Kungfu King/C20 Consequences
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Kungfu King/C20 Consequences
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C20 Consequences

"Do you see that? This is the result that you have to pay for bullying me." Seeing the painful Yang Yuan and Yang Fan lying on the ground, Yang Kai could not help but sneer.

Upon hearing Yang Kai's words, the youngsters below the arena practically did not dare to breathe, much less make the slightest sound, as if they were afraid of provoking Yang Kai. At this moment, it was so quiet that it was as if a needle falling onto the ground could be heard clearly.

After Yang Kai directly knocked down Yang Fan and Yang Yuan, he swept his gaze over the other youngsters. As for the other youngsters, fear was written all over their faces. When they saw Yang Kai's gaze on their direction, they quickly took two steps back in fear.

It could be said that no one dared to meet Yang Kai's gaze.

"Now, it's your turn. Now, it's your turn to come up. The Martial Skill Hall is a place where you can challenge your friends at will. I'm standing here waiting for any of you to challenge me, no matter who it is." Yang Kai said with a hint of madness in his voice.

After all, he was the trash of the past, Yang Kai. The trash of the past, Yang Kai did not even dare to set foot in the Martial Arts Hall. The Yang Kai now stood on the stage and challenged all of their youths.

Moreover, Yang Kai was very confident in himself. Currently, among the younger generation of the entire family, only Yang Tian was capable of dealing with them. In that case, he was no longer afraid of anyone else.

That was why he dared to arrogantly stand on the stage and ignore all of their youths.

Hearing Yang Kai's words, the youngsters below the arena could not help but look at each other. After seeing Yang Kai's strength, who would still dare to challenge Yang Kai? They were clearly looking for a beating. Furthermore, Yang Kai was here for revenge.

As for some of the youths, after they heard Yang Kai's words, even their legs began to tremble.

"Humph, all of you are too cowardly. Could it be that all you have is this ability to bully the weak?" Seeing the fear on the youngsters' faces and the trembling of their feet, Yang Kai could not help but mock them coldly.

Finally, among the youths in the clan, there were some bold youths who could not help but start speaking upon hearing Yang Kai's words.

"Yang Kai, since we are brothers from the same race, please let us go this time. We know that we are wrong, so let us not make things too difficult for you. Although we also know that we were wrong to you in the past, we are brothers from the same race after all."

"That's right, Yang Kai, let us go."

Instantly, those youngsters couldn't help but start talking.

"Hmph. I'll let you all go. This won't do. I must take revenge for my past grudges. Otherwise, I will not let this matter rest." Hearing this, Yang Kai could not help but speak with incomparable determination, without the slightest bit of discussion.

Seeing this, the youngsters could not help but look at each other. After hearing Yang Kai's words, they were filled with determination. It would be impossible for them to let Yang Kai open their doors so easily.

"Yang Kai, don't think that just because I've become stronger that I'm impressive. Let me tell you, even though you're very strong, you don't have the confidence to win against all of us." At this time, a more daring young man could not help but angrily ask.

It seemed like Yang Kai was truly unwilling to let them go. It seemed that he had provoked the wrath of some bold youths.

"That's right, Yang Kai. Although, if it's a one-on-one battle, no one here will be a match for you. But, if it's someone from our side that's joining forces to deal with you, you might not necessarily be able to win against us."

"That's right. Let's join hands. Since he is unwilling to let us go, we can only force him to attack us."

"Mm. Although he's become stronger, it's hard for two fists to fight against four hands. If we join hands, we will definitely be able to defeat him."

With the first youth taking the lead, some of the youths couldn't help but shout out.

After all, since Yang Kai wasn't willing to let them go, they had no choice but to fight back.

The braver youth glared fiercely at Yang Kai, a fierce expression on his face.

After hearing the shouts of these bold youths, the other youths stared at Yang Kai and couldn't help but become a little ruthless. It seemed that this time, they were indeed planning to join hands and deal with Yang Kai together.

Seeing this, Yang Kai couldn't help but slightly smile, revealing an extremely dangerous aura. He let out a long breath and laughed coldly, "Alright, then I'll have you all join hands. Come on, this time, I'll beat you all to death."

After saying that, Yang Kai involuntarily clenched his fist slightly. A domineering aura was released as he stood on the arena.

And Yang Kai thought to himself, "Humph, you think you can take care of me just by joining hands? "Ridiculous, the strength of a Martial Master is not a joke. No matter how many martial artists join hands, they will definitely not be a match for him."

