Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C13 Mine no 10
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Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C13 Mine no 10
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C13 Mine no 10

With that, Zhu Zhixin walked back into the forest. Soon enough, the Fedstas overtook and killed all the fleeing Anchorites. After that, Zhu Zhi Xin and Ijgu gathered all of the Fedstans and human soldiers together.

"Izu, we want to take the initiative and attack the Anchorian mines." Zhu Zhixin said calmly. Although Zhu Zhixin's words were very calm, to Izu, Zhu Zhixin's words were like a bolt out of the blue. After Zhu Zhi Xin finished his sentence, Izu immediately said, "No, we Fedstar only want to protect our homeland. We just want to survive. We won't take the initiative to provoke the Anchorans."

At the words of Izu, Zhu Zhixin also knew that it would be difficult for the Fedstas to join him in attacking the Anchorites. So Zhu Zhixin smiled and said, "I know that you Fedstas will not join us in attacking the Anchorites. I won't force anyone to do anything. I just want us to have enough weapons. This time, we killed five hundred Anchoran soldiers, so we must have three hundred soldiers. I hope we can bring three hundred energy guns with us. "

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Ijgu nodded and said, "Alright, I can give you these weapons right now. I hope you can leave our place as soon as possible. " With that, Izhu turned and left.

"This Fedsta fellow is truly a person who would destroy the bridge after crossing the river." "Before, we attacked the Anchorans together with them, but now, they are no longer acquainted with each other." Yang Kaiji said discontentedly as he watched Iridescent leave. Well, Yang Kaiji, don't forget, we brought the Anchorites here before. Now we will take the weapons, and we will attack an Anchorian mine. " Zhu Zhixin said calmly.

"Zhu Zhixin, are we really going to take the initiative to attack the Anchorites?" Yang Kaiji asked doubtfully. Of course, Yang Kaiji, even though we escaped at mine number 13. But other Anchorian mines, and many human miners, were being held. We'll go with them. Furthermore, we are only dodging because we can't do anything about it. We have to attack the people of Anchoro viciously in order to make them fear us and ensure our safety. "

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Yang Kaiji, Zhang Jianhui, and Deggiri fell into deep thought. Yang Kaiji smiled and said, "Zhu Zhixin, after you taught Deggiri a lesson, I already said that you are our boss. Whatever you say, we'll listen to you. " With that, Yang Kaiji began to lead the human soldiers to collect weapons from the Fedstans.

This time, not only did Zhu Zhixin's human soldiers get their weapons, but they also got the heavy armor of an Anchoran. Because Deggiri knew how to operate heavy armor, this heavy Battle Mecha was also used by him. This greatly increased the firepower of Zhu Zhixin and co.

With the presence of Deggiri, Zhu Zhixin and company quickly learned how to operate the Anchorian magnetic vehicles. The five hundred Anchoran soldiers brought by Uslank were able to sit in these magnetic vehicles. Since Zhu Zhixin only had three hundred human soldiers under his command, it was naturally easy to load them down.

From Uranko, Zhu Zhixin had already found out that there was another Anchorian mine near mine number 13. However, Zhu Zhixin was not going to let go of mine number 13 like this. Knowing that there were only more than ten Anchorans guarding Mining Area 13, Zhu Zhixin immediately led the soldiers and rushed towards Mine 13. Of course, Ordovico would not have expected that Ustranco and his army of Anchorites would be completely annihilated by Zhu Zhixin's attack, and that the Anchorites' chariots would be completely sealed off.

Seeing the Anchorans' magnetic vehicles constantly approaching, Ouroboros only thought that Uranko had caught the Fedstas and returned. He had never thought that the people who had come were the human slaves who had escaped from mine number 13.

When Zhu Zhixin's convoy returned to Mining Area 13, the Ouroboros immediately opened the door to Mining Area 13. Zhu Zhixin did not show the slightest courtesy and allowed all the vehicles to enter mine number 13. However, when they arrived at Mining Area 13, not a single person came out of the cars. Doubtful of what he was saying, the Orholdko told a few of the Anchorites to go over and check it out.

By this time, all the human soldiers in the magnetic vehicle had already raised their energy guns and aimed them at the Anchoran in mine number 13. When an Anchorian walked to Zhu Zhixin's magnetic car, he wanted to open the car door, but the moment the Anchoran walked to the side of the magnetic car, Zhu Zhixin fiercely pulled the trigger in his hand.

