Kungfu King/C13 Yang tian
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Kungfu King/C13 Yang tian
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C13 Yang tian

Stunned at Yang Kai's confident appearance, Yang Tian did not know where Yang Kai's current confidence came from. Even after Yang Tian saw the confidence Yang Kai displayed, he still involuntarily started to believe what Yang Kai had said.

However, he wouldn't believe that Yang would surpass him one day at a meeting.

After all, he was the person with the highest talent in cultivation within his clan. As for Yang Kai, he had only just increased his strength. There was simply no way for the difference between him and himself to match up.

Immediately, Yang Tian involuntarily let out a cold snort. He directly said without a care, "Since that's the case, continue dreaming. Although I don't know what made you so confident, I can still tell you directly that you won't have a chance to surpass me."

After saying that, Yang Kai involuntarily laughed coldly as he walked away. After all, he had never placed Yang Kai in his eyes before.

As they were walking, Yang Tian continued saying, "Right now, I must cherish my time and choose a martial skill. I don't have the time to waste time on trash like you."

After all, this period of time was extremely important to any youngster. Even the junior family head, Yang Tian, couldn't bear to waste such a precious period of time.

Moreover, in the face of the Martial Skill Building, Yang Tian could not truly attack Yang Kai. After all, in Yang Tian's eyes, the trash, Yang Kai, was not worthy to be personally dealt with. Secondly, this was the Martial Skill Building, it could be said that even he did not dare to rashly make a move here.

"Hmph. Just you wait. I will definitely surpass you." Looking at Yang Tian's back, Yang Kai couldn't help but clench his teeth. It could be said that he hated others who looked down on him more than anyone else.

Furthermore, Yang Kai firmly believed that he would definitely surpass Yang Tian. Even though Yang Tian was the number one genius in the family training, Yang Kai also had this kind of confidence.

This was because Yang Kai firmly believed that no one could be like him; they only needed a few short days to reach the strength of a Martial Master. Even Yang Tian, who was an extremely talented cultivator, would not be able to do so.

Only he could truly accomplish this.

Thus, Yang Kai firmly believed that he would definitely surpass this so-called genius Yang Tian.

It could be said that if Yang Kai hadn't discovered the black elemental energy within his body, he wouldn't have dared to say in his dreams that he would one day surpass Yang Tian.

However, Yang Kai currently possessed the assistance of black Yuan Power. No one could compare to him in terms of training speed. Thus, Yang Kai was very confident that he would definitely become stronger and stronger. After that, he would be able to surpass all of them. Until he became an expert on the continent.

All of this was just a matter of time.

Thinking of this, Yang Kai couldn't help but look away from Yang Tian's back. After all, the most important thing right now was the martial skill. Now that the martial skill was right in front of him, he had to take it out.

Otherwise, if he didn't have any martial skills, he would be at too much of a disadvantage when facing a martial artist of the same level.

Immediately, Yang Kai could not help but clench his fists as a slight energy ripple slowly spread outwards. After which, he stared intently at the Seven Deadly Fist and directly cried out, "Come out."

"Haaargh!" His two incomparably sharp fingers were like an eagle's talons as they directly and ruthlessly pierced towards Ye Xiwen.

"Bang!" With a crisp sound, the energy barrier finally shattered, revealing the martial skill within.

"Haha, this is great! It's finally broken open!" When he saw this scene, Yang Kai could not help but laugh heartily. Immediately, he took out the Seven Killing Fists and impatiently looked at it.

"Seven Killing Fist, a high Huang grade martial skill. With the power of all killing, one punch is stronger than another. When the power of one punch reaches the seventh punch, its might increases sevenfold. It is comparable to a Profound Skill."

Seeing this line of words, Yang Kai couldn't help but smile. It was actually a high grade Yellow Rank martial skill. Moreover, when one cultivated this martial skill to its peak, it would actually be comparable to a Profound Rank martial skill. That was truly too powerful.

One must know that in this place, a high grade yellow-rank martial skill was the highest level martial skill. As for the low rank Profound Ranked and above skills, they were too rare. Only the master or elders of the family had the qualifications to own a Profound Ranked martial skill.

What Yang Kai did not expect was that when he cultivated this martial skill to its peak, its power was actually comparable to a Profound Ranked martial skill. Did that not mean that he possessed a Profound Ranked martial skill? This could absolutely be said to be the highest ranked martial skill in this place.

"No wonder this energy barrier is so hard. This martial skill is indeed a bit too strong." Yang Kai couldn't help but think to himself. However, he was still able to break through this energy barrier and obtain this martial skill.

Yang Kai could not help but swiftly withdraw his Seven Deadly Fists. After which, he continued his search.

One had to know that one person could choose three martial skills, whereas Yang Kai could only choose one.

"Now, I have to make good use of my time. And Yang Tian, adding on the time to break the energy barrier just now, I have wasted quite a bit of time. There isn't much time left now, so I have to choose two martial skills." Yang Kai could not help but think this in his heart. His eyes flashed across the countless martial skills.

