King of the Border/C16 Revenge of the haskata
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King of the Border/C16 Revenge of the haskata
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C16 Revenge of the haskata

Looking at the Haskattans' heads that were being transported back to Hishun City by the night wolf soldiers, the residents roughly counted the number of heads and discovered that there were at least 10,000 of them. In addition, there were tens of thousands of Haskattans among the Night Wolf Army soldiers. At the same time, the herds of cattle and livestock that had been chased back by the soldiers of the Night Wolf Army were also nowhere to be seen. Seeing this, the civilians of Shun City were all certain that the soldiers of the Night Wolf Army had defeated the Haskattans.

After entering Heshan City, Du Xiangyuan looked at the excited citizens of Heshan City and shouted, "The citizens of Heskata City and I have been plundering away from us and the citizens of Hesun City for a long time." "And now, today, we, the Night Wolves, have looted the Haskata. Today, the loot we have looted from the Haskata belongs to the whole city of Hishun. It belongs to all the citizens of the city of Hishun."

Hearing Du Zhaoyuan's words, the people of Hun City became even more excited. After Du Zhengyuan waved his hand to silence the civilians of Shuncheng, Du Xiangyuan continued, "Tonight, our Night Wolf Army soldiers will slaughter the cattle and sheep that we snatched from the Haskata people. Today, Shuncheng and I will celebrate. With the residents of Shuncheng, everyone ate and drank with open mouths. "Each family will come to our Night Wolf Army and distribute the cattle and sheep that we snatched from the Haskata."

This time, the citizens of Shuncheng became even more excited, cheering once again, "Long live Lord Du Zhaoyang, long live Lord Du Zhaoyang, long live Lord Du Zhaoyang."

On this night, the entirety of Peace City fell into a state of ecstasy. On the second day, Du Xiangyuan, who was still sleeping, heard an urgent knock on the door. After Du Zhengyuan opened his own door, he looked at the nervous Du Chengu and asked in puzzlement, "Du Chengu, what's wrong?" What happened in the early morning? "

Upon hearing Du Xiangyuan's words, Du Chengyuan hurriedly said, "Du Zhengyuan, something big has happened. You, hurry up and come with me to take a look." With that, he directly dragged Du Xiangyuan and ran outside. "When Du Xiangyuan arrived at the camp of the Night Wolf Army, he saw a large group of citizens of Shuncheng City crowding around the entrance of the Night Wolf Army's camp." "What, what is going on?" Du Xiangyuan asked doubtfully as he saw the tens of thousands of citizens of Hesun City gathered here in a steady stream.

"All of these civilians of Shuncheng must join our army and become Night Wolf Army soldiers. How could we dare to make the decision? So we let you come here to take a look." Du Xunu shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly. At this time, a few of the residents of Shun City also saw Du Zhengyuan and Du Chengyu. One of them hurriedly said, "Look, it's Lord Du Xiangyuan." Upon hearing the words of the people of Hushun City, the people of Hushun City immediately crowded in front of Du Xiangyuan.

A man from Shuncheng City said excitedly, "Sir, I beg of you, please allow me to become a soldier of the Night Wolf Army." Before he could finish his words, another citizen pushed him away.

The man who lived in Shun City said excitedly, "Master Du Xiangyuan, look at me, I am very strong. I can definitely become an outstanding night wolf soldier. Master Du Zhengyuan, please accept me." Looking at the people of Shuncheng who were crowding over and asking to become soldiers of the Night Wolf Army, Du Zhengyuan didn't know what to do.

Du Xiangyuan waved his hand and said, "Everyone, everyone, our family does not have the financial resources to support the ten thousand soldiers of the Night Wolf Army." Hearing Du Xiangyuan's words, a citizen of Shuncheng City immediately said, "Master Du Zhengyuan, I have my own weapons. If I can become a soldier of the Night Wolf Army, I don't need a single coin of food payment, as long as it can fill me up." The other and Shuncheng resident also said in a hurry, "Master Du Zhengyuan, just give me a meal a day. If it doesn't work out, I'll go home and eat by myself, as long as you make me a soldier of the Night Wolf Army and take me to fight against the Haskata people.

Hearing the words of the residents of Shuncheng, Du Zhengyuan helplessly said, "It seems that if the enthusiasm of the people is too high, then it's really hard to accept." Du Zhaoyuan paused and then said, "I know that everyone wants to become a night wolf soldier and fight against the Haskatta people. But we all know that because we can't cultivate the land, we and the people of Shuncheng have always been living in poverty. "

"But now, Haskatta will drive away our Night Wolf Army soldiers, so that we can cultivate our land in Hishun City. If you all become Night Wolf Army soldiers, then who will provide food for the Night Wolf Army soldiers in Hishun City? "Without food, how are we to fight the Haskatars?"

Hearing Du Xiangyuan's words, the residents of Hun Shun City could not help but lower their heads. Du Xiangyuan continued, "Not everyone can become a member of the Night Wolf Army. We have to fight against the Haskatars, not just in numbers. We can't let the citizens of Heshai City die."

