Intruding Into Ghost Realm/C2 An Invisible Crisis
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Intruding Into Ghost Realm/C2 An Invisible Crisis
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C2 An Invisible Crisis

Nearby, Jiang Dao approached and took in the scene before him, his brow furrowing in concern.

Jiang Dalong was known for his stern approach to leadership, rewarding his subordinates handsomely yet maintaining a strict discipline. This strategy, however, was not sustainable in the long run. Without addressing the growing issues in Hengzhou City, it was only a matter of time before chaos would engulf the entire city.

The Jiang family's influence was the only thing keeping the unrest at bay, but with each passing day and every unjust death, the likelihood of rebellion grew. The thought of the family's protectors and martial experts abandoning them was a nightmarish prospect; their departure would spell disaster for the Jiangs, whose authority rested on these highly paid individuals' loyalty.

As the gravity of the situation settled in, Jiang Dao felt a chill run down his spine. "The Jiang family is truly in peril," he muttered to himself.

He quickly stepped forward, greeting the middle-aged man and the Taoist Priest by his side, "Father, Taoist Priest!"

"Dao, how are you feeling?" Jiang Dalong asked with urgency, his concern for his eldest son evident. Jiang Dao was not just his son but also his heir.

"Much better now, thanks to Taoist Priest Changbai's treatment," Jiang Dao replied.

"You're too kind, Young Master. Just remember to take your medicine as prescribed," Taoist Priest Changbai responded with a warm smile. "Old Master Jiang, where is the maidservant you've assigned to me?"

"I'll have a maidservant attend to you immediately," Jiang Dalong said, his smile tinged with apology.

"Thank you, Old Master Jiang. The Third Young Lady would make an excellent maidservant for me," Taoist Priest Changbai remarked with a chuckle as he headed toward the room.

Jiang Dao's frown deepened, and he whispered to his father, "Is he planning to harm Third Sister?"

"We'll discuss this back home," Jiang Dalong replied, his expression turning grave.

Without another word, Jiang Dao and Jiang Dalong made a swift and silent exit.

Pang Lin, the chief of the guards, promptly ordered the disposal of the bodies strewn across the courtyard.

Back in their chambers, Jiang Dalong and Jiang Dao closed the door with a sense of finality. Jiang Dalong's expression was stormy as he seized a teacup and hurled it to the floor in a fit of anger.

"Taoist Priest Changbai is a villain! He harbors malicious thoughts towards both your Third Sister and Fourth Mother!"

Jiang Dalong spoke through clenched teeth, his face seething with loathing.

"Father, what's your plan? Will you drive him out?"

Jiang Dao inquired.

"No, I can't expel him now. He might retaliate with violence against our Jiang family. And even if he refrains for the moment, who will protect us from the Evil Spirit once he's gone?"

A grim expression clouded Jiang Dalong's face as he continued, "There's only one solution. You and your brothers must implore him to become your master once more. It's imperative that you succeed. If you can master his skills, I'll be able to confront him with confidence!"

Jiang Dao's brow furrowed.

The task was easier said than done. Taoist Priest Changbai was notoriously aloof, and previous pleas had fallen on deaf ears.

"How is the situation on Jinyang Street?" Jiang Dao pressed.

"Difficult to gauge," Jiang Dalong replied with a soft sigh. "Taoist Priest Changbai has just returned from there. He claims the Evil Spirit has departed, and we're unlikely to see its kind again. So, we've withdrawn our forces."

"And what of the other areas?" Jiang Dao probed further.

"The outlook elsewhere remains dire," Jiang Dalong said gravely. "As long as Hengzhou City remains unsealed, the Evil Spirit lurks, capable of killing at any moment. To date, the city mourns the loss of over five hundred souls."

The death toll of over five hundred sent a shock through Jiang Dao. The perils of this world were beyond anything he had anticipated.

"Father, we should seek out Taoist Priest Changbai at once," Jiang Dao suggested.

Jiang Dalong gave a slight nod. "Gather all your brothers," he instructed.

Their family was extensive: eight concubines, six sons, and eight daughters. As the eldest son and the child of his father's wife, Jiang Dao's position was inherently distinct from the rest. In Jiang Dalong's absence, it was Jiang Dao who assumed the mantle of family head.

Jiang Dao swiftly gathered all five of his brothers.

He felt no real affection for them; after all, he had only entered this world three days prior and had a mere basic impression of the quintet.

None of his five younger brothers had any notable skills.


