Kungfu King/C15 Do we have to fight in actual combat
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Kungfu King/C15 Do we have to fight in actual combat
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C15 Do we have to fight in actual combat

Soon, a day had passed. Yang Kai had been diligently practicing his Seven Deadly Fist.

"Three punches." Yang Kai involuntarily inhaled a deep breath of air. With a sudden cry, all the strength in his body was concentrated on his fist as he viciously smashed it towards a large tree.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The power of the three punches increased by a single punch. As they slammed into the tree, three muffled sounds could be heard and the entire tree shook violently as if it could be broken apart at any moment.

"Phew, phew, it's so tiring." After these three punches, Yang Kai could not help but gasp for breath, his face pale. Today, after an entire day of practice, he felt as if all the energy in his body had been sucked out.

"I really didn't expect that cultivating martial skills would be so tiring." While Yang Kai was gasping for breath, he gently clenched his fists. He had never imagined that cultivating martial skills would be so arduous.

He raised his head and looked at the sky. The sun had already set in the west, and the sky had gradually darkened. Yang Kai couldn't help but shake his head and say, "Time flies. I don't feel anything. It is already sunset and I have been cultivating for an entire day."

"Looks like practicing the three fists is my limit for now. If I want to practice any higher, it will be too difficult." Yang Kai could not help but mutter to himself as he leaned against a large tree.

But from the looks of it, being able to execute three punches in a row was already his limit. If he were to execute a fourth punch, it might not be an easy feat at all.

"Moreover, I've already trained for an entire day. My strength has already been drained, so if I continue to cultivate, I'll surpass the burden of my own strength! This is an easy time refining my own body, and right now, it's very suitable for me to continue cultivating." Yang Kai could not help but move his legs slightly as he tried to regain some of his physical strength.

After all, Yang Kai had already worked hard enough after training for an entire day. If he continued to cultivate like this, it would be of no benefit to his body, and might even harm him.

When he thought of this, Yang Kai involuntarily raised his head and took a deep breath. Then, he exhaled a long breath and viciously exhaled the foul air in his chest. He grinned and said: "Today's training can only end here. Tomorrow, I will cultivate my flying kick."

Thinking of this, Yang Kai couldn't help but step on the ground and slowly walk towards his family.

And just like that, a day passed. A day went by in silence.

The next day, as soon as the sky brightened, Yang Kai quickly arrived at his original location and began to kick around. Although a middle Huang grade martial skill could not be compared with the Seven Deadly Fist, it could still be considered a pretty good skill.

Revolving his leg, flying, and dashing forward with his middle grade Yellow Rank martial skill. With an extremely fast speed, he spun his body and sent a flying kick flying, sending his opponent flying.

After reading up to this point, Yang Kai could not help but start to calm down and slowly close his eyes.

After a long while, Yang Kai suddenly opened his eyes and took a step forward. The instant he did so, his strength flowed and his entire body suddenly turned. He extended his leg and used a powerful force to kick fiercely.

BOOM! A loud sound was heard as a kick ruthlessly landed on the two of them. The powerful kick caused the entire tree to shake.

"Hehe, not bad. This martial skill is easier to grasp than the Seven Deadly Fist. Moreover, it's much easier to train in." Seeing this, Yang Kai couldn't help but smile. This flying kick wasn't too hard to learn. At the very least, it was much easier to grasp than the Seven Deadly Fist.

"Haaargh!" Following which, Yang Kai began to train like a madman. In the forest, the unyielding shouts of the young man continuously rang out. With a kick, only the shadows of the fleeing figures could be seen.

"I can't be afraid of tiring. I have to work hard and train hard. Otherwise, how can I catch up to Yang Tian?" When he thought of Yang Tian, this fellow, Yang Kai involuntarily attacked even more ruthlessly.

During these few days, Yang Kai trained at night and trained his martial arts during the day. He never let himself relax because he knew that he had to catch up with Yang Tian. Moreover, it would be best if he could defeat him in front of everyone.

What made Yang Kai happy was that he had already learned the Seven Deadly Fist and the flying kick, while the black Yuan Power was constantly increasing Yang Kai's training speed. That training speed, Yang Kai could guarantee that no one's training speed could compare to his.

Most importantly, perhaps it was due to Yang Kai using black elemental energy multiple times, it was much easier to mobilize black elemental energy than before. Moreover, it seemed like he could use even more black elemental energy.

Without a doubt, this was a good thing for Yang Kai. This was because the more black elemental energy he channeled, the faster his cultivation speed would increase.

Therefore, Yang Kai's strength was progressing by leaps and bounds at an alarming rate.

"Heh, spin the kick." A figure suddenly turned and flew away in an extremely good-looking manner. After which, he kicked out with a ferocious strength. Immediately, he kicked out towards a small tree that was not too big.

