King of the Border/C15 Return from victory
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King of the Border/C15 Return from victory
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C15 Return from victory

Seeing the soldiers of the Night Wolf Army rushing towards them, Mandala pulled out his saber and rushed towards them. To be the leader of the Haskatta people, Mandala naturally had his own abilities. After dashing to the front of one of the Night Wolf Army soldiers, Mandala sidestepped to dodge the charge of this soldier's horse. After that, he brandished the saber in his hand. One slash had cut off one of the forelegs of the night wolf soldier, while the other night wolf soldier on his horse fell off his horse and flew away.

Although Mandala had sent this Night Wolf Soldier flying, another Night Wolf Soldier had also gotten on his horse and rushed to Mandala's side, slashing at him with his saber once more. As for Mandala, he used the saber in his hand to block the attack of this Night Wolf Soldier. Then, he grabbed the wrist of this Night Wolf Soldier firmly and pulled him off his horse.

Seeing how this Mantua Lato was not simple, Du Chengu immediately rode his warhorse and personally rushed in front of Manudu Lato. Du Xiangyu circulated the battle qi in his body and ruthlessly hacked at Mandala. Although Mandala had used his sword to block Du ChengNu's attack, he was forced to retreat several steps.

However, Du Chengu didn't plan on letting go of Mantolato. He immediately rode his warhorse to Mantolato's side, and once again hacked down with his sword. This time, however, even though he had used his sword to block Du Chengnu's attack. However, Manudu Lato was directly knocked to the ground by Du Chengu. However, just as Du Chengu was about to wield his sword and kill Mandala, a Haskata man rushed to his side.

As soon as the Haskatars jumped up, they held him in their arms and let him fall to the ground. However, the moment he fell to the ground, he raised his sword and directly killed the Haskata man.

As soon as he had kicked the Haskatta out of the way, he stood up, and Mantureau rushed at him. Seeing the Manudu Lato rushing towards him, Du Chengu sneered and used his own sword to push away the sword. Then, with a flash, Du Chengu appeared beside Manudu Lato. Then, with a single slash of his blade, Du Chengu cut down on the left leg of Wanda Lato, and under his attack, Wanda Lato half-kneeled on the ground.

Taking this opportunity, Du Chengu raised his sword high up and beheaded Mandala with a single slash. Seeing that Mandorallo had been killed by Du Xiangnu, the other Haskatars immediately shouted, "This is bad, Mandalapa is not going to be killed!" Upon hearing this, the other Haskattans panicked even more.

It was only when he heard the words of the Haskatars that he realized that the Haskatan he had killed turned out to be Mandorallo. Du Zhaonu kicked the head of Duolun, who was lying on the ground, and said with a sneer, "I never would have thought that you would actually be Mandala, Mandala, thank you so much for letting me make such a great contribution."

Elsewhere in the Haskatta camp, Du Zhengyuan was leading the night wolves in an attack on a group of Haskattas. At this time, a leader of the Haskata tribe had already started organizing some of the Haskata people, wanting to fight back against the night wolf soldiers.

However, at this time, Du Xiangyuan had already arrived in front of the Haskattans. He immediately brandished his sword and slashed at one of them. The other Haskattans were killed one after another by the attack of the night wolf soldiers. Under the attack of the night wolf soldiers, the retaliation organized by the Haskatta people naturally collapsed.

At the same time, the news of Mandala's death had spread throughout the Haskatta people's camp. The Haskatta people had completely lost their will to fight and had turned to flee.

After Du Yuzhou killed a Haskata with his long blade, Du Yuzhou excitedly said, "Du Zhengyuan, this time, we have achieved complete victory." Hearing Du Yuan's words, Du Zhengyuan loudly shouted, "All Night Wolf Army soldiers listen up. The Haskata people cannot surrender, kill them all secretly. We need to maximize their fighting prowess." Hearing Du Xiangyuan's words, the Haskattans immediately knew that if they didn't surrender, they would be killed by the night wolf soldiers.

The Haskattans were pragmatic, and when faced with an invincible enemy, they all chose to surrender. After all, in this grassland where it was extremely difficult to survive, the Haskattans would always put their survival first. Whether they surrendered to the Haskatta or to the army of the Great Wei Empire, the Haskatta people did not care.

This time, after hearing the soldiers of the Night Wolf Army cry out and surrender, the Haskattans immediately put down their weapons and began to surrender to the soldiers of the Night Wolf Army. The night wolf soldiers began to stop their slaughter of the Haskatta and began to collect the surrender of the Haskatta. This time, the soldiers of the Night Wolf Army naturally obtained more wealth from the camp at Manudu Lato.

