King of Wind and Frost/C9 Giant shield crossbow soldier
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King of Wind and Frost/C9 Giant shield crossbow soldier
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C9 Giant shield crossbow soldier

Under Chen Junlin's command, the soldiers of the Frost Nation immediately began to conceal themselves, hiding their bodies under the walls. Although they had already started dodging, Chang Wanguang had a total of three thousand archers under his command. With a single shot, he could shoot out three thousand arrows. Although these soldiers had already started hiding, there were still over a hundred soldiers who had been shot by arrows.

After the first round of arrows from the Song Army ended, Chen Junlin shouted loudly, "Quick, the huge shield and crossbow soldiers, attack now!" Hearing Chen Junlin's order, over a thousand soldiers of the Windfrost Country immediately rushed forward. Although the Pine Leaf City was not a very large county city, the city wall of Pine Leaf City was very spacious. It was very obvious that the Great Song Empire's plan was to retreat to the Pine Leaf City line and rebuild the defensive perimeter if the Great Wei Empire's troops took over the land in Wei He Xi'an.

However, the Song Army did not expect the army of the Great Wei Empire to raid Songye City while they were busy with their army, Chen Bing and Wei He. That was why he had allowed the Pine Leaf City to fall into Chen Junlin's hands. This was also the reason why Chen Junlin chose Pine Leaf City. This time, Chen Junlin had full confidence that he would be able to defend Pine Leaf City for at least ten days.

After seeing the arrows of the Song Army attack, Chen had thoroughly experienced the might of the arrows of the Song Army. However, Chen Junlin had come up with a solution, and that was the Giant Shield Crossbow Soldiers. The Giant Shield Crossbow Soldiers were naturally invented by Chen Junlin. When he was a hostage in the Great Wei Empire, Chen Junlin had been constantly studying the various arms and battles in various countries around the world. After some research, Chen found that the crossbow army had a huge advantage. Although archers could use their bows and arrows to shoot fast, they needed archers to pull their bowstrings.

This meant that the use of the bow and arrow required the user to continuously use their own arm strength. Therefore, even a trained professional archer would find it difficult to shoot ten arrows in a row. Therefore, even if the archer only had a dozen or so arrows in his quiver, he could not help but worry that he did not have enough arrows. However, the crossbow arrows did not have this weakness, so when the crossbow arrows were fired, they had to use a special rocker to draw the bowstring. Although it would take time for the crossbow arrows to fire, the crossbow arrows had an advantage that was impossible to compare with with the two arrows. The first was that the crossbow arrows could be tightened on the bowstring through the swing. This meant that the crossbow bolts had a longer range, so when attacking at close range, the crossbow arrows would have greater lethality.

Secondly, even if the crossbow was shot more than twenty times consecutively, the body of the crossbow archer could still continue to shoot. As long as the bowstring continued, it could continue to shoot. However, Chen also found that whether it was crossbow arrows or arrows, they all had a very important flaw. That was, archers lacked the ability to fight in close combat. This was because archers required specialized training. After all, it was not an easy task for him to shoot his arrows.

This meant that when archers spent most of their energy on their archery, they naturally didn't have much time to train their fighting ability, which made their close combat ability very low. However, the crossbow archers did not have this weakness, because the usage of the crossbow bolts was very convenient. As long as they trained a little, the crossbow archers could accurately aim at their target through the aiming device on the crossbow. Therefore, the crossbow archers would be able to spend enough time, like the infantry, to practice their close-combat abilities. Thus, not only could a crossbow archer launch long-range attacks, he could also engage in close combat.

This way, the crossbow archers would be able to long-range attack the enemies while also being able to close in on the enemy. This would undoubtedly reduce the number of soldiers and cause a great deal of damage. This was very suitable for the country with a population far smaller than the Great Wei Empire. However, after some thought, Chen also found the weak point of the crossbow archer. That was when the crossbow archers were fighting against the archers on the battlefield, because the filling speed of the crossbow arrows was too slow. If it was a professional archer, when the archer loaded the crossbow, he could shoot out three arrows.

Thus, on the battlefield, if the crossbow archers were to fight against the archers, they would definitely suffer a great loss. Even if it was twice the number of archers, they would still be wiped out by the arrows. In order to protect the safety of the crossbow archers, Chen had thought of a plan. That was to let these archers carry a huge shield on their back. As for the crossbow archer carrying the giant shield, he was also known as the Giant Shield Crossbow Soldier by Chen Junlin. The shield on the back of the Giant Shield Crossbow Soldier would be very large. It was enough to completely cover the body of the Giant Shield Crossbow Soldier.

