Invincible Divine Eye/C13 Stealthily Kissing
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Invincible Divine Eye/C13 Stealthily Kissing
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C13 Stealthily Kissing

Accompanying this comfortable feeling, Ye Hanxue closed her eyes slightly, and had a look of enjoyment on her face.

Han Feng could feel that when his hand made contact with Ye Hanxue's lower abdomen, the circular pattern on his palm was spinning non-stop.

It even emitted traces of warmth, and continuously nourished Ye Hanxue's lower abdomen.

"What a warm feeling." Ye Hanxue said.


"Un, comfortable, too comfortable. What exactly did you do to me? The pain seems to have abated quite a bit, it's really too comfortable. " Ye Hanxue continued.

"Haha, if it's comfortable, then I'll give you a massage for a while longer." Han Feng said.

"You really went to consult a Chinese doctor for me?" Ye Hanxue asked.

Of course Han Feng didn't. However, in order to conceal the fact that he had obtained the 'Hua Tuo's Sacred Hand', he could only say it this way.

"Yeah, he taught me a special kind of massage."

Hearing that Han Feng had specially gone to consult a Chinese medical doctor for her also moved Ye Hanxue a little, and made him feel a little better towards Han Feng.

"Then... "If I still have pain in the future, you still have to massage me." Ye Hanxue said.

"Of course there's no problem. Hur Hur."

When Han Feng gave the other party a massage, he could also feel the warmth of his own palm, which also allowed Han Feng to experience the power of the Hua Tuo's Sacred Hand.

So this is the Hua Tuo's Sacred Hand? He was truly amazing. As long as he massaged the patient, he would be able to cure the patient's illness. This was too amazing!

Just as Han Feng was sighing emotionally, Ye Hanxue had already slowly entered into a deep slumber.

"Hey, wife, are you asleep?" Han Feng asked in a low voice.

Ye Hanxue did not reply, as if she had really fallen asleep.

"Looks like he really fell asleep." Han Feng said to himself.

Then, Han Feng withdrew his hand.

Looking at Ye Hanxue who was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, Han Feng was instantly dumbfounded. Han Feng had never observed his opponent at such a close distance before.

From the looks of it, my wife is indeed a great beauty.

This skin... This face... This figure, tsk tsk … All of them were of the highest quality!

As he read, Han Feng suddenly had a trace of evil, the little demon in his heart also started to rage.

"The other party is his own wife now. I've never kissed him before, and I don't even hold his hand. Isn't this a little too much?"

Immediately, while the other party was still fast asleep, Han Feng slowly approached him.

Seeing that the other party still had his eyes closed, he didn't feel much from it. He then slowly approached the other party's face and kissed it.

The feeling of kissing her was very good, the other party's skin was very smooth, and also made Han Feng feel very excited.

There was a feeling of having done something bad and not being discovered.

Seeing that the other party still had not woken up, Han Feng did not dare to continue doing anything too excessive. After admiring it by his bedside for a while, he left the room.

Han Feng decided that he would cook a good meal for his wife and let her have a taste of his culinary skills.

Immediately, Han Feng went to the market and bought a lot of fruits, vegetables and meat. After that, he personally went to the kitchen and started cooking.

Because Han Feng had previously lived alone, he basically cooked his own food and trained his own good culinary arts.

Of course, what Han Feng cooked were all ordinary dishes from home.

A simple tomato scrambled egg, a spicy tofu, two meat dishes were the chopped pepper fish head, the sweet and sour pork ribs, and also a seaweed egg soup.

And just as Han Feng was done with all of this, Ye Hanxue walked out of the room.

"Wow, it smells so good! So many dishes! Did you make all these?"

Looking at the dishes on the table, Ye Hanxue was slightly surprised.

Han Feng said with a face full of pride: "Of course, it was all made by me, what about my wife? I'm still okay, right? "

"You can cook?" Ye Hanxue looked at Han Feng in shock.

"Hehe, what's so great about cooking? It's not like young ladies like you, who never get involved with cooking oil." Han Feng said with a smile.

"After that, I'll leave all the food here to you."

"Sure, no problem with simple homemade dishes. You won't be able to do things that are too complicated."

As the two were speaking, Han Feng suddenly realized a problem and immediately looked towards Ye Hanxue.

"Right, your lower abdomen doesn't hurt anymore?"

It was only after being asked by Han Feng that Ye Hanxue realized that after she woke up, she had already forgotten about the pain in her lower abdomen.

"Yi, it really doesn't hurt anymore. I don't feel anything."

Touching his own lower abdomen, Ye Hanxue's face showed slight surprise.

"Han Feng, your massage technique is too amazing. After being massaged by you a few times, it's actually really healed."

"Haha, if you need any massage in the future, feel free to look for me. I'll provide services for you free of charge."

At the same time, Han Feng was also a little excited in his heart.

Looks like I really got the Hua Tuo's Sacred Hand, and the healing effect of this Hua Tuo's Sacred Hand is very good, as long as I place the energy on my palm on the wound and the location of the pain, I can cure the disease.

Although he managed to cure the menstrual pain, Han Feng didn't know whether his Hua Tuo's Sacred Hand could treat other diseases or not.

Not long later.

Ye Qingyu, the sister-in-law, also came back.

Looking at the table full of dishes, he became spirited immediately. He knew that all the dishes were prepared by Han Feng and gave him a big thumbs up.

"Brother-in-law, you look more and more handsome now."

"Damn, don't praise me like that. You want to use sweet words to confuse me so that I can cook for you everyday?" "No way." Han Feng immediately exposed the other party's identity.

"Hehe, brother-in-law, how did you know? You saw through me."

"Hurry up and eat."

The three of them chatted and laughed. After they finished their meal, the sky gradually darkened.

At around nine in the evening, Han Feng stood up and headed towards the bathroom, preparing to take a bath.

However, the moment Han Feng arrived, he immediately saw Ye Hanxue holding onto a set of clothes, and appeared in front of the bathroom, as if she was about to take a bath as well.

"Why don't you go in first?" Han Feng humbly said.

"You go first. You can wash quickly. If you wait for me, you'll probably have to wait for a long time." Ye Hanxue immediately said.

Han Feng had a speechless face, but said in the end, "How about … Wash together? If you hurry up, I can help you rub your back or something. You can also help me rub my back, what do you think? After all, we're already lovers, what's there to be afraid of? "

"You wish."

Originally, he had a good impression of Han Feng after seeing his performance today.

Hearing his words, all traces of good will disappeared.

With that, Ye Hanxue ignored Han Feng and directly entered the bathroom with her things.

Han Feng smiled bitterly.

"Sigh!" I can't even joke around, you really are an icy beauty. "

At this moment, the sound of flowing water came from the bathroom.

"Hualala …" "Hualala."

Eh? Ye Hanxue had already started to bathe.

Hearing the water inside, Han Feng imagined the scene that would appear in the bathroom, which immediately made the little demon in his heart explode.

Immediately, Han Feng used the Penetrating Eye.

Instantly, Han Feng's eyes saw through the bathroom door in front of him.

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