"Father, Big Brother, greetings!"

Jiang Dao's brothers greeted cheerfully.

In a deep tone, Jiang Dalong instructed, "Follow me to meet Taoist Priest Changbai. This time, you must convince him to accept one of you as his disciple, no matter what it takes."

Leading the way, he guided the group, including Jiang Dao, toward the Grace Chamber.

They traversed a lengthy corridor and navigated through several courtyards to reach Taoist Priest Changbai's abode.

In the courtyard, Jiang Dalong's smile beamed as he called out, "Taoist Priest, are you present?"

"Old Master Jiang, welcome!"

Laughter echoed from within. Taoist Priest Changbai emerged from the room, inquiring with a grin, "Has the Third Young Lady arrived?"

His words hung in the air as his gaze landed on the group, causing his smile to stiffen.

Jiang Dalong hadn't brought a lady? Instead, he had come with a band of men?

Taoist Priest Changbai's brow furrowed tightly, quickly deducing Jiang Dalong's intent. He asked gravely, "Old Master Jiang, are you playing a joke on me? What is this about?"

With a chuckle, Jiang Dalong stepped forward, producing a rosewood box from his sleeve. "Taoist Priest, I've come into possession of an eight-hundred-year-old wild ginseng and wish to offer it to you as a gift. I trust you will accept it."

"An eight-century-old ginseng?"

Taoist Priest Changbai's smile returned. "Old Master Jiang, there's no need for such formality."

He nonchalantly accepted the rosewood box and lifted the lid with ease.

Inside lay a robust purple ginseng alongside a stack of banknotes valued at roughly 10,000 taels of silver.

Taoist Priest Changbai chuckled, "Old Master Jiang, your generosity is almost embarrassing."

With earnestness, Jiang Dalong implored, "This is but a trifle. Might you reconsider the proposal I made previously? Surely, among the many in the Jiang family, there is one suitable to become your disciple?"

Taoist Priest Changbai's expression was grim as he spoke with unwavering certainty, "I've made it clear before: exorcists are born, not made. It's all about innate talent. Those blessed with it can become exorcists, but no amount of training can help the talentless. Even if I accepted them as disciples, they'd ultimately learn nothing!"

Jiang Dalong, unable to hide his frustration, pressed, "Is there truly no other way?"

"None," Taoist Priest Changbai replied, shaking his head. "Old Master Jiang, don't obsess over this. The Jiang family may lack an exorcist, but as long as I'm here, I assure you they'll face no danger."

Jiang Dao realized the Taoist Priest's intention to remain with the Jiang family.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Jiang Dao inquired, "Taoist Priest, would learning martial arts serve any purpose?"

"Martial arts?" Taoist Priest Changbai scoffed. "Even with martial arts training, you'd only be a match for mortals. Against an Evil Spirit, your efforts would be futile. I suggest you don't squander your time. It would do you no good, especially if you were to get hurt."

Jiang Dao, his voice subdued, countered, "Even if martial arts prove ineffective against Evil Spirits, acquiring the skills can't possibly harm me."

"If you're serious about studying martial arts, then do so. There's no need to justify it to me."

Taoist Priest Changbai addressed Jiang Dalong with a dismissive air, "Old Master Jiang, remember to send my maidservant."

"I'll see to it immediately," Jiang Dalong responded with haste.

With a disdainful snort, Taoist Priest Changbai cast one last glance at Jiang Dao before turning on his heel and striding into the room.

Jiang Dalong's countenance was stormy, his fists clenched in suppressed rage. He turned and spoke in a low growl, "We're heading back."

His fury was palpable, a desperate urge to smash something in anger simmering within him.

He had parted with thirty thousand taels in banknotes, all for naught.

"I want to study martial arts, Father," Jiang Dao declared.

Jiang Dalong halted in his tracks, turning to face his son with a look of astonishment. "Dao, are you certain you're not speaking out of spite?"

Jiang Dao nodded affirmatively, "I'm certain!"

At first glance, the Jiang family appeared to be thriving, yet in truth, they teetered on the brink of collapse.

Without the necessary strength, they would soon lose even the ability to safeguard their own courtyards.

"My good son, I'll have someone take care of that for you immediately!"

Jiang Dalong gave Jiang Dao's shoulder a reassuring pat, then turned with a sudden fierce glare toward his other five sons. He rebuked them, "When will you show the same dedication as your eldest brother?"

The rest of his sons offered sheepish smiles and hung their heads in response.

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