Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C10 Trap in the depths of the jungle
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Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C10 Trap in the depths of the jungle
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C10 Trap in the depths of the jungle

"The Anchorites have crossed swords with the Fedstas? That's great, Zhu Zhixin. Let the Fedstas hold the Anchorans back, and we'll run away now. " Yang Kaiji immediately said.

Hearing Yang Kaiji's words, Zhu Zhixin immediately said, "No, these Ankiros came to the forest because of us. The Anchorites must have come after us from mine number thirteen. We killed the Fedstas. We can't just walk away. "

With that, Zhu Zhixin shouted towards the forest, "Fedstas in the forest, I think you all must have heard the gunshots in the forest just now. It's the Andros, your Fedstas have been attacked by the Andros." We are now willing to go back with you to resist the invasion of the Anchorites. I hope that you can trust us and bring us back. "

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, three Fedstas walked out from the forest. One of them asked, "Human, are you really willing to attack the Anchorus together with us Fedstas?" Zhu Zhixin smiled and said, "Of course, the Anchorans want to capture us all and bring us back to mine 13 to be their slaves. Sooner or later, we will kill them all."

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, the Fedstar once again said, "Why should we believe you, humans? Amongst you, there is still an Anchoro." Zhu Zhixin impatiently said, "Believe it or not, that Angelo is called Deggiri. Although Deggiri is an Angelo, when we escaped mine number 13, Deggiri also killed three Angelos. You guys don't need to waste time, the arrows of you Vedestas are not going to be a match for the Angelo."

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, one of the Fedstas thought for a moment before saying, "Alright, come with us." With that, the Fedstas led Zhu Zhi Xin and the rest of the humans towards the tribe of the Fedstas. At the same time, Izu led his tribesmen back to the tribe. Seeing the humans enter, the other tribesmen tensed up. Izu said fiercely, "Zhu Zhixin? Didn't you say that you would leave this place? Why are you guys back here now? " Zhu Zhixin said nervously, "We just heard the sound of an energy gun. I know that it must be the Anchorans attacking you guys. I was worried about your safety, so I came back to check on you guys."

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Izu said disdainfully, "Are you worried about the safety of our people? If it weren't for you, how could the Anchorites have come here? As soon as you humans arrived here, the Anchorans rushed in. Zhu Zhixin, don't say that the Anchorans aren't related to you. "

Zhu Zhixin said with a wry smile, "Iju, it's just as you thought. We escaped from mine no. 13, and those Anchoro people are here to capture us. But we had two choices. One was to stand with you, Fedstas, and attack the Anchorians together. "The other choice is that even if we escape now, if we leave you Fedstans behind, we would have already escaped by now."

"Besides, right now, the Anchorans need many slaves. Even if the Anchorites didn't come here for us, sooner or later, they would still come here." Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Izu couldn't help but think about how the Anchorans didn't use energy guns to kill their own people just now. At this moment, Izu knew that the Anchorites wanted to capture the Fedstas as slaves and transport them to the No. 13 mine that Zhu Zhixin had mentioned.

After thinking about it carefully, Izu knew that he needed to strengthen himself, so he said, "Ok, Zhu Zhixin. We, the Fedstans, are willing to join hands with you humans." Hearing his words, Zhu Zhi Xin said with a smile, "This is the best choice. Yi Zhi Gu, do you have any plans to deal with the Anchorites?" Izhu said helplessly, "There's nothing we can do. Our arrows and javelins can't hurt the Anchorans at all. The Anchorites have energy spears that can easily kill us." The only thing we can do is to run away and hide in the deeper woods. "

"Escaping is not an option. Sooner or later, we will all be found by the Anchorans. The only way is to attack them and let them suffer. After that, they will no longer dare to enter the forest." Zhu Zhixin said. Can you repel the Anchorites? " he asked.

"The terrain here is very complicated. We can set up many traps, but we are not familiar with the terrain here. As long as you, the Fedstas, are willing to assist us, we can easily kill those Anchorites. " Zhu Zhixin said confidently.

