Killer in the Coffin/C46 Eat
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Killer in the Coffin/C46 Eat
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C46 Eat

"What, you miss me?"

It was really Cao Cao, at that moment, a pervert suddenly came out from behind Wei Yi.

After strolling for the entire morning, his expression was somewhat ugly, but it was one of excitement.

"Where did you get so lost? It took you so long to come back." The corner of Wei Yi's mouth raised slightly. There must be a lot of pretty girls in the places that perverts were kept.

"Hehe, that's a good place." "Do you want to know where?"

"Other than the girls' restroom, where else can you go?" Wei Yi pinched his nose, showing a look of disgust.

"Pui!" This commander-in-chief is not such a vulgar person, guess again! " The pervert's face was gloomy, he really wanted to strangle a person like Wei Yi who didn't know how to react.

Wei Yi put his hand down, and said with a bored tone: "I won't guess, I don't want to know."

In the end, he still did not get the answer he wanted. When Wei Yi talked, he did not use the normal method at all.

"You don't want to know, but I have to tell you!" The pervert's eyes bloomed as he mumbled to himself happily, "Actually, I went to the locker room. The female students of In school love to clean up.

"Tsk, how boring." Wei Yi was speechless, only a pervert could be so bored while staying in the locker room for the entire afternoon.

"You, as an unromantic person, of course don't know how much fun that place is." The pervert continued, "I found an especially beautiful girl in In school. I think you will like her even if you saw her, so I've been helping you follow her and get her information."

"Why didn't you say so? You followed him for so long just to see him go to the toilet?" Wei Yi laughed sinisterly.

"Pfft!" Why are your thoughts so dirty? Have you ever seen this commander-in-chief enter the female restroom before? " The pervert's face darkened, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to someone like you about such an elegant topic. Today, in order to help you find a wife, I forcefully ran a hundred meters away. My yin qi is severely depleted, so I'll go to sleep first."

After the pervert finished speaking, he ignored Wei Yi and ran back into the seal in Wei Yi's body.

"Hey, don't absorb too much of my energy, I don't want to faint all of a sudden." Wei Yi said gloomily.

The pervert pretended not to hear as he hid in the seal and slept soundly.

Wei Yi sighed helplessly, and chased after Nong Xuejia and her close friend towards the dining hall.

The dining hall was divided into three floors. There were very few people on the first floor because the food on the first floor wasn't very good. It was a place where the commoner students ate their meals.

They were going to the third floor, and the food there was the best. It was a five-star hotel standard, a private room that belonged to a rich and elegant family. The food inside was astonishingly expensive.

The cost of a meal was at least over ten thousand yuan. If there were a lot of people, it would be at least a hundred thousand yuan. This was the annual income of many ordinary families.

If Wei Yi was allowed to choose a place to eat, he would definitely choose to stay on the first floor. To them, killers, they would not care about food or meat.

When they arrived at the third floor, Nong Xuejia's best friend, Julian. Grayson suddenly stopped and looked at Wei Yi who was behind him. He whispered to Nong Xuejia: "Are you really planning to bring your cousin along to eat with Edward and the others?"

"What? Can't I?" Nong Xuejia asked suspiciously.

"Are you really confused or are you just pretending to be confused?" Julian. Grayson touched Nong Xuejia's head and said in a low voice: "In our Yinglun, you can marry your cousin. If Edward were to see you sticking to your cousin like this, wouldn't he be jealous?"

"I thought it was something." Nong Xuejia acted as if he did not care, and said casually: "If you're jealous, then go ahead and get jealous, it would be a good chance to test his patience before my cousin returns."

She had once asked her aunt if she could keep hiring Wei Yi as their villa's bodyguard. Her aunt had said that Wei Yi did not belong to the manor, and would have to leave sooner or later.

"Don't try to fake it, you're really in love with your cousin." Julian. Grayson laughed, interrupting Nong Xuejia's daydreaming.

"How is this possible? Look at how stubborn he is. Wouldn't it be boring me to death if I followed him?" Nong Xuejia replied with a red face, but in her heart she didn't feel depressed at all.

"I'm serious about what you said. Don't blame me in the future for chasing after him." Julian. Grayson suddenly put on a serious expression.

"No …" Nong Xuejia blurted out, then suddenly realized that his words were inappropriate.

"Cluck, cluck …" "See how it scares you." Julian. Grayson covered his mouth and laughed. He had already guessed what Nong Xuejia was thinking about, so he changed the topic: "Let's go, Edward and the others have been waiting in the room for a long time. If we don't go in now, it'll be hard for me to get food from you guys."

"You talk too much, you deserve nothing!" Nong Xuejia's face was a little red as he pushed Julian away. Grayson ran to the 88th booth they had booked.

Nong Xuejia and the others did not know that their conversation had already been heard by Wei Yi.

Julian. Instead, he habitually used the corner of his eyes to look around him. After that, his eyebrows slightly knitted, as if someone was secretly watching him, but when he paid careful attention, he was unable to detect that person's aura. Wei Yi did not enter the room.

"Could it be my imagination?"

Wei Yi frowned as he called out to the pervert in his mind, but it did not react at all, and had already fallen into a deep sleep. Unless Wei Yi really met with some life-threatening danger, it would be hard to wake it up.

"Forget it, just pay more attention." Wei Yi muttered to himself, then pushed open the door and entered the private room as well.

"Hur hur, interesting fellow. You're quite vigilant."

After Wei Yi entered the private room, a graceful figure walked out from the end of the corridor. She looked at Wei Yi's private room, then walked back the way she came, and disappeared at the end of the hallway.

In the private room, Edward, who was sitting on the main seat of the table, saw Nong Xuejia enter the private room, immediately stood up with a face full of excitement, and pulled out a seat beside him. Just as he was about to ask Nong Xuejia to sit beside him, he suddenly saw Wei Yi, who had leisurely appeared at the entrance of the private room afterwards, his expression stiffened.

It was not only Edward's expression that changed, the others who had been sitting in their rooms waiting for a long time were also stunned, thinking that Wei Yi had walked into the wrong room.

Wei Yi glanced at the room. Other than Julian, there was nothing else in the room. Other than Grayson and Nong Xuejia, there were four other men and two women altogether.

Wei Yi had seen two of these people before. One was Edward and his companion, while the other two were boys that Wei Yi had not seen before.

Wei Yi had not seen the remaining two girls either. Their clothes and clothing were a little flirtatious, and were a little out of place with the students.

The two girls showed surprise and then an expression of disgust when they saw Wei Yi, as if looking at Wei Yi would dirty their eyes.

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