Kungfu King/C6 Martial master
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Kungfu King/C6 Martial master
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C6 Martial master

Time passed bit by bit like this.

As time passed, Yang Kai's face began to twitch in pain. One could even carefully notice that his body was already slowly moving away from his body as fresh blood gushed out. This was the image of his body being torn apart by a force.

If an outsider were to see this scene, they would definitely know that if Yang Kai hadn't withstood it so stubbornly, it was very likely that he would have been directly crushed to death by the source energy.

It could be said that in this situation, the odds were against Yang Kai.

However, Yang Kai gritted his teeth and shouted, "Break!"

Bang. A deep and heavy sound rang out from within his body. Finally, a crisp sound rang out from the muscles and veins that were tougher than mine.

"Haha, there's finally a crack! This is truly great! This proves that I can definitely break through the shackles of these tendons and become a true Martial Master." Seeing this, Yang Kai couldn't care less about the pain that came from his body, and immediately started laughing out loud.

"Now." Immediately, Yang Kai could not help but grit his teeth as he gathered his Yuan Power. Then, he abruptly charged at the Qi channels' barrier.

"Bang, bang, bang." Immediately, a series of crisp 'bang' sounds were emitted from within his body. Following the appearance of a crack, the originally extremely tough tendons and veins began to slowly loosen up.

In the end, it began to burst out faster and faster. In fact, the entire tendons and veins began to shake continuously.

"Last strike." When he saw this, Yang Kai could not help but grit his teeth. All of his Origin Energy gathered together before condensing into an incomparably sharp blade. When faced with the meridian barrier, he viciously and viciously chopped out.

Rumble … A "weng" sound was heard from the middle of the blade mountain as it ruthlessly slashed at the blockage of the tendons and veins.

BOOM! All of a sudden, a loud "bang" sound rang out from the incomparably hard tendons and veins as the might of the blade fell. In an instant, they had shattered.

"Pfft." At the same time. Yang Kai involuntarily spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.

"Haha, this is great! I finally broke through! I finally broke through my meridians and became a true Martial Master! I succeeded!" And within Yang Kai's body, he simply didn't care about what happened. The damage this power brought him caused caused caused him to laugh out loud.

That was because he had finally broken through the barrier of the meridian. One of his feet had already stepped into the rank of Martial Master.

Moreover, the remaining matters were naturally much simpler.

Immediately, Yang Kai could not help but rush in with his mind. He discovered that he seemed to have arrived at the side of the river from a small river. His mind was filled with a boundless feeling of helplessness as Martial power gushed in like a mad man.

At this moment, the black Yuan Power slowly started to circulate, as his entire body frantically absorbed the Heavenly Energy.

And the inside of his body was like a bottomless pit, endlessly absorbing martial power.

As time slowly passed by, Yang Kai's complexion slowly turned better. Furthermore, his originally pale face had actually turned a little pale.

Most importantly, Yang Kai's torn skin was actually slowly recovering. The Heaven and Earth powers were actually slowly healing Yang Kai's injured body.

If an outsider were to see this scene, they would definitely be incomparably shocked.

As he absorbed more and more heaven and earth energy, and as time passed, Yang Kai had completely recovered. In fact, his face was a deep shade of red. It was hard to tell that he had been severely injured.

As for the Heaven and Earth powers, they were still madly flowing into Yang Kai's body. It was as if Yang Kai's body was like a bottomless pit. No matter how much he absorbed, he could not absorb enough.

As Yang Kai entered a state of cultivation, the entire house slowly calmed down. There was no sound at all.

Just like this, time passed bit by bit. Soon, it was already morning.

The sun slowly rose as the warm sunlight shined on the houses on the ground. Through the window, it once again shone into the room.

Then, it landed on a youth who was sitting cross-legged in the room. This youth was very handsome, however, on his slightly delicate face, there was a calmness that suited his age. His breathing was stable and his eyes were slightly closed.

Rumble … Suddenly, the youth opened his eyes. Immediately, two extremely sharp gazes shot out from the pitch-black pupils. They were incomparably bright, as if they could pierce through everything in this world.

"This... Is this the power of a Martial Master? " After the youth opened his eyes, he could not help but take in a deep breath. After taking in a deep breath, he slowly let it out from his chest.

The foul air in his chest was slowly exhaled with this long exhalation.