After hearing Zhu Zhi Xin's words, Izu fell into deep thought. In Izu's childhood, the forest had been the home of the Fedstas. Although humans were digging for energy stones, humans would hire the Fedstas to provide them with sufficient rewards. But when the Anchorites came here, they began to arrest the Fedstas without restraint.

He had thrown the Fedstar into the mine as a slave, so he was filled with hatred for the Anchorites. For a long time, Izu had wanted to teach these Ankhilo people a lesson. After hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, he thought for a while and finally decided to join forces with Zhu Zhixin and the others to attack the Ankhilo people who entered the forest.

After setting up camp outside of the forest, he had a dozen or so Anchoran soldiers drive their chariots back to mine 13. After obtaining enough tools to capture them, the soldiers returned here. After a night of rest, they once again entered the forest in the early hours of the next morning.

However, Uranke did not know that this time, he had entered the forest, waiting for the Anchorian people to die. Zhu Zhixin had meticulously set up this trap. Although Zhu Zhixin had obtained some weapons in Mining Area 13, the energy guns in his hands were still limited. Therefore, Zhu Zhixin had found 25 of the mine's miners who had fought against the Anchiro army, and was preparing to fight against the Anchiro people with the energy guns. The Fedstas under Izhu's command lay in wait quietly in the forest.

The forest was huge, and in order to find traces of the Fedstas, Uranko dispersed his troops. Ten Anchorans were a small party. After all, in Uranko's opinion, a Fedstar who used a bow and a javelin would never be able to harm an Anchorian under his command. Therefore, it wasn't just Uranke. Even the ordinary soldiers of the Ankhs weren't afraid in the slightest. They only treated this mission as a trip to the wilderness.

After discovering the arrangement of the Anchorans, Zhu Zhixin immediately gathered all the soldiers in his hands, preparing to attack a single small group of the Anchorans. At this moment, a small group of Anchorans was walking in the forest. One of them stepped into a small quagmire.

This kind of pit was carefully designed by Zhu Zhixin. Once the Anchorans reached the top, they would sink their feet into the pit, unable to pull them out. Feeling as if his feet were being firmly grabbed, the Anchoran immediately said, "Damn it, I am trapped. Come and help me."

Hearing the Anchoro's words, the two Anchorans walked towards the Anchoro, laughing. At this moment, on the heads of the three Anchorans, there was a wooden raft. On the wooden raft, there were more than ten wooden stakes that had been sharpened by the Fedstas. After the two Anchorites had passed by, the Fedstas, who were hiding in the trees, used their daggers to secretly cut the ropes.

At the same time, the wooden platoon smashed down towards the three Ankhs. Therefore, these Anchorans were wearing bulletproof armor. However, the armor of the Anchorans was not very heavy. They only relied on the armor's energy shields to defend against the energy bullets. Although it had a strong defense against energy attacks, it was useless against trap attacks.

After the wooden raft fell down, it directly killed the three people from the Anchorus. At this moment, although the other Anchorans had raised their energy guns and wanted to attack the Fedstar in the book, before the Anchorans could attack them, the human soldiers hiding at the side had already pulled the triggers and were shooting at the seven Anchorites.

Although the Anchorans were all wearing defensive armor, this time the human soldiers were aiming at the unprotected part of their legs. At the same time, under the attacks of the human soldiers, the legs of the Ankhs were struck and they fell to the ground. Zhu Zhixin and De Gjhiri were soldiers who had fought for many years, and they both had accurate marksmanship.

After the Anchorites fell to the ground, Zhu Zhixin and Deggiri used energy guns and aimed them at the faces of the Ancheros. The faces of the Anchorans were not only the weak points of the Angaroans, but they were also defenseless, so one by one the Angaroans were killed by the fire of Zhu Zhixin and De Gjeli.

After killing the Anchorans, several human soldiers ran to the bodies of the Anchorans. They took their weapons, turned around, and ran into the depths of the forest. Soon, they heard gunfire, and two small teams of Anchorans arrived.

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