Lame Taoist: Origin of Misfortune/C25 Treasure
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Lame Taoist: Origin of Misfortune/C25 Treasure
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C25 Treasure

said excitedly: "I have read about ghosts and gods before, but I have always been skeptical of zombies. Today, I want to carefully study what exactly allows corpses to move!"

"You can't!" My weak voice stopped me. "Zombies are poisonous and cannot be easily touched."

Upon hearing my words, Zhang Zixuan frowned: "Brother Xiaolong, you are lacking in breath, your face is pale, and your breathing is heavy, could you be sick?"

Zhang Zixuan checked my pulse, looked at me meaningfully, and said, "It's just an ordinary chill. Eat this pill, and you will be able to recover very quickly."

Zhang Zixuan handed me a pill. Its appearance is exactly the same as the detoxification pill from before, and after I threw it into my mouth, I realized that this is the detoxification pill without a doubt! I remember the taste! Zhang Zixuan is indeed a genius doctor, I could tell from his pulse that I didn't take the antidote pill, and he even helped me hide the truth quietly, and gave me a precious pill, I owe him a huge favor.

I gratefully looked at him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Brother Xiaolong. As a doctor, I am truly curious about zombies, and I also want to know the identity of this corpse. Is it General Long Chen?" You are a descendant of the Dao Family, I trouble you to protect the safety of all of us. Have you forgotten my identity? " Saying that, Zhang Zixuan puffed up his chest.

What else can I say? Nodding his head, he said, "Alright, I will do my best to protect everyone's safety. But for safety's sake, I suggest that we tie it up with a rope so that it won't jump up and hurt people."

The zombies were soon tied up, but the corpse still shook occasionally.

The zombie's mask was buckled onto its helmet. No wonder the two previous shots were not enough. As they took off their masks, everyone exclaimed!

The zombie's face was covered in green fur. It was extremely scary. Its head was like a ball of wool.

That's right, it should be frozen green fur!

According to the Legend of Ox Gate, zombies were divided into many different types. Different conditions would result in different types of zombies.

The most common condition was that the body would not rot after being buried in a place with extremely dense Yin Qi. After being exposed to Yin Qi for hundreds of years, the body would turn into a corpse. Its fur was white, and as the Yin Qi it inhaled increased, its fur would turn black, then green, then purple, and when it turned red, it would turn into a demon, and its strength would rank in the top ten of the 'Difficult-Subduing Monster List'.

If the green hair was stiff, it wouldn't even be in the top 100. Although it was harder to deal with than the white hair and black hair, and it also had a lot of strength, its weakness was also very obvious. As long as he blocked the Yang Qi in his body, he could wait for the chance to put a 'Corpse Suppressing Symbol' on his body.

However, the zombie was wearing special armor and a helmet and mask. Even if it had 'Corpse Suppressing Symbol', it would be useless! The old swindler was probably going to stare at it if he saw it. He had no other choice but to deal with the zombies.

Fortunately, Chen Haotian had brought a sniper rifle, which was why the corpse chrysanthemum exploded.

If it was an archaeological team or tomb robbers, even if they were lucky enough to pass the female ghost's tomb, without a sniper rifle, they would definitely die from the anger of this corpse!

According to Zhang Zixuan's preliminary deduction, this corpse was not Long Chen, and the face did not match.

Another mystery appeared. Who exactly was Long Chen? His tomb was not only guarded by female ghosts, but also had an invincible Iron-armored Corpse! Would they encounter something even stranger and fiercer next?

Zhang Zixuan used a small bottle to collect the zombie's hair, skin, nails and other items.

The Second Young Master waved his hand: "Continue!"

Due to the heavy Yin energy in the sarcophagus, the Second Young Master ordered a bodyguard to rush over with a sigil and open the stone door of the next tomb.

The bodyguard accepted the order and rushed out with the burning Yang Symbol, opening the next tomb door, and tested it to see if there were any traps outside, but the runes had already been extinguished, in a few seconds the bodyguard was blown out three Yang Flames by the yin energy, and fell down straight.

"Dead?" The Second Young Master asked.

Xia Ran nodded his head: "The three Yang Flames have all been extinguished, my soul has already left my body! Don't come over! What are you doing?! "Alright, I understand. Stay away from me."

Xia Ran said anxiously: "Second Young Master, the bodyguard that just died said that there is a long corridor in front. After his attempts, the first three floors do not have any traps, and other than that, he requests you to take care of his family."

The second young master said, "We won't lose even a single cent of our money. Since when has my Chen family treated you unfairly? Rest in peace. "

Then, he sent two bodyguards to look into the situation, they discovered that there was indeed a corridor in front, flashlight s could not see the end, after being tested boldly by the bodyguards, the first ten floors were fine, there were no mechanisms.

Then everyone ran over with the Yang Symbol I had ignited. After the fifteen of us rushed over, we closed the door to the sarcophagus' tomb. The yin aura inside was really too heavy, so it was better to close it.

