Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C11 Eriocheir decumbens
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Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C11 Eriocheir decumbens
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C11 Eriocheir decumbens

Seeing the corpses of the Anchorans lying on the ground, the twenty of them immediately chased after Zhu Zhixin and company. After escaping into the forest, because they were being led by the Fedsta, Zhu Zhixin and company quickly entered the depths of the forest, making it impossible for the Anchorans to catch up with them.

Under the leadership of the Fodistas, Zhu Zhi Xin and his men crossed a small river. After that, Zhu Zhi Xin's own human soldiers were lying in ambush on the riverbank. When the Anchorans caught up, Zhu Zhixin began commanding the soldiers to use energy guns to block the Anchorans. Suppressed by the firepower of Zhu Zhixin and his men, these Anchorites could only use energy guns on the other side of the river to attack the humans like Zhu Zhixin. Soon, more than fifty Anchorans came to the rescue.

What surprised Zhu Zhixin even more was that two other heavy armored warriors of the Anchorites had also arrived. Although the Anchoran's heavy armored warriors weren't as tall and sturdy as the human mechs, the Ancheros would be able to control the weapons on their heavy armor to attack the enemy. At the same time, the heavy armored warriors also used a magnetic device, giving them far more powerful attack, defense, and mechanical power than the Anchorans.

After the armored soldiers came here, Zhu Zhixin and the other human soldiers were immediately suppressed by the Anchoran's firepower. At the same time, under the cover of the heavily armored warriors, the dozen or so Anchorans started to rush towards Zhu Zhixin's position on the other side of the river.

Duggie pulled the trigger, and after killing an Anchoran, Duggie said, "Zhu Zhixin, the heavy armored warriors are coming. We can't hold them off any longer. Let's retreat a little faster." Retreat? No, I will kill all these Anchorites here. Do you have any way of repelling these Anchorian soldiers and sending the heavily armored warriors into the river as well? " Zhu Zhixin asked after reloading his energy gun.

After thinking for a while, Degerg said, "According to the military habits of the Anchorans, unless the enemy has a firepower base, the heavy armored warriors will only be at the back to protect the Anchorian soldiers. They won't take the initiative to attack."

"Fire base? "Okay, we'll just give them a base of fire." With that, Zhu Zhixin raised a branch beside him. Zhu Zhixin, what are you doing? " "Seeing Zhu Zhixin's actions, De Gigli asked in confusion. I'm hiding behind a rock, and the Anchorans can't see what we're doing, but they can see me, and if we act like we're setting up a machine gun, they'll think we're setting up a firepower base. "

Zhu Zhixin was not wrong. Seeing the shadow behind the stone, the Anchorites immediately assumed that the human had set a fire. The two heavily armored warriors didn't have the slightest hesitation and immediately walked over, wanting to remove the human's fire point as soon as possible after the human's fire point setting up was completed.

After these two heavily armored warriors walked over, the other Anchorans also began to charge towards Zhu Zhixin's position, and now they were taking over the human position before the humans could finish setting their fire. Seeing that the Ankh and the heavy armored warrior had already entered the river, Zhu Zhi Xin immediately sneered and waved his arm towards a Fedsta.

Seeing Zhu Zhixin's actions, the Fedsta man immediately took out the horn on his waist and blew it. This was also the signal that Zhu Zhixin and the Fedsta had agreed upon earlier. Before that, the Fedstas had used the river to irrigate their crops. But the river here would flood after rain, and in order to keep them safe, the Fedstas had built dams upstream.

After hearing the signal from Zhu Zhixin, the Fedstas upstream immediately opened the gate of the dam. The surging river immediately rushed out from the dam. Seeing the river rushing towards them, the soldiers in the river turned around and tried to escape.

But in the river, the movements of the heavily armored warriors and the Anchorans were severely restricted. So when the river came down, the Anchorites and the heavy armored warriors stayed in the river. As soon as the surging river reached them, they were swept away.

Although the surging river had washed away all the Anchorans, the heavy armored warriors were still standing in the river after the river had gradually calmed down because of their weight of several hundred kilograms. Although the heavy armored warriors hadn't been swept away by the river, the silt brought down by the river water had firmly sunk these two armored warriors into the silt.