Zhu Zhixin's gunshots were the signal to attack. After Zhu Zhixin shot his gun, the human soldiers in the other tanks immediately fired their guns. Zhu Zhixin had a total of three hundred human soldiers under his command, and these Anchorites had long since been targeted by the human soldiers. As a result, after they began their attacks, every single one of them was attacked by dozens of human soldiers.

Although these Anchorans were equipped with defensive armor, under the attack of dozens of human soldiers, their defensive armor was destroyed in an instant. These Anchorans had also been turned into sieves by the energy guns wielded by the human soldiers.

Seeing these Anchorian chariots suddenly attack his guards, Ouroboros didn't know that the people sitting inside were humans, but thought that the Anchorites were very dissatisfied with the escape of the slaves from mine number 13 and wanted Ustranco to kill them. Thinking of this, Ojwin immediately felt a huge panic.

Ojwin knew that this time it was the Anchoran army that wanted to kill him. Unless he fled to the human world, no matter where he went, he would always be killed by them. But he was an Anchorian, and he knew that as long as he entered the human world, he would be killed at the first possible moment. Thinking of this, Ojwin lost all confidence in his future. Ojwin slowly picked up the energy gun in his waist and aimed it at his head. He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.

At this time, under the attack of Zhu Zhixin and the others, the Anchoran guards of mine number 13 were quickly killed, and Zhu Zhixin also led more than 20 of my human soldiers to the office of the Ou Clan's office. Looking at the Ou Clan's Deco who had already committed suicide on the ground, Zhu Zhixin asked puzzledly, "De Gjie, this Ou Clan's Deco, why did he commit suicide? Do you Ankhs commit suicide when they meet an unstoppable enemy? "

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Deggiri also said with a puzzled expression, "The gods that we Angelo believe in will not collect the souls of those who commit suicide. "This Ouroboros Clan member probably won't commit suicide. I don't know what's going on either." Now that Ouroboro was dead, Zhu Zhixin would not know that he had killed himself by attacking mine number 13, which led him to believe that the army was trying to kill him. However, he had already committed suicide. For Zhu Zhixin, why he died was not an important matter.

Very quickly, Zhu Zhixin issued an order, and began to let the soldiers collect the weapons and food from Mining Area 13. Meanwhile, Zhu Zhixin brought De Gigli to the information room of mine number 13.

As an excellent army in the Anchorian army, Deggiri was very familiar with the way the Anchorian army communicated. Therefore, when Zhu Zhixin and Deggiri arrived at the control room, Zhu Zhixin had Deggiri send a signal to Mining Area 10 in the tone of the Ordovician.

Mining Area 10 was an energy stone mine 300 kilometers away. Mining Area No. 10 was much bigger than this place. A slave that had been bought by Ou Ou De Ke at Field No. 10 had once said that there were over a thousand slave miners in this mine. And in mine 10, there were not only human slave miners, but also many other galactic races.

For all the races in the occupied territories, the Anchorans had always used the policy of coercion. Not only did they massacre all races, they also sent people from all races to all sorts of places to be slaves. At Zhu Zhixin's command, Deggiri sent a signal to mine number 10, imitating the tone of Ordovico.

Deghi told the mine owner, Dirk Hill, that he had looted thousands of Fedstas. However, his own mining area did not need that many slaves. Thus, he wanted to sell a portion of the slaves to Mining Area 10. For the Anchorian mines, they would never despise the slaves in their hands. Now that Ou Clan Deco was willing to sell slaves, naturally, Dirk Mountain happily agreed.

After agreeing to transport the slaves to mine 10 tomorrow, Zhu Zhixin began to collect his harvest here.

This time, Zhu Zhixin had a bad harvest. Mining Area 13 was just a mining site, so Zhu Zhixin did not get too many energy weapons and ammunition from Mining Field 13. However, since the Anchorans did not set up a farm here, and the mines only delivered food to the mines when the army came to take the energy stones away, all the Anchorian mines stored a large amount of food.

It was also the fault of Yang Zhi Xin, although Zhu Zhi Xin didn't get many weapons at mine number 13, mine number 13 actually gave them a lot of food. This was also the first time that humans like Zhu Zhixin had eaten something that could be considered food.

After resting for a night in mine number 13, Zhu Zhixin led all the soldiers to move forward again. The distance between mine number 10 and mine number 13 wasn't very far, so Zhu Zhixin and his group quickly arrived at mine number 10. Although Mount Dirk knew that the human slaves under Ourdeco had fled, Mount Dirk also knew that the Anchorans had entered mine number 13.

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