Invincible Supreme/C12 Predactylodes
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Invincible Supreme/C12 Predactylodes
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C12 Predactylodes

Uncle Dong was very clear about the rules of the Gold Horse Hall.

But now, it was over. It was all over.

Just as he was brought into the Reincarnation space, Uncle Dong heard miserable cries. When he looked over, he was stunned. Within the Reincarnation space, Ma Shaorang and the thirteen soldiers were screaming on the ground.

"Thirteenth Young Master?" "What's going on?" Uncle Dong was shocked. From beginning to end, he hadn't seen the shadow of the Sorcerer at all.

"Uncle Dong, save me! Save me!" Ma Shao Liang cried as he saw his Uncle Dong appear out of thin air.

Uncle Dong was about to rush over when he realized that he couldn't move at all.

"Wang Donglai, aren't you curious? You really want to save them, but unfortunately, you can't do anything. Let's enjoy the taste of the Soul Devouring Finger together." A mocking voice came from his back. Then, Uncle Dong felt something poking his body. An indescribable pain engulfed his thoughts.

After taking care of Uncle Dong, the Sorcerer appeared on the other side with the woman. From start to finish, the woman watched as the Sorcerer dealt with Uncle Dong, as well as the souls of Ma Shao Liang and the rest.

She recognized Ma Shaoliang, but how could that be possible?

The Sorcerer looked at the dumbfounded woman and untied the Soul-Fixation Finger on her body.

"Miss, if you are willing, we can talk."

The woman was startled awake by the Sorcerer's voice. She looked at the Sorcerer, and at the same time found that she could move again.

The feeling of being unable to move scared her.

"Who are you?" The woman was very alert. She retreated a few steps before asking.

The woman naturally didn't know that if the Sorcerer wanted to deal with her, she wouldn't be able to escape in the Samsara space.

"Alright, let me introduce myself. My name is the Sorcerer, I've only been here for two months, and you, young lady, are already in the tunnel below the Scholar's Manor. You hate Uncle Dong so much, so you can't possibly be an ordinary person, can you?" The Sorcerer introduced himself and then asked.

The origin of this woman was suspicious. The thing that interested Lei Tian the most was that the Yin Qi in the underground passage wasn't thick, but this woman could keep her soul together. It definitely wasn't simple.

"Are you the current history of the assassins? You were also killed by that hateful Uncle Dong? " The woman looked at the Sorcerer in surprise. It was as if she hadn't expected that the newly arrived Thorn Rampart would actually be so young.

The Sorcerer nodded, then shook his head. He had indeed been killed, but he had been brought back to life. The mystery behind this was hard to put into words.

The woman was a bit confused, but she continued.

"My name is Dong Qianqian. The previous boss was my father. After our family was killed by that evil thief, Uncle Dong, I appeared in the tunnel, but didn't see my parents or sister. Master Wu, can you help me find them?"

The Sorcerer was somewhat surprised to see that it was the daughter of the previous God of Stabbing Sword. However, thinking about it, it was within his expectations.

Dong Qianqian's soul was still weak and would disappear if the wind blew. She was a newly dead woman, so it was reasonable for her to be the daughter of the former Ci Shi.

"Miss Dong, I'm afraid that you will never see your parents again. Being able to preserve your soul is already a blessing from the heavens, so I am powerless." The Sorcerer sighed.

In this world, whoever could not die, or who could retain their soul after death, all depended on fate.

Dong Qianqian was stunned. She couldn't accept it, but she knew the Sorcerer wouldn't lie to her.

She was just a young lady from a noble family who never left her home. Now that her parents and relatives were all gone, she was extremely terrified.

"Lady Dong, if you don't mind, stay here. Other than Uncle Dong and the evildoers from the Golden Horse Hall, there are also some of my subordinates here. They are also new dead people and they are all soldiers from the province."

If Dong Qianqian went out, she might disappear at any time. Now that there were no six paths, her soul would not enter the cycle of reincarnation. Since Dong Qianqian kept her soul, the Sorcerer couldn't bear for her to disappear.

Dong Qianqian thought for a while and nodded. She was afraid that she would be discovered if she stayed outside. At least she could stay here and avoid any danger.

"Thank you, Lord Wu." Even after death, Dong Qianqian still maintained her noble demeanor.

The Sorcerer nodded, and with a tap of his hand, a beam of light entered Dong Qianqian's soul.

"Lady Dong, this is a cultivation technique for cultivating the soul. If you have nothing else to do, you can practice it for a period of time. Other than that, there is one thing that makes me curious. How do you maintain your soul?"

The cultivation technique the Sorcerer gave Dong Qianqian was the most basic one. If she could get his trust, the Sorcerer would give her a better cultivation technique.

Dong Qianqian was surprised. She was a smart person and knew that the Sorcerer had given her something good. She wouldn't hide anything from him.

