have time to talk to you right now. I'll explain it to you later. The student who wrote my letter asked me to wait for me in Lai City. I have to leave immediately. "

"It's that urgent?" Yang Xuanxiang nagged and then left the room.

Yang Xue immediately left the room, went to Yuetian Polder Yard to call for a moo, and quickly rushed to the Lai City Public Security Bureau.

At the police station, Yang Xue held the Notice of Arrest and wailed.

The notice of arrest read: Yang Wen was arrested by our bureau on February 27, 2013 with the approval of the Lai Municipal People's Procuratorate on suspicion of intentional murder.

She had never cried so bitterly, so bitterly. Under the consolation of the police, she slowly stopped crying and signed her name in the family section of the Notice of Arrest with trembling hands. Her pen had always been beautiful, but now it was as ugly as it could be.

It was already evening when Yang Xue dragged her heavy body home. She went to the window and saw her mother, Wang Jinzhi, sitting in her chair, her hands resting numbly on the edge of the fire.

"Mom." Yang Xue pushed open the door, walked over gently, and sat beside her mother.

"Xue'er, have you seen your brother yet?" Wang Jinzhi asked in a hoarse voice.

"Do you know anything about the literary world?" Yang Xue turned on the light.

"Yes, your aunt heard about this when we were at the Azure Dragon Town market. She called us to ask us what happened to Wen'er. Only then did we know that your brother killed someone." And then we found the letter in the quilt on your bed. " Wang Jinzhi covered her face and cried, "Why would Wen'er kill someone?" What should he do? Will they be sentenced to death? "

"Mom, we still don't know what happened." "Let me ask you, do you believe Wen'er would kill people?"

"How could I believe that he could do such a wicked thing? We don't lack food or clothes, why would he do such a thing? "

"Mom, you're right. There must be a problem here. I will do my best to help Wen'er."

"I know you're too kind to Wen. "However, how can you help with matters like killing people?"

"Mom, do you know who Wen Wen killed?"

"Green Dragon Town's Su Heshan."

"Huh? How could it be her? " Yang Xue was shocked, "How is this possible?"

"Yes, Sister Shan is your classmate, and also your good friend. Even if Wen'er killed someone, she wouldn't choose to harm Sister Shan." Wang Jinzhi said in pain.

"Where's Dad?" Yang Xue looked around the room, but there was no sign of her father, so she asked.

"Sleeping in the bed!"

"What's wrong with Dad?"

"When I heard that Wen'er had killed someone, your father was upset. He bought a bottle of white wine and drank the wine alone. I stopped him, and he slapped me in the face — I'd never seen him so angry in my life. I understood that he wanted to use the wine to ease his worries, but actually, my heart felt worse than his. Hearing the news of Wen'er's murder, my heart felt as if it had been cut by a knife, and was aching nonstop. I wanted to stop him because he was drinking too much. When he had finished, he said he was dizzy and went to bed. He slept until now. " Wang Jinzhi stood up, "Xue'er, I'm going to get some food. You go wake your father up." You are his pride, he loves to hear your words. Talk to him and he'll feel better. "

"Father, father." Yang Xue called out as she walked into her parents' bedroom.

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