"Everyone, we will recruit 2,000 people to become the Night Wolf Army soldiers. However, the rest of the citizens and Shuncheng City will have to cultivate their own land. Only by doing their own thing can Shuncheng and us grow stronger." Only after hearing Du Zhengyuan's words did the citizens of Shuncheng calm down. With Du Xiangyuan's consolation, the battle with the citizens of Shuncheng over the chance to become a soldier of the Night Wolf Army finally calmed down.

However, on the second day, Deng Yaorong hurriedly found Du Xiangyuan. When he saw him, Deng Yaorong immediately said, "Du Xiangyuan, this is bad. This time, I have received news that an army of 30,000 Haskata people is rushing towards Shuncheng City and us." Hearing Deng Yaorong's words, Du Zhengyuan nodded his head and said, "It seems that our attack this time has thoroughly angered the Haskata people."

"Yes, although we have already guessed that the Haskatta would take revenge on us, we need not be too nervous now that the Haskatta troops are coming. "However, Du Xiangyuan, let us now discuss how we should defend against the assault of the Haskattans." Deng YaoRong said.

"Alright, let's have a good discussion. "Let's see what we, the Night Wolf Army soldiers, can do in this battle." Du Zhengyuan nodded and said. Very quickly, Du Xiangyuan brought Du Xiangnu, Dugong Prefecture, Cheng Shenghua, and Chen Jianke to Deng Yaorong's City Lord's Mansion. At this time, the generals of Shuncheng under Deng YaoRong and Deng YaoRong's command had already gathered together, waiting for the arrival of Du Xiangyuan. Seeing Du Xiangyuan, Du Zhaonu, Du Yuan Prefecture, Cheng Shenghua, and Chen Jianke walk in, Deng Yaorong said, "Everyone, I think everyone knows that the Haskata people are coming to attack us and Shuncheng."

"Now, let us discuss how we're going to defend against this Haskatta attack." At this moment, Du Zhengyuan suddenly asked, "Deng Yaorong, how long can your three thousand soldiers of the Great Wei Empire hold up against the people of Haskatta?"

Hearing Du Xiangyuan's words, Deng Yaorong asked doubtfully, "If there are only 10,000 Haskata people, we and Shuncheng can easily defend against them." "But now, facing more than 30,000 Haskattans, we can hold them off for about half a month."

"Okay, Deng Yaorong, I have an idea. I will stay in the city with you and block the attack of the Haskatta people. Du Yuan Prefecture will leave Peace City with the Night Wolf Army soldiers. " "Du Zhengyuan directly said." What? The Night Wolf Army soldiers are leaving Peace City? " Hearing Du Xiangyuan's words, Deng Yaorong immediately said in surprise. Originally, Deng Yaorong wanted the Night Wolf Army soldiers to help him defend and defend the city when he knew that the Haskatars had come to attack and Shuncheng. Otherwise, Deng Yaorong wouldn't have placed Du Zhengyuan here to discuss how to defend the Haskatars.

Originally, Deng Yaorong wanted to discuss the matter of the Great Wei Empire's soldiers and the Night Wolf Soldiers working together to protect Shuncheng with Du Xiangyuan. But now, hearing Du Xiangyuan's words, it naturally surprised Deng Yaorong. However, at this time, Du Xiangyuan smiled and said, "Deng Yaorong, listen to my explanation. Actually, I already thought about it before the Haskatars came here."

"Although our Night Wolf Soldiers can defend Shuncheng together with your Great Wei Empire army, it's enough to make Shuncheng invulnerable. But I believe that this time, the Haskatars will not let go of the city. "Even if the Haskattans are unable to force their way into the city of Heskata, if the Haskattans are to be besieged for a long period of time, we can only wait for our deaths in the city of Heskata."

At this time, a general of Shuncheng said, "But the Great Wei Empire will send troops to support us." Unless the army of the Great Wei Empire rises, the territory of the Great Wei Empire which is connected to the city of Shuncheng alone will only be a part of the army at the border of the Great Wei Empire.

"And now, in the Great Wei Empire, there is a civil war. The Great Wei Empire's emperor is mobilizing troops to attack the rebel army. Do you think the Great Wei Empire's emperor can dispatch a large number of the Great Wei Empire's army to support Shun City and us? " Hearing Du Xiangyuan's words, the generals of the Great Wei Empire beside Deng Yaorong all fell into silence.

Du Zhengyuan continued, "In terms of pure defense and Shuncheng, we are just sitting back and waiting for death. Even if the Haskata cannot break through our walls, we will be trapped by them. So my idea is, we'll stick with Shuncheng. Du Guzhou had brought the Night Wolf Army soldiers to ambush them. For a period of time after our defense and Shuncheng has worn down the morale of the Haskata people, the Dugu prefecture will lead the Night Wolves to launch a fatal attack on the Haskatta people. "

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