When the giant shield crossbow soldier fought with the archer, as long as the giant shield crossbow soldier turned around, the shield on the back of the giant shield crossbow soldier could effectively block the enemy's arrows and arrows. Under the obstruction of the shield, the giant shield crossbow soldier was able to effectively protect his own safety. After reloading his crossbow, the Giant Shield Crossbow Soldier could turn around and shoot its own crossbow.

This way, during the battle with the archers, the Giant Shield Crossbow Soldiers would have a complete advantage. Thus, this time, after seeing the formidable strength of the Song Army archers, Chen Junlin immediately had his huge shield and crossbow soldiers come out to fight these archers. However, the giant shield crossbow soldier was only thought of in Chen Junlin's mind before. After all, Chen Junlin did not have any strength back in the Great Wei Empire, and he could not be allowed to form the giant shield crossbow soldier that he had thought about.

After Chen Junlin returned to the country of frost, he immediately came to the western part of the Great Song Empire. This was also the reason why Chen Junlin had never had the time to create his own giant shield crossbow soldier. Now he had to fight with the Song Army, so Chen had no choice but to follow the rules. After entering Pine Leaf City, Chen Junlin began to collect all the doors and boards of the shops.

After that, Chen Jilin tied these doors and panels behind the crossbow soldiers. Of course, these crossbows were naturally obtained from the Great Wei Empire. After the giant shield crossbow soldier walked up to the city wall, he raised the crossbow that he had already equipped with a bowstring. Chen Junlin immediately ordered, "Fire!" Hearing Chen Junlin's order, all the giant shield crossbow soldiers pulled the trigger of the crossbow in their hands.

After the crossbow was released, thousands of bolts shot towards the Song Army archers. This round of crossbows and arrows had killed more than two hundred Song Army archers in an instant. After firing his crossbow, the giant shield crossbow soldier immediately turned around and began to load the crossbow. After being attacked by the huge shield and crossbow soldiers, the Song Army's archers immediately began to retaliate.

However, this time, the Giant Shield Crossbow Soldiers had already turned their bodies. Their bodies were protected by a door. Therefore, all the crossbow bolts shot by the Song Army archers had been blocked by the door. Therefore, even though the Song Army archers had shot over three thousand arrows, they still hadn't managed to kill any of the huge shield and crossbow soldiers.

Seeing that most of the Giant Shield Crossbow Soldiers had already filled their crossbows, Chen Junlin shouted again, "All of the Giant Shield Crossbow Soldiers that have filled their crossbows, immediately turn around and shoot again." The Giant Shield Crossbow Soldiers that didn't have their crossbows loaded continued to stand there, continuing to load their crossbows. After the crossbow in his hand was fired, the giant shield crossbow soldier turned around and continued loading the crossbow.

Seeing that the arrows that were once again shooting at him couldn't even injure a single giant shield crossbow soldier twice, Cheng Dongxing couldn't help but to say in surprise, "My god, Prince Chen Junlin, these giant shield crossbow soldiers are really powerful. The giant shield crossbow soldiers can kill those archers, but the archers' arrows can't hurt them." Hearing Cheng Dongxing's words, Chen Junlin shook his head and said, "No, they still lack training. Some of the giant shield crossbow soldiers can't keep up with the others."

As he spoke, the Song Army archers shot out their bows and arrows again. However, this time, the arrows were the same as last time, they did not harm the huge shield and crossbow soldiers. However, at this moment, Chang Wanguang couldn't see that his archers hadn't been able to harm the huge shield and crossbow soldiers of Pine Leaf City, but he could clearly see that his archers had been killed by the crossbolts.

Although this was only a tenth of the number of archers, Chang Wanguang felt his heart ache. These archers were all professionally trained. The main reason why the archers in the Song Army possessed such great combat power and intimidated the soldiers of the Great Wei Empire was because these Song Army archers not only drew their bows at a very fast speed, but also had extremely accurate bows and arrows. Of course, this was all the result of long term training.

In the Song Army, every archer had been through at least three years of training. Thus, for every archer he lost, he had to wait three years before he could train a qualified archer to replace them. Every archer was extremely valuable. Seeing the injuries on his archers, Chang Wanguang naturally could not let his precious archers lose their lives beneath the city walls. Thus, he gave the order for his infantry to attack.

Although the infantry would have to pay a heavy price for offense, Chang Wanguang knew that once the infantry started attacking, then the giant shield crossbow soldiers of Pine Leaf City would focus their firepower on the infantry so that their own archers could be protected. The death of an infantry unit, as long as a soldier was recruited within the Great Song Empire, after a month of training, they would be sent to the battlefield. For the powerful Great Song Empire with many people, the death of an infantry unit was nothing.

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