Khorium Martial God/C17 Money
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Khorium Martial God/C17 Money
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C17 Money

Less my ass! You smelly system is just bluffing. Since it's so darned, I will still go find Lu Wutian!

As Lu Chen listened to the System's description, he was immediately enraged, all the sounds in his mind became distorted.

At this time, Lu Chen's mind was thinking of a story he had heard before, about an algorithm like the system.

When a chess player played a monarch, the chess player would say that he had won. The monarch would put one grain in the first grid, two grains in the second grid, and four grains in the third grid … As such, each grid contained twice as much food as the previous one.

When the king heard that there were not many left, he agreed without any hesitation. In the end, the monarch lost the game. In the end, he calculated and calculated the numbers. However, the monarch realized that he couldn't afford to put up such a bet …

At first glance, this method of calculation was not a problem at all. It was rather rare, but in the end, one would definitely die trying.

Even an astute Monarch could be tricked, let alone Lu Chen. Although Lu Chen could not remember where he heard this story, it was still fresh in his mind.

He kept it in his mind, afraid that he would be tricked like this. Then, today, he rejoiced over this decision.

Lu Chen was furious, his face was tensed up, he was so angry that he couldn't even say anything, nor did he care about that darned System who did not even pay with its life.

Host, host, there's something we can discuss. I even have an algorithm to borrow money from, we can discuss it later … The system was crazily shouting in Lu Chen's mind.

Lu Chen's face sank as he coldly replied in his consciousness: "Alright, you can shut up. There are many other ways to borrow money? They are all scams, you are a scam!

With the method of borrowing he had used just now, Lu Chen knew that this system was definitely a swindler that didn't care for its own life. He didn't even need to listen to the rest of the words.

He felt that if he were to listen to the system's method of borrowing, he would be wasting his time, so he refused without any hesitation.

He rejected it, but the System became more active as it continued to talk nonstop in Lu Chen's mind.

Aiya, host, you don't need to be like this. It's so nice to be able to make money together with our money. Isn't that great? You should be more at ease with yourself, right? Look, this loan is convenient for me and for others. What a great thing …

The System kept on talking, Lu Chen felt that his mind was filled with the unique electronic voice of the System, thinking that it was especially convenient for others, was it not you, System? You moneymaking black heart.

Lu Chen felt that he himself was fighting alone, his head was already surrounded by countless of electronic voices called the System, and in a dangerous situation where danger lurked all around, with a single mistake, he would be decapitated.

This kind of emotion surrounded him, causing Lu Chen's aura to fluctuate, his mind becoming more and more tense.

Shut up!

Unable to endure anymore, Lu Chen growled through gritted teeth, but he was helpless against it. He couldn't fight with an invisible system either, so he could only listen to how the System kept on bullshitting him.

At this time, Lu Chen really wished that he could block it.

Eh? Silence? No way! What a coincidence!

When he thought about it, Lu Chen was startled. He raised his eyebrows and became excited in the next second.

Heeheehee … So that's the reason, is this the way to block the system? As long as I want to, I can block it?

With that, Lu Chen's face filled with excitement, he looked like he had discovered a big secret, as though he was a cat that had stolen something, a cunning and crafty cat that would make others look like fools.

He could no longer hear the frenzied Ainphent of the System, and he quickly quieted down, his scalding hot brain finally calming down.

He could not help but relax, but after a moment, he saw the fervent look in front of him, thinking that he had a way to save Lu Zhan, Lu Chen could not wait any longer, and muttered: "Since I am not being harassed, I will go and find money!"

With that, he suddenly stood up, raised his leg and went to find Lu Wutian.

At this time, Lu Wutian had a face full of worry, he sat at the table in the room, his chin on the table. He didn't want to look anymore, he just sat there and sighed.

His entire body was enveloped in a strange feeling of resentment. Why, why was it like this? Why did it become like this? Why did it become like this …

He kept shouting crazily in his head. He looked like he had nothing to live for, as he laid on the table boneless. He even buried his face in the table, pretending to be dead.

His mind was currently filled with random thoughts, to the point where he started to make unreliable guesses: Lu Chen just said that he didn't want General Mansion anymore, and his General Mansion was about to end. Is that right? Damn it, why don't you give me a hint?

The grudges did not stop. His voice was so muffled that it sounded like there was a layer of quilt separating them. For a moment, the room was filled with an aura of condensation.

Only after a long time did Lu Wutian change his posture, he raised his face up from the table again, without caring about the marks on his face, he just looked at the ceiling with a silly look, his eyes shining faintly.

Following Lu Wutian's actions, the room lost all hope, and the atmosphere became increasingly dense.

At this time, Lu Wutian did not sense that a black silhouette had quickly arrived in front of his room.

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

A loud sound rang out, Lu Wutian's door, was no more, it was completely shattered, there was no way to even put it together, the cold killing intent rushed over like a substance.

Accompanied by Lu Chen's cold and indifferent voice: "Lu Wutian, I have something to talk to you about!"

Lu Chen, what are you doing? Fighting? I'm not afraid of you.

The sudden change scared Lu Wutian out of his wits. He was even a little frightened, thinking that an enemy of General Mansion had come knocking on his door to cause trouble.

In the end he heard Lu Chen's voice, and he shivered, the situation made Lu Wutian even angrier! Can you be a little more gentle, at a time like this, you are about to lose your home, and you still dare to destroy the door, do you have money!

The resentment in his heart was looking down on Lu Chen, causing him to be extremely angry. The attack from Lu Chen just now was enough to scare him to the point where he almost fell off the table.

Lu Wutian, who felt that he had been humiliated, had a green face. He thought that he, a person who thought that he was a genius, would actually let this trash, Lu Chen, not even know about it.

His face was flushed red, he was so angry that he did not want to accept it, looking at Lu Chen, he almost wanted to slap him to death.

Do you have money? Lu Chen's sudden voice interrupted Lu Wutian's thoughts.

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