"Is there any way to get rid of these two heavily armored warriors?" Zhu Zhixin looked at Degjidge and asked. Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Deggiri said, "These two heavy armored warriors are no longer able to move. We just need to avoid the firepower of these heavy armored warriors. "You guys stay here, I'll go attack the heavy armored warriors. You don't know where the blind spots for the heavy armored warriors are."

With that, Deggiri rushed towards the two heavily armored warriors. Although the armored warrior immediately used his energy rifle to fire at Deggiri when he saw him rush over, he didn't make any mistakes. But of course Duggiri, who had been in the army for years, knew where the firepower of the heavy armored warriors was.

Although the heavy armored warriors would fire an astonishing amount of energy bullets every minute, Dengji was able to dodge the bullets with great dexterity. After dashing to the back of the armored warrior, Deggiri raised the energy spear in his hands and started shooting at the warrior's back. The place where Deggiri had attacked the heavy armored warriors was where their lines connected. Therefore, under the attack of the energy spear, the route of the heavy armored warrior was severely damaged, and he stopped moving completely.

After taking care of this heavy armored warrior, Deggiri immediately used his energy spear and began to attack another heavy armored warrior. Very quickly, Deeggge had killed off both these heavily armored warriors. After that, Zhu Zhixin pulled out his own dagger and began to dismantle the weapon on the heavily armored warrior.

Seeing Zhu Zhixin's actions, De Ghiri said, "Zhu Zhixin, the weapons on heavy armored warriors are all operated by magnetic force. Even if we take the weapons off the heavy armored warriors, we won't be able to use them." Hearing Deggiri's words, Zhu Zhixin smiled and said, "Deggiri, the best thing about you Anchorites is that all of your weapons' energy bombs can be used. Although we cannot use the weapons of heavy armored warriors, but we can still use the ammunition of heavy armored warriors. "

"Each time we kill an Anchorian, we get an energy gun, but the ammunition that each of them carries is limited. We don't have much ammunition left, and the heavy armored warriors are just able to replenish our ammunition. "

After removing the ammunition from the heavily armored soldiers, Zhu Zhixin led the soldiers and quickly left the riverbank. After Zhu Zhixin and company left, Uranko brought more than a hundred of the Anchorans here as well. By this time, the Anchorans had been washed away by the river, though the bodies of the Anchorians were nowhere to be seen. But Uvlanko also knew that more than fifty Anchorans had lost contact.

The Anchorans who had fought with Zhu Zhixin and the others had already been killed, so Uranko did not know that the slaves who had escaped from mine number 13 had returned, and the ones who had attacked the Anchorus were these slaves from mine number 13. So Uvlanco thought it was the Fedstans attacking his own Anchorian soldiers.

However, when he saw that fifty of his soldiers had been killed, Uvlanco did not dare to be careless in capturing the Fedstans. After assembling all his army, Uranko started to chase after Zhu Zhixin's group once again.

Very quickly, the people of Anchoro caught up to a canyon. As soon as they walked in, Zhu Zhixin had the soldiers that were already lying in ambush here start shooting at the people of Anchoro. However, Zhu Zhixin only had 20 soldiers with energy guns, and this time, they had to face hundreds of Anchorans. So after using energy guns to attack, Zhu Zhixin and the others were immediately suppressed by the powerful firepower of the Anchorans.

Although there was no way to kill many of the Anchorans, they were able to successfully stop them from advancing forward. Zhu Zhixin dispersed all the soldiers and set up fire at different places. Although Uranko also knew that there weren't many enemies that could attack him, he still let the Anchelo fire in all directions.

At this moment, more than sixty Fedstas who had been lying in ambush at the top of the mountain peeked their heads out. After seeing the Anchorans below, the Fedstas had the opportunity to take out the huge hive that surrounded them.

The Fedstans carried hives that were the hives of the Shatterbug, a creature peculiar to the planet of Shatterkha. The Snapping Snakes were as big as a human fist. Not only were these Snapping Snakes enormous, they also possessed deadly poison. The poison in the arrows and javelins of the Fedstas was extracted from the bodies of the Beetles.

As for the Snaphorn Bees, whether it was humans or the Anchorites, they all avoided them as easily as they could. But the Fedstans, who had lived thousands of years on the planet, knew how to tame the wasps.

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