The youngsters below the arena could not help but look at each other when they heard this. When they saw you get up, their faces were filled with a little ruthlessness, but for a moment, no one dared to directly attack Yang Chen. After all, none of them wanted to be beaten up.

"Come, all of you come at once. I will defeat each and every one of you. I shall let you all know how enormous the gap between your strength and mine is." Seeing this scene, Yang Kai couldn't help but laugh out loud. He had a heroic look on his face as he looked down at the youngsters below the arena.

He clearly knew that he would be attacked by so many youths together, yet he still did not show any signs of fear. Instead, his battle awareness became even stronger as he fearlessly looked at the youths. It was as if he was somewhat excited.

After all, with so many people attacking together, it would be a lie to say they weren't nervous. However, Yang Kai still faced them fearlessly.

"Dammit! How preposterous! It would seem that after his strength increased, he became too arrogant. He truly thought that he would be able to face all of us by himself."

"That's right. He thinks too highly of himself. Since that's the case, let's go up. With so many people, why would they dare to be afraid?"

Immediately, Yang Kai's words caused them to be infuriated. A few of the more daring youths immediately shouted out and jumped onto the arena.

After which, he shouted for a beating and viciously struck Yang Kai. Both of them had fierce expressions on their faces.

They did not believe that they were not Yang Kai's match with so many people.

When the other youngsters saw this scene, they could not help but give a stern shout. Then, they instantly stepped onto the martial arena and charged at Yang Kai, who was filled with a wild and violent aura. They raised their right fists and ruthlessly punched towards Yang Kai.

"Haha, come on. Your movements are really too slow." When he saw this, Yang Kai's expression did not contain the slightest trace of anger. Immediately, he viciously punched out towards a young man who was charging in front of him.

BOOM! A muffled sound was followed by a scream. The youth fell to the ground, his face twitching in pain.

"Damn it." Seeing this, the boy, who was following closely behind, could not help but clench his teeth and directly faced Yang Gong. He could not help but quickly rush over.

"Eat my palm." As for the youngster behind him, he ferociously flew across the sky at an extremely fast speed. Using his fist to form a palm, he viciously chopped at the back of Yang Kai's head. It was as if he was trying to cut off Yang Kai's entire body …

"Uh, so powerful." Seeing this scene, the youths outside could not help but be slightly shocked.

However, what they did not expect was that Yang Kai's reaction speed was much faster than what they had imagined. Yang Kai's head spun around, and his entire hand directly caught the ferocious saber palm. Then, he slightly flicked his finger.

'Bang! 'a crisp sound was heard. The extremely ferocious saber palm was easily deflected by Yang Kai.

However, this was not the end. Looking at the other party, Yang Kai could not help but grin, revealing a dangerous aura as he said, "You can also fly out now."

After saying that, he suddenly exerted a force on his fist. Before that youth could even react to what happened, he gave out a miserable scream and his entire body was sent flying backwards.

"Hiss." Seeing this scene, the youths couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.

"Everyone, let's attack. What's there to be afraid of? He's only a single person. No matter how strong he is, he's only at this level. I refuse to believe that we, with so many people, are unable to defeat him." When they saw this, some of the more daring youths could not help but cry out.

At the same time, a few youths quickly approached Yang Yi's side.

Upon seeing this, Yang Kai could not help but secretly shout out and flew off his feet. Those few youngsters did not even have the time to get close to him and did not even know what was going on before they were blasted away.

"Hmph, fly out." Yang Kai, on the other hand, couldn't help but to roar as his fists and powerful legs continued to fly up. He sent a youth, who was trying to approach his own people, flying with all his might.

boom, boom boom … * A few more youngsters were sent flying by the impact, and were similarly caught in time to approach Yang Kai.

"Dammit. This guy is too strong. He can't even beat him." Seeing that so many people were unable to deal with Yang Kai alone, fear appeared on the young man's face.

This was because after fighting with Yang Kai, they finally understood the true difference in strength between them and Yang Kai. Yang Kai's current strength was simply too overwhelming.

"This won't do, I'm not Yang Kai's match at all." Finally, they saw Yang Kai being undefeatable like an invincible war god. Some of the youths could not help but start to cry.

boom, boom boom … * Upon seeing a young man, he was immediately sent flying.

In half an hour, the youths who were originally going to defeat Yang Kai, at this moment, all had faces full of fear. Some of the youths even directly crawled off the stage.

Because now, they finally felt afraid.

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