BOOM! Following the loud sound, the small tree immediately became quiet.

"Hur hur, this is great. The flying kick has finally been refined by me." Seeing this scene, Yang Kai could not help but laugh out loud. This was because the flying kick could be said to have been crafted by him.

In that case, the only thing left was the Seven Deadly Fist.

As he thought of this, Yang Kai couldn't help but clench his fists tightly, as he punched out viciously. "Bang, bang, bang!" Three punches in a row gave him the strength to execute a single punch. However, he had only managed to execute three punches in a row.

"Phew, this Seven Deadly Fist is really too hard to learn. I've already worked hard for several days and in the end, I can only execute three punches. These three punches seem to be my limit." Yang Kai could not help but gently shake his head.

What Yang Kai hoped for the most was to master the Seven Deadly Fist. After all, the Seven Deadly Fist was Yang Kai's most powerful martial skill.

However, what made Yang Kai disappointed was that the Seven Deadly Fist was not as easy as flying and kicking. After training for so long, he was still only able to punch out three times.

These three punches seemed to be Yang Kai's limit, unable to be broken through.

Thinking of this, Yang Kai involuntarily lifted his head to look at the sky. Now, the sky had already darkened. This was already the seventh day of his cultivation.

And today, it was time to send the Seven Deadly Fist and the flying kick back to the Martial Skill Pavilion. Otherwise, no matter who it was, they would be severely punished.

Thinking of this, Yang Kai could not help but sigh. Then, he slowly walked towards the Martial Skill Pavilion.

Soon, the Martial Skill Pavilion appeared before Yang Kai's eyes. At this moment, there were quite a few of the clan youths who returned their Martial Skills to the Martial Skill Pavilion.

Seeing this, Yang Kai couldn't help but speed up his pace and walk towards the Martial Skill Pavilion. He saw that the Third Elder, Yang Mu, had long since been waiting at the entrance.

"How is your training progress?" Looking at Yang Kai, the Third Elder, Yang Mu, seemed to ask in a smooth manner. At the same time, Yang Mu couldn't help but size Yang Kai up.

Hearing Third Elder Yang Mu's words, Yang Kai couldn't help but shake his head and say, "I've already learned the Soaring Kick, but unfortunately, I still haven't been able to learn the Seven Deadly Fist."

"Uh, it can't be that you didn't learn the Seven Deadly Fist, right?" Hearing this, the Third Elder, Yang Mu, could not help but stare at Yang Kai as he spoke. After all, the Seven Deadly Fist was such a good martial skill. If Yang Kai could not actually learn it, then it would be a great pity.

"I did learn it, however, it is not good. I can only be considered to have grasped it. I was simply unable to fully display the true power of the Seven Deadly Fist." Yang Kai could not help but shake his head as he spoke.

"Oh, that's still okay. At least I have mastered it. I will continue to practice more slowly in the future." Third Elder Yang Mu could not help but heave a sigh of relief. He had thought that Yang Kai would not have learned it after returning two martial skills.

That would be such a pity. One had to know that after returning the martial skill to the Martial Skill Building, it would have to wait for a year before it could be taken out again.

"Right, Third Elder, can I ask you something?" Yang Kai thought for a moment and could not help but ask the Third Elder, Yang Mu.

"Speak." Third Elder Yang Mu could not help but say.

Hearing this, Yang Kai couldn't help but say, "Let me ask you, how can it be easier to cultivate your martial arts?"

After all, Yang Kai had been working hard for so long, yet he was still unable to break through the limits of his three punches. To put it bluntly, Yang Kai's heart was about to burst with anxiety.

"It's very simple. You need to constantly use it. As long as you get more familiar with it, you will be more adept at it. In that case, naturally, the martial skill will be cultivated as well." Third Elder Yang Mu could not help but look at Yang Kai as he spoke.

"But, it's useless to just continue training like this. I've already trained for a week, but I still have no way of successfully learning this Seven Slaughter Fist." Yang Kai could not help but ask. He had trained in the Seven Deadly Fist for a long time, but three fists were already his limit.

"Haha." Hearing Yang Kai's words, the third elder, Yang Mu, strangely laughed out loud, and directly said to Yang Kai, "Actually, this is very simple. You only train hard and you don't use your martial skills in actual combat. This way, you won't be able to enhance your martial skills."

"You mean... You want me to fight in actual combat? " Hearing the third elder's words, Yang Kai could not help but be taken aback.

"That's right, only real combat can increase your strength by leaps and bounds, and only real combat can increase it by leaps and bounds." Only then will we be able to draw a full stop. " The Third Elder Yang Village could not help but start to speak more seriously.

"A real battle." Hearing the third elder's words, Yang Kai couldn't help but slightly hesitate as he lowered his head to ponder.

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