Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C14 Occupy base
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Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C14 Occupy base
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C14 Occupy base

Dirk would never have thought that the human slaves would be able to kill five hundred Anchorian soldiers, take over Okinawa's mine number thirteen, and use the Anchorian method of communication to get in touch with him. Therefore, when Zhu Zhixin and company entered Mining Area 10, Dirk Mountain and his guards were not on guard at all.

As soon as they entered mine number 10, more than a dozen of the Anchorans came over. At the same time, Duggie also walked over in the guard uniform of mine number 13 and asked, "Is Lord Dirk here?" Hearing De Gjhiri's words, one of the Anchorans laughed and said, "What? "Ojwin did not come in person. How could he let Lord Dirk come out to welcome