"Flipping Kick." All of a sudden, Yang Kai's body involuntarily trembled as his eyes instantly fixated themselves on a martial skill manual.

Immediately, Yang Kai could not help but clench his fingers without any hesitation as he viciously clawed at the energy barrier.

BOOM! With a muffled sound, the energy barrier shattered. Immediately, Yang Kai could not help but quickly take out his martial skill.

"Turn flying kick, middle Huang grade martial skill. With extremely fast speed, turn your body around, kick out with your feet, and fiercely kick the opponent away." Looking at the introduction of the flying kick, Yang Kai could not help but squint his eyes.

"No wonder it was so easy to break through this time's energy barrier. It turns out that martial skills are quite a bit weaker than the Seven Killing Fists." Seeing this, Yang Kai could not help but think to himself.

"However, it's a pretty good martial skill, and a Yellow Rank Mid Rank is also quite good." Upon seeing this, Yang Kai could not help but quickly retract his flying kick.

Although the flying kick wasn't as strong as the Seven Deadly Fist, at least it could be considered a pretty good martial skill.

This was because, at this time, time was already running out. If he did not make full use of this opportunity, he was afraid that he would not have the opportunity to choose three martial skills before sunset today.

One had to know that the sunlight outside was getting dimmer and dimmer. This proved that the sun was slowly setting.

"Fierce Tiger Fist." Soon, Yang Kai noticed another martial skill. Looking at this skill, it didn't seem like much, but if Yang Kai didn't choose now, the sun would have already set outside.

"Alright, no one is allowed to choose anymore. The sun has already set and everyone, come out."

However, just as Yang Kai was planning to take out the Fierce Tiger Fist, a majestic voice suddenly sounded out from outside the door.

When they heard the sound, some of the youths couldn't help but reveal unwilling expressions. Perhaps it was because these youths didn't have the martial skills they wanted, or perhaps it was because they didn't have the martial skills they wanted.

As for the youths, they had smiles on their faces because they'd already chosen the skills they needed.

"Sigh, what a pity." Hearing the imposing shout, Yang Kai could not help but feel pity. After all, this time he had chosen only the two martial skills, the Seven Deadly Fist and the Flying Kick. He could have taken out the third martial skill right away, but he did not expect that the voice from outside had already rang out.

It could be said that there was only a little bit of time left.

"Looks like I can only cultivate two martial skills now." Yang Kai could only mutter helplessly in his heart as he glanced at the Fierce Tiger Fist. He could only slowly walk out of the Martial Skill Pavilion with pity in his eyes.

After all, Yang Kai did not even need to think about the fact that the previous shout was most definitely issued by the Third Elder, Yang Mu. Since the Third Elder had already spoken, he could only helplessly stop.

"Everyone must come to my place to register. After registering the martial skills you've chosen, do not forget to return your martial skills after a week." The third elder, Yang Mu, who was standing in front of the door, said in an extremely flat tone.

The youths all nodded. Some who didn't pick a good martial skill could only shake their heads and sigh. They missed such an opportunity to choose a martial skill.

Soon, it was Yang Kai's turn. Yang Kai handed over the two martial skills in his hands to Yang Mu.

"Uh, Seven Deadly Fist." When he saw the martial skill that Yang Kai was using, the Third Elder Yang Mu's expression couldn't help but change slightly. After that, he looked at Yang Kai in shock and asked, "This was what you took out."

"Of course." Hearing this, Yang Kai could not help but chuckle as he spoke.

When the Third Elder, Yang Mu, asked this question, he also felt that it was unnecessary. After all, wasn't this the martial skill that Yang Kai had taken out? However, what shocked him was that Yang Kai was actually able to obtain this martial skill book.

"I have to say, you've got it. You actually chose it. Moreover, I didn't expect your strength to be able to break through the energy barrier of the Seven Deadly Fist. Such an amazing fellow." Third Elder Yang Mu could not help but slightly nod his head. After taking in a deep breath of air, he logged onto the two martial skills in Yang Kai's hands.

"However, the training requirements for this Seven Deadly Fist are extremely high. I don't know if you can master it. Otherwise, it might not be a good thing." The Third Elder, Yang Mu, seemed to be talking to himself as he shook his head.

Yang Kai could tell at a glance. Actually, the Third Elder, Yang Mu, had purposely said those words to him.

Then, before Yang Li left, Third Elder Yang Mu did not forget to remind him, "Remember, after a week, regardless of whether or not you have learnt it yet, you must return the martial skill in your hands. If you dare to lose it or damage it, then I will punish you."

Although this sentence had a threatening tone to it, the Third Elder Yang Mu's tone was extremely calm. He had no intention of punishing Yang Kai.

This was the difference between a genius and a trash.

"Yes." Hearing this, Yang Kai could not help but nod his head as he strode towards his own cultivation room.

If you are a trash, everyone will bully you. But if you are a trash, no one will really want to punish you.

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