The corridor was made of limestone, about three meters tall and three meters wide, seemingly very long. The air here was very turbid, and breathing was very uncomfortable, so the second young master took out a pile of snuffles and said, "We need to research the base, so we need to take this with us to avoid being killed by the poisonous gas."

Eight bodyguards died, and left behind five fried stone doors. Our team still has seventeen people, of which Suo Suo is expected to die soon, and five of the other eight will die from rabies, but it will take at least a few more days.

The two bodyguards led the way, we were eating and eating while advancing, the Chen Erxiao said: "Actually everyone doesn't have to worry, I have a way to go out, as long as we explore the entire tomb, regardless of whether we find what I want, I will bring you guys out, so after one minute of exploration, we will leave one minute earlier."

After about 200 meters, the two bodyguards in front shouted: "Second Young Master! There are two tombs here! "

As we approached, we saw that there were two stone doors on either side of the corridor, which corresponded to each other.

The second young master ordered, "Open the stone door!"

He first opened the left side of the stone door, and found that the tomb was the same as the previous ones, it was about six meters by nine meters, shining the flashlight inside, and found that there were three big boxes inside, the two bodyguards carefully entered, opening the boxes, they were all gold and silver! There were gold bars, gold ingots, pearl necklaces, jade pendants, and all sorts of objects carved from jade! And according to the Miss Jiang, these things were all rare antiques!

Everyone's eyes lit up, even I am no exception. Miss Jiang's family may be very rich, but girls always liked jewelry and things like that, especially this kind of rare antique. Zhang Zixuan's gaze drifted about. Even though he was also looking at the jewels, his gaze was not greedy for money, as if he wanted to use the jewels to please the girl. Chen Haozhe hoped that these jewels would contain what he wanted, and Chen Haotian was a little excited to see so many jewels. I also thought, with this much jewelry, if I could get a few and give them to Mom and Xu Xiaoling, it would be pretty good.

Chen Haozhe took a deep breath and said: "Everyone, don't move these treasures rashly. After I've finished appraising them, if there isn't anything I want, these items can be used by everyone here to choose three as a souvenir. After all, this is something that everyone has to pay a huge price to obtain.

Chen Haozhe continued: "Let's go to the stone room on the other side to take a look."

We came to the opposite stone room. There was no mechanism in this stone room, and three large boxes were placed on the ground. They looked exactly the same as the previous treasure boxes. After opening them, he found that the three boxes were also filled with all kinds of gold, silver, and jewelry!

Miss Jiang frowned: "Long Chen's identity is becoming more and more mysterious, I have read through the history of the Song Dynasty so I do not know of someone like Long Chen. Furthermore, he is just a general guarding the border, how could he have so much money? How do you know Taoist magic? "He even built such a huge tomb in the wilderness!"

The Second Young Master said, "The answer is ahead. Everyone, continue forward."

After exiting the tomb chamber and returning to the corridor, Chen Erxiao personally closed the stone doors of the two tomb chambers.

After another two hundred meters, they finally saw a stone door. Everyone was standing on both sides of the door to prevent the poison arrows from shooting out.

When the stone door opened, no poison arrows shot out from inside. Under the guidance of the bodyguards, everyone slowly entered.

This tomb was extremely large! It was at least 30 meters wide! There were Night Pearls embedded in the walls, the air in the tomb was extremely turbid. Even with the anti-poison nose plugs, everyone still felt as though they couldn't breathe properly. Everyone was breathing hard, we weren't poisoned, that was pretty good. At the center of the tomb, there was a raised stone platform. On the stone platform, there was a jade coffin. On the four corners of the stone platform, there were four stone beds.

My mind tightened! If these four zombie men were to jump, we would all die here! However, from the looks of it, although there was Yin Qi in this tomb, it was not very thick. Moreover, the four fierce men did not have any movements. It seemed that they did not know how to extort corpses. I hurriedly said to Chen Haotian, "Big Brother Chen, use your sniper rifle and burst the cerebellum of four Armored Corpses, in case they jump up and hurt us."

At this moment, the voices of bodyguards came from several other directions.

"Second Young Master, there are three treasure boxes here!"

"Reporting, second young master, there are some books here."

"There's an ancient bronze mirror over here, about the height of a man."

The second young master ordered, "Open the treasure chest and take a look."

The bodyguard opened the treasure chest, but the moment the treasure chest was opened, the bodyguard fell straight backwards! At the same time, a stream of Yin Qi came out! Xia Ran screamed: "Yin Qi! The Treasure Chest was filled with Yin Qi! The bodyguard was directly blown away by the Yin Qi! "

Under the shine of the flashlight's light, a large amount of black beetles surged out from the treasure chest, each of them were around the length of a pinky. Zhang Zixuan exclaimed, "It's the Corpse Worm! If a poisonous Corpse Worm is bitten, its body will fester and it will die! "

Blessings come in pairs, and misfortune comes in pairs. While we were panicking, four zombie men jumped up!

Ya Lai Die! Are you trying to scare me to death!]

As a fantasy novel, most of its contents are fictions. Please follow the settings of this article, and do not take any other novels as opposed to this one.

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