King of the Dark World Returns to City/C14 Reasons
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King of the Dark World Returns to City/C14 Reasons
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C14 Reasons

Seeing Lin Wanyu wanting to stay, Lin Shengtian spoke sternly.

"Hmph, what's the big deal if I just leave!"

Lin Wanyu stood up and walked out of the ward in a huff.

"What's the second one? You can say it now!"

After watching Lin Wanyu leave, Lin Shengtian turned around to look at Shen Bei and said.

"Secondly, Madam is not ill at all!"

"How did you know?"

Hearing Shen Bei's words, Li Xue was shocked. Only a few people knew about it, Shen Bei had only seen his once, how did he know about it?

At this moment, Li Xue always knew why Shen Bei had to wait until Wan Yu left before he could tell his the truth.

"My grandfather is an old Chinese doctor, I've learned a bit from him. You also know that Chinese medicine pays particular attention to hearing and hearing …" Shen Bei explained in a clear voice.

After hearing that, Lin Shengtian and Li Xue looked at each other. They could see the shock in each other's eyes!

Lin Shengtian stood up and walked around the ward. After walking for a few minutes, he suddenly said to Shen Bei:

"From today onwards, you are the company's CEO's assistant, your job is to protect Wanqing 24 hours a day!"

"Ah …" That's not good! "

This time, it was Shen Bei who was shocked.

"What is it? "Don't you want to?"

Lin Shengtian stared at Shen Bei and asked, his body immediately had a sense of might, even though he was not angry, but, it did nothing to Shen Bei.

Shen Bei was a person who frequently wandered around the gates of hell, so this kind of pressure was nothing to him.

"No, I just want to know why. In other words, I want a reason!"

"Reason? I, Lin Shengtian, have never needed a reason to make people work, and I really hate people who ask me for a reason! "

This time, Lin Shengtian was angry, the aura from his body became stronger and stronger.

Chairman, there's no reason. I'm sorry, but I can't accept this mission.

"You need to think carefully about the consequences of offending me, Lin Shengtian, in Hua Hai. Don't think that just because you saved me yesterday, you can become confident and fearless.

"First of all, let me tell you something. If I get angry and I hit myself, I won't be able to care about all that. You have to think carefully about the consequences of angering me!"

Lin Shengtian said as he looked at Shen Bei with both of his hands behind his back.

"Thank you, chairman, for your kind intentions, but I have a problem that I can't fix, and that is that I must have a reason for doing things. If there's no reason, then I'm in a very bad mood and I don't want to do things anymore!"

In the face of Lin Shengtian's threat, Shen Bei said without fear. Since young, he had never been someone who could be threatened. If Lin Shengtian wanted to threaten him and make him submit to him, then the only thing he could do was to say that he was overthinking.

"Pa Pa Pa!" Good! Very good! Very good! I, Lin Shengtian, admire a young man like you with a temper and a character that is very hard to deal with! "

Lin Shengtian suddenly clapped his hands, and looked at Shen Bei with an appreciative gaze: "You need a reason, okay! The reason I'm telling you this is... "

Lin Shengtian paused for a moment before continuing, "This reason is precisely because I am unable to find the file for you beyond the age of eighteen. I am extremely interested in you, this should be enough!"

"This reason is very strong, I agree to your request!"

Shen Bei readily agreed.

"So straightforward? You saved our family, but I investigated you. Aren't you angry? "

Seeing Shen Bei agree without hesitation, Lin Shengtian asked in confusion.

"What's there to be angry about? If it were me, I would do the same!"


"What did my parents say to you just now?"

After Lin Shengtian and Li Xue left, Lin Wanyu asked impatiently.

"Uncle and Auntie want me to take good care of my wounds. When I recover, they want me to get engaged to your sister!"

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Lin Wanyu was shocked, but quickly blurted out the words in her heart. After she said that, she realized that she had lost her composure and quickly added: "Weren't you and my sister acting? Why did it become an act now? What method did you use to deal with my parents? "

"I don't use any tricks. Your parents insisted on taking me as their son-in-law. I was helpless!"

Shen Bei said with a depressed look.

"Are you trying to trick a ghost? Will my parents fall for a little security guard like you? "Take a step back. Even if my parents had taken a liking to you, my sister wouldn't have taken a fancy to you. I think you should just give up!"

Lin Wanyu curled her lips, and said disdainfully.

"Regardless of whether you believe it or not, this is the truth. Time will prove everything!"

Seeing Shen Bei's confident look, Lin Wanyu couldn't help but to be worried about the loss. She was not afraid of ten thousand, it seemed that she had to think of a way to stop it!

Lin Shengtian sat at the back with his eyes closed, resting his mind. Li Xue looked at him and wanted to say something, but hesitated.

"Don't you understand?"

A few minutes later, Lin Shengtian suddenly opened his eyes and said.

"Yes, although I have a very good impression of Shen Bei, isn't it a bit too hasty to let him and Wan Qing get engaged on this year's National Day? "What if Wan Qing agrees or not?"

Li Xue asked with a worried expression.

"It doesn't matter if she agrees or not. It's decided!"

Seeing that his wife wanted to speak, Lin Shengtian waved his hand and said: "Listen to what I have to say first, I know all the things that you have to say.

However, it's a troublesome situation, and I don't know if I'll be able to survive this ordeal. It doesn't matter if my old life is lost, but I definitely won't let anything happen to my daughter!

Besides, you know how Wanqing is, what do you think a girl like her should learn? She wants to be a lily instead of a real one, do you think that's right?

Right now, I'm a little regretful that I sent her to study abroad back then. I have already made up my mind on this matter.

"If there comes a day when I'm not here anymore and a man comes to take care of her, it would be good. I'm just thinking for our daughter, so you don't have to persuade me anymore!"

"Sigh …"

Li Xue heaved a long sigh. Seeing her husband's resolute attitude, she didn't say anything more.

"You don't have to worry, just think about it from another perspective, this might be a good thing. Think about it, over the past few years, which man did Wanqing meet?

Although she was forced to do this, it means that she doesn't reject contact with Shen Bei, or else she would have found Shen Bei to deceive us. This would be a good start! "

Lin Shengtian patted his wife's shoulder as he consoled her.

"You're right, it's possible. It seems like we'll have to give them more chances in the future."

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