Qian Qian is not too sure about this, when I died, my soul automatically condensed, and it's like this. I heard my mother say that not long after I was born, an old monk told me that I had a yin constitution, and if I were able to walk on the path of cultivation, I would have definitely made some achievements. However, after that old monk said that, he left, though I'm not sure if this is the reason.

Yin Body? The Sorcerer was a bit surprised. There was no record of this in the Reincarnation Seal. It was probably written after the six paths were destroyed.

However, if it could be called the Sky Yin Body, then it would definitely be extraordinary.

"If that's the case, then Lady Dong should train hard and not let down the Heaven's Yin Body. I will bring you to find Huang Ye to make them so that you won't be lonely." The Sorcerer encouraged her, but Dong Qianqian only saw a flash of light before she arrived at another place.

More than a hundred ghost soldiers sat cross-legged, each and every one of them looking like they were cultivating.

"Milord." Huang Yicheng stood up and said respectfully.

"Huang Yicheng, this is Dong Qianqian, the daughter of the former Lord Ci Shi, please take good care of her. Miss Dong is a knowledgeable person, if there's anything you don't know about cultivation, you can discuss it with her."

When Huang Yicheng heard that she was the daughter of the previous Lord Ci Shi, he immediately bowed and said, "So it's Lord Dong's daughter. Lord Dong has rendered great service to the people of Tongzhou.

Dong Futong was a good assassin. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been assassinated by the Golden Horse Hall.

"Thank you, Sir Huang." Dong Qianqian replied. She was assured that these people were loyal and were not afraid of being bullied.

"You guys train hard, I'll come over when you're free. The remaining evildoers of Golden Horse Hall have yet to be eliminated. In the future, I might need your help. Don't disappoint me."

Huang Yicheng and Dong Qianqian were moved and kept it in their minds.

Huang Yicheng and his gang were loyal to the Great Yong Empire and detested the Gold Horse Hall. Dong Qianqian and her family were killed by the Gold Horse Hall, so they naturally hated the Gold Horse Hall.

When I returned to my physical body, the Sorcerer was very satisfied with tonight's mission.

Uncle Dong had just been punished by Second Master Ma before committing suicide, leaving behind a blood letter. The Golden Horse Hall should have been thrown into chaos, and what the Sorcerer wanted was to disrupt the situation in the Golden Horse Hall.

As for Dong Qianqian, it was an unexpected gain. The Sorcerer was looking forward to what she would look like after training in the Sky Yin Body. Perhaps, she would be a great help in the future.

Before the Sorcerer came to the prefecture, he was still very optimistic. But now that he had been plotted against, it caused him great pain. Now that he finally had the chance to turn the situation around, how could the Sorcerer have done the same thing again?

A group of imperial guards was on patrol inside and outside the Scholar's Manor. Ever since the assassination incident, the imperial guards had been on duty and patrolling outside and outside the Manor every day to ensure the Manor's safety.

This team of imperial guards had just finished patrolling the surroundings of Lord Ci Shi's bedroom, and had just reached the area where the stewards were waiting for the few servants. Suddenly, one of the patrolmen sniffed ferociously.

"Dog's nose, did you smell the servant girl's scent again? You brat, concentrate. If something goes wrong, it won't be easy to lead them." The captain cursed in a low voice.

The soldier nicknamed Dog Nose had a special feature. His nose was particularly sensitive, and he could smell any scent within thirty meters. He would often sniff the scent of the servant girl, praising himself endlessly.

"Boss, there's the smell of blood." Ignoring the captain's teasing, Dog Nose's expression suddenly changed.

"What?" "Where is it?" The captain was no longer as carefree as before, and a bloody aura burst forth from his body.

"Over there, come with me." His doggy nose pointed in a direction as he stepped out of the line, moving much faster.

The captain immediately waved his hand. This dog's nose had never been wrong. Could something have happened?

Following the dog's nose, they sprinted for over 20 meters. The captain's face suddenly changed. This time, not only did he smell it, even he, the guy with rhinitis, could ask about the stimulating smell of blood.

"Let's go take a look." The captain immediately gave the order. They were all elites of the imperial guards. While each of them had their own personality, they also had true ability.

The captain had already recognized that this was the steward's uncle's room. Since the imperial guards had expelled some of the servants from the Residence of Thorns, the rooms here were much emptier.

The two imperial guards immediately opened the door and found it locked.

"Bang!" The captain ordered.

The two officers immediately knocked against the door, causing it to collapse. The captain quickly walked in and saw the bloody scene along with the stiff body of his Uncle Dong.

"Seal off the scene and notify Commander Guan. Hurry." Seeing the situation inside, the Tenth Leader immediately realized that something was wrong and immediately ordered.

The ten warriors stood in their respective rooms. One of them took out a bamboo whistle and blew it.

This bamboo whistle was made from a special kind of bamboo. It could blow out a sharp and unique sound that could penetrate over a thousand meters.

Guan Shanyue was currently meditating outside of the Sorcerer's room. Upon hearing the whistle, his face immediately changed.

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