Killer in the Coffin/C44 Accidents in Physical Education
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Killer in the Coffin/C44 Accidents in Physical Education
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C44 Accidents in Physical Education

"Ding ling ling …"

Wei Yi finally held on to the last lesson of the morning. This was a physical education lesson, the only class that Wei Yi was interested in.

When the bell rang, Wei Yi had enough of "showing off" Karl. Barham immediately ran out of the classroom after class. He did not want to see Wei Yi for even a second, he had already thought of a "killing by means of a knife" method to deal with Wei Yi, so he had to quickly take action.

When everyone arrived at the stadium, Wei Yi's anticipation quickly disappeared. The so called sports class was just teaching exercises, it immediately made him lose interest, and the entire class was filled with laziness.

It would be a huge joke if his peers knew that he, an elite killer, was doing exercises here.

Fortunately, the lesson was only halfway done, and the physical education teacher allowed the students to freely exercise. Only then was Wei Yi finally free, and without caring about Nong Xuejia, he glanced at his surroundings, then walked towards the seats at the side of the field.

Seeing that Wei Yi had left, Nong Xuejia immediately rejected her friend's invitation to play badminton, and happily chased after Wei Yi.

"What kind of sports do you like? Can we play together?" Nong Xuejia asked.

"Not interested." Wei Yi responded indifferently. After ten odd years of training in killing, other than killing, he had no interest in other things.

"Oh." Nong Xuejia had an expression of being wronged, and reluctantly looked at his friend who was waving at her with a badminton racket. He made an apologetic expression, then sat down beside Wei Yi and started to play on his phone.

At this moment, in a corner of the field, Karl C. Barham's eyes were full of malice as he said to the burly sports student beside him, "Here, Edward. "Ino, I didn't lie to you, did I? Your horse was taken away by someone!"

"Put your dog mouth away, I wanted to send you flying with a kick the moment I heard the word 'Ma Zi' from your mouth!" Edward kicked Carl hard. Barham glanced at him and pushed him away, then walked towards Wei Yi with a football in his arms. Behind him were his own bulky companions that had a fiendish look.

Edward was a school sports student, he had been chasing after Nong Xuejia ever since junior high school, all the way until high school. Finally, when Nong Xuejia agreed to try to get along with him, he would absolutely not allow anyone to meddle with her.

Edward brought his comrades to a stop ten meters away from Wei Yi's back. He threw the football in his hands onto the ground and looked at the strongest one among his comrades.

The strongest comrade immediately understood. Retreating more than ten steps, he rushed forward and used his large foot to kick towards the football.


The student who kicked the ball was a sports student with amazing foot strength. His ball was extremely powerful, like a soccer ball flying at lightning speed, it flew towards Wei Yi's head.

"I let you offend me, why don't you even know how you died this time!" In the distance, Carl was staring at something. Barham's mouth curved up in a conspiratorial smile.

He only told Edward that Wei Yi's relationship with Nong Xuejia was not ordinary and did not tell Edward that Wei Yi was Nong Xuejia's cousin. The furious Edward did as he had expected, having his head blown off by the anger, he did not investigate it clearly.

With Wei Yi's identity, he immediately went to cause trouble for Wei Yi.

Carl. Barham had already started to imagine stepping on Wei Yi in his heart. If Wei Yi got hit, even if he didn't die, he would at least be hospitalized for a few days. At that time, he would be able to go to the hospital to "visit" Wei Yi, trampling on him as he recorded the footage, letting Wei Yi know that he was the little overlord of the class.

However, Jean Carl. Barham was once again disappointed, the scene he imagined did not happen. Wei Yi, as if he had eyes on the back of his head, immediately turned around and at the same time, smashed down the flying football with his palm.


The football that was taken out exploded at the corner of the stone chair that Wei Yi was sitting on, scaring Nong Xuejia who was playing with his phone and almost fell off the stone chair.

Wei Yi's eyes were filled with killing intent, he looked at the man who kicked the ball, and was ready to rush over and kill him at any time.

The moment the player was locked onto by Wei Yi, he started to panic. His face paled from fright as he thought of Karl in his heart. Barham swore a thousand times.

From Wei Yi's gaze, the player knew that he had messed up today. If Edward did not handle it well, he would be crippled even if he did not die today.

Wei Yi pulled Nong Xuejia and placed him behind him, then walked towards the player who was kicking the ball with an ice-cold gaze. If he had kicked the ball wrong earlier, the consequences would be hard to predict for Nong Xuejia.

"Damn Karl. Barham! "

Edward swore, knowing that he was angry at Carl. Barham cheated Wei Yi by making a move on him before he could even investigate Wei Yi's background.

It was one thing if he had succeeded in his sneak attack, but the key point was that it would be hard to deal with the situation if he failed.

"Edward, what are you doing? Do you want to smash me to death?" Wei Yi still had not moved, but when Nong Xuejia saw Edward, he was the first to go crazy.

"Sorry, we accidentally kicked the ball out of the way." Edward looked at Nong Xuejia with a wry smile.

"Kick askew?" Is this the place to kick the ball? The football field is over there! " Nong Xuejia was angered, but he did not think too much into it.

"Sorry, next time we won't play here." Other than smiling apologetically, Edward didn't know how to respond to Nong Xuejia for a moment. He changed the topic: "Right, did you just return to school today? Why didn't you tell me in WeChat? "

Edward walked to Nong Xuejia's side as he spoke, and wanted to reach out to take her hand.

"Don't touch me, I only promised to try dating you, but I haven't agreed to be your girlfriend yet." Nong Xuejia hid his hands behind his back and said angrily: "Your performance today has disappointed me!"

"I'm sorry …" Edward felt wronged, he stared at Wei Yi and asked: "Who is he?"

"Oh …" So you're here for my cousin! " When Nong Xuejia saw how Edward was looking at Wei Yi with hostility in his eyes, he suddenly realized that it was not unintentional, but rather, it was directed at Wei Yi.

"He's your cousin?" Edward was so regretful that his intestines were turning green. If he knew that Wei Yi was Nong Xuejia's cousin, no matter how unhappy he was with Wei Yi, he would not have acted against him in this place.

Nong Xuejia glared at Edward and pulled Wei Yi's arm: "Cousin brother, let's go."

Wei Yi did not move, he did not even bother to look at Edward, and directly brought Nong Xuejia to the man who kicked the ball, his eyes cold.

The sports student who was playing football was actually strong on the outside but weak on the inside. Being stared at by Wei Yi made his heart shudder, he fiercely said: "What are you trying to do? Do you want to duel? "

"Student, I am Nong Xuejia's boyfriend. For my sake, can you let my friend go this time?" Edward lowered his body and apologized to Wei Yi, as he did not want to get into a fight with Nong Xuejia over this matter.

"Apologizing can solve the problem, so let me give you a kick as well!" Seeing that Wei Yi was truly angry, Nong Xuejia did not buy it, and decided to stick out for him.


A clear and melodious sound rang out in the plaza, sounding especially loud.

Wei Yi's way of reply was simple and crude, he simply sent a slap across the person's face, spinning him over three times until a few of his teeth flew out from his mouth.

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