Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C12 Return horse gun
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Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C12 Return horse gun
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C12 Return horse gun

Collecting honey in the bees' hives of the Cracker wasps is also an important source of food for the Fedstans. This time, Zhu Zhixin also intended to use the Crash Bee to kill the Anchorites.

All this time, the Fedstar people had only treated the Queen Bee as a source of food and weapons. They had never thought of directly using the Queen Bee to kill their enemies. Because of their ferocity, even the Faustus, who feed on them, are inevitably attacked by them. Therefore, in order to ensure their own safety, the Fedstas would always carry with them a type of vanilla, the smell of which would allow the Beetle to avoid them.

This herb is common among the Faustans on the Crash, so even the use of the Cracker Bees is of no use when fighting each other. This also allowed the Fedstas to fight the Anchorans, who, because of the limitations of their minds, did not expect that they could have used the Cracker Bee to kill them. This time, when Zhu Zhixin found out that all of the poison in the Fedstar came from the Shura, he came up with the idea of using the Shatterbug to attack the Anchorites.

This time the Fedstas brought with them the hives of the six Crusaders, all the Crusaders of the Horde. It also meant that, in the coming period, the Fedstas of Izu would lose an important source of food. However, he knew that he had no chance. If he did not kill them, no matter how many of them he had in his tribe, it would be useless.

After being thrown off the cliff by the Fedstas, the nest of the Snakehead wasps was immediately smashed to smithereens. The Snaphorn Bees that were in the nest immediately flew out. Although the armor could defend against the attacks of the energy spears, it was still unable to stop the poison needles of the Snaphorn Bees, much less the poison of the Snaphorn Bees.

Despite the fact that the Anchorans were constantly using their own energy spears to attack the swarm of Snapping Snakes, their massive stature allowed them to kill the wasps with ease. However, the number of Snaphorn wasps was right. Although there were more than four hundred of them, their retaliation was useless against the tens of thousands of Snapping Snake Bees.

One by one, the Anchorites were struck by the stings, and immediately after that the poison in the bodies of the stings took effect. Although the Anchorans were strong, they were still unable to resist the poison of the Beetles. Upon seeing the Beetle, Uranko knew that he would not be able to withstand the Bee's attack. Therefore, Uranke immediately gave the order to retreat. Although the Anchorans turned around and fled, the Crash Toxin Bees pursued them relentlessly.

Uster Lanke also didn't know how far he had fled. He only sat on the ground helplessly after feeling that his physical strength had been completely used up. At this moment, Uranke only had two Anchoran soldiers by his side. Although Wurke didn't know how many of his soldiers had been killed, he also knew that his own soldiers had probably been completely wiped out.

With that in mind, Uranko could only stand up slowly and lead the two soldiers out of the forest. However, he quickly discovered that previously, he had only been focused on fleeing, but now, he didn't even know where he had escaped to. As soon as the Cracker Bees repelled the Anchorans, the Fedstas rushed out and began to pick up the weapons of the Anchorites from the ground. Both Zhu Zhixin and Izu knew that although this time the Anchorans had been severely injured, they would soon be back again.

The most important thing for him to do in battle was to acquire a sufficient number of weapons. Otherwise, he would be forced to let the Anchorans slaughter him while he faced the Anchorites.

At the same time, Zhu Zhixin had no intention of letting go of these Anchorans. This patch of forest was where the Fedstans lived. Naturally, the Fedstas were very familiar with this place. So the Fedstas soon found traces of the Anchorans in the woods. He had been discovered by a Fedstadian while Ustranco had been wandering around in the woods with two Anchorian soldiers.

However, this Fedsta knew that just by himself, he wouldn't be able to kill these three Anchorites. Therefore, the Fedsta had secretly sent out a signal to attract all the nearby Fedstas over. At the same time, Zhu Zhixin and De Gjeli were nearby searching for traces of the Anchorites. After seeing the signal from the Fedstas, Zhu Zhi Xin and Degji Ri immediately rushed forward.