"Haha, not bad, not bad. The strength of a Martial Master is definitely not something a Martial Disciple can compare with. Truly powerful." The youth could not help but clench his fists. Within his fists, a trace of energy and gas that could be seen with the naked eye slowly appeared.

This was the symbol of one's strength as a Martial Master. It had to be known that it was absolutely impossible for a martial artist to reveal his strength because a martial artist's strength was just too weak. They were only slightly stronger than ordinary people.

A Martial Master was a martial artist who truly possessed Martial Arts, and just a tiny bit of it could leak out. Although it was powerful, it was enough to prove that after a night of hard work, Yang Kai had already become a true martial artist.

"Last night was really close. Thankfully, I succeeded on my own. Otherwise, I really would have been in trouble." After calming down, Yang Kai couldn't help but recall the scene from last night.

That was because at that time, Yang Kai had already forcefully tried to break through the shackles of his muscles and veins. No matter who it was, this kind of method would only bring hundreds of troubles and no benefits.

One had to know that under the circumstances, if it were anyone else, they would have to give up and come back after a period of time. At that time, the shackles of his meridians were simply too strong.

As for Yang Kai, he refused to give up even if he died. If he failed to break through last night, it would definitely bring him a huge backlash. It would even directly damage his meridians, which would absolutely be of great disadvantage to his future cultivation.

Luckily, Yang Kai managed to withstand the pain and forcefully break through the shackles of his earth tendons. This led to a breakthrough in his strength, and furthermore, the benefits he received were even greater.

Therefore, when he recalled the scene from last night, Yang Kai felt a lingering fear whenever he thought about it.

"However, no matter what, I've succeeded. I've finally become a true Martial Master." He thought of this. Yang Kai could not help but clench his fists in joy. He was so excited that he did not regret his actions last night.

No matter what kind of danger he faced, as long as he could raise his strength, it would all be worth it.

Only the weak would feel fear, and the strong would always advance bravely.

After being happy for a while. Suddenly, a clear sound rang out from outside the door.

"Young Master, it's time for you to wake up. Don't forget that today is an important day." An extremely elfin voice sounded from outside the door.

"Little Wen." Hearing this clear and melodious voice, Yang Kai immediately recognized that the person speaking was definitely Little Wen.

Immediately, Yang Kai could not help but gently leap up from his bed and put on a set of appropriate clothes. Opening the door, the warm sunlight shone onto his body, causing him to look like a sunny boy.

Looking at the spirited Yang Kai, Xiao Wen's delicate face couldn't help but turn slightly red. Speaking of which, her age was similar to Yang Kai's. There really was an inexplicable emotion within her.

However, Yang Kai didn't pay the slightest bit of attention to this. He looked directly at Xiao Wen and asked, "What's wrong, what's the important day?"

"Eh, Young Master? Don't you know? " Hearing Yang Kai's question, Xiao Wen could not help but be stunned. He looked at Yang Kai with a strange expression and asked.

"Could it be that I should know?" Hearing Xiao Wen's doubtful words, Yang Kai could not help but think to himself. After some thought, he still could not figure out what kind of day it was.

Seeing this, Xiao Wen knew that Yang Kai did not remember and could not help but remind him: "Young master, did you forget? Today is June 8th. "

"June 8th?" Suddenly, he could not help but stare as he thought emotionally: "June 8th, so it turns out that today is already the day. This is really great, Xiao Wen, if not for your reminder, I would have forgotten about such an important day."

June 8th was the most important day for the Yang family to open the Martial Skill Pavilion. Only today, the young people of the family could enter the Martial Skill Pavilion to choose their own Martial Skills.

And don't forget that martial skills are special abilities that allow one to fully display martial power. They are one of the important factors that affect one's strength.

Thus, this day was an extremely important day for all of the youths in the clan. Because, on this day, he could finally choose his own martial skill. If he missed this day, then he could only wait for another year before he had the chance to enter again.

Thus, no matter if it was a youngster from a clan, they would never miss an important day like today. Because they had missed today, they were terrified. Only when the Patriarch and the three Great Elders nodded at the same time could they break the rules and allow the young men in the clan to enter.

To get the clan leader and the three great elders to nod their heads at the same time, to break through and agree was almost impossible. This was because even the genius of the clan had never obtained such an agreement.

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