After counting, Chen Jianke said excitedly, "Master Du Zhengyuan, our Night Wolf Army soldiers have obtained more than 20,000 sheep and more than 5,000 war horses this time. The Haskattans used an uncountable number of sabers and axes. "Also, this time, we have captured more than 10,000 Haskattans." Are our losses big? " Du Xiangyuan asked indifferently.

"We've lost more than 500 Night Wolf soldiers." "Yes." Chen Jianke said. "Fine, even though we've lost a lot of Night Wolf Army soldiers, we've won a great battle with the Haskattans this time. Now, we'll bring these spoils back to Peace City." Du Zhengyuan said with a smile. Hearing Du Xiangyuan's words, Chen Jianke immediately shouted excitedly, "Brothers, we're home!"

Upon hearing Chen Jianke's words, the soldiers of the Night Wolf Army immediately cheered and began to lead the Haskatta prisoners and their belongings in the direction of Heskata City. With the return of their victory, even though the Night Wolf Army soldiers had obtained a large amount of loot from the Haskattans, the high morale soldiers continued to move forward at a rapid pace. Just as they were about to return to Hishun City, Du Zhengyuan sent a few Haskata men back to report to the city.

After receiving the news about Du Zhengyuan, Deng Yaorong immediately started to organize the army of the Great Wei Empire and the residents of He Shuncheng to welcome the return of Du Zhengyuan and the other Night Wolf Army soldiers. After hearing that the Night Wolf Army soldiers had gone out to fight the Haskattans, and that the Night Wolf Army soldiers had achieved complete victories, the residents of Shuncheng City rushed out of the city in hopes of returning the Night Wolf Army soldiers.

Very soon, the Night Wolf Army soldiers slowly approached He Shun City. Seeing the tens of thousands of civilians standing outside He Shun City, Du Chengu asked in surprise, "Du Zhengyuan, what happened with the city?" "Why are all these people standing outside of Peace City?" What is it? Great news, I have already sent the Night Wolf Army soldiers to inform Deng Yaorong about our victory over the Haskatta people. I think all these citizens of Shuncheng came here to welcome me. " Du Zhengyuan said with a smile.

"Du Xiangyuan's words weren't wrong. Just as the Night Wolf Army soldiers were about to approach Hushun City, they heard the loud shouts of the citizens of Hushun City." "Night Wolf Army, Night Wolf Army, Night Wolf Army." Hearing the cries of the citizens of Shuncheng, the soldiers of the Night Wolf Army all had joyous looks on their faces.

These night wolf soldiers and Du Zhengyuan had fought against the Haskattans before, partly because they hated the Haskattans in their hearts, but also because they were acting on Du Xiangyuan's orders. However, not a single one of the Night Wolf Army soldiers had expected that they would receive such a warm welcome from the citizens of Shuncheng after defeating the Haskatars.

Seeing the Night Wolf Army soldiers slowly approaching, one of the elders in Shuncheng City excitedly said to the man beside him, "Look, look! The Night Wolf Army soldier holding the Haskatta man's head is my son! He's my son! My son is truly glorious!" Hearing the old man's words, the citizens of Peace City beside him all had envious looks on their faces.

Deng YaoRong rode his warhorse to Du Xiangyuan's side. Du Xiangyuan smiled and said, "Deng Yaorong, why are you still standing above us when our soldiers are back?" Hearing Du Zhengyuan's words, Deng Yaorong shook his head and said, "Du Zhengyuan, this has nothing to do with me. I just told the citizens of Shuncheng that your Night Wolf Army soldiers and the Haskata people had a great battle. "In the end, you see, these citizens of Shuncheng came to welcome you all by themselves."

At this time, a citizen of Shuncheng City recognized Du Xiangyuan. This citizen of Shuncheng City immediately shouted, "Du Zhengyuan, it's Lord Du Zhengyuan." Look, that's Lord Du Xiangyuan. " Hearing the words of this resident of Shun City, the other residents of Shun City also shouted, "Long live Lord Du Zhaoyang and long live Lord Du Zhaoyang."

"Du Zhengyuan, your prestige is much higher than me, Deng Yaorong, right now in Hushun City." "" Deng YaoRong said with a smile. Deng YaoRong, you are praising me too much. " With that said, Du Xiangyuan led the Night Wolf Army soldiers into the city.

At first, when they heard that the Night Wolf soldiers had defeated the Haskattans, the residents of Shuncheng also had some doubts. They believed that even if the Night Wolf soldiers won against the Haskattans, they would only kill more than a thousand Haskattas. After all, Du Zhengyuan only had 1,500 Night Wolf soldiers under his command. However, what the residents of Hun Shun City didn't expect was that the night wolf soldiers would actually kill so many Haskata people.

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