As soon as he saw him, Degerge whispered, "This Anchorian is called Ushlanko. I know him. I have seen him on the battlefield, and I think he must be the leader of the Anchorian army this time. " Hearing Degree's words, Zhu Zhi Xin immediately sneered and said, "Alright, then we definitely cannot let this Uranko escape."

After saying that, Zhu Zhixin raised the energy spear in his hand. Seeing Zhu Zhi Xin's actions, De Gigli and the Fedsta man who led Zhu Zhi Xin secretly entered the forest. He saw that Deggiri and Yang Kaiji had already reached the vicinity of Ushlanko and the two Anchorites. Zhu Zhixin sneered and pulled the trigger of the energy gun in his hand.

Under the attack of Zhu Zhixin's energy spear, the head of one of the Ankhs was shot dozens of times by Zhu Zhixin. Under the attack of Zhu Zhixin's energy spear, the head of the one who was attacked by Zhu Zhixin was directly smashed into pulp. Seeing the sudden attack from the forest, Uranko raised his energy spear and fired a few shots into the forest where Zhu Zhixin was hiding before turning around and running away. The Anchorian who was standing next to him immediately fled.

But just as the Anchorian had run a few steps, the Fedstad, who had been hiding in the woods, suddenly appeared. Although the Anchorites were far taller than the Fedstas, the Fedstas were nimble. As soon as he was out of the way, the Fedstar thrust his javelin into the legs of the Anchorian. After being stabbed by the Fedsta, the Anchoran half-knelt on the ground.

After pulling the javelin out of the Anchorian's leg, the Fedstar stabbed the soldier in the neck with the javelin again, killing him.

At this moment, Wurke naturally did not care about the life or death of the soldier from Anchoran. He just increased his speed and tried to escape. But before he had taken a few steps, Degerge appeared in front of him. Before Uranke could react, Degerge raised the energy spear in his hand and used the butt of the spear to hit him hard in the head.

"After knocking him down, Degerge quickly walked forward and kicked the energy spear out of his hands before stepping on his neck." "Uranko, long time no see. Do you still remember me?" "Degjidge laughed coldly as he spoke." You? It's you? Deggie Day? " Uranko asked nervously when he saw Deggiri. Seeing that Deggiri had his foot on Usko's neck, Zhu Zhixin immediately walked over and said, "Deggiri, don't kill him first. I still have something to ask him."

After hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Wus Lanke immediately said, "Human, you don't need to ask. I won't say anything. If you want to kill me, just do it." Hearing Uranke's words, Zhu Zhixin disdainfully said, "Your name is Uranke, right? "You don't have to show your courage here. If you really weren't afraid of death, you wouldn't have abandoned your soldiers and escaped." Upon hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Uuslanco immediately lost his confidence, but he still tilted his head to the side, indicating that he would not answer any of Zhu Zhixin's questions.

Seeing Uranke's actions, Zhu Zhi Xin sneered. Raising the energy spear in his hand, he fired a shot at Uranke's arm. "The pain from his arm immediately caused Wurke to shout out loud." We were previously locked up in mine number 13, I think, on this planet, there must be many more mines of your Anchoro people, right? Where are the Anchorian mines? "

Noticing that there was no response, Zhu Zhixin immediately shot him in the other arm. This time, Uranko did not dare to have the slightest bit of resistance towards Zhu Zhixin. He immediately said, "Human, stop shooting. I will tell you where the other Anchorian mines are." My name is Zhu Zhi Xin. Uranko, stop calling me human. Now tell me where the Anchorian mines are. " Zhu Zhixin said with a sneer.

He knew the location of the Anchorian mines. Although he had only told Zhu Zhixin the general location and signs of the mines, Zhu Zhixin believed that he would be able to find the locations of these Anchorian mines. This way, Wus Lanke naturally didn't have any use for Zhu Zhixin. Thus, Zhu Zhixin raised the energy spear in his hand and shot Wus Lanke in the head without hesitation.

"Deggiri, you are an Anchorian. The armor worn by these Anchorites will definitely suit you. Go find a suit of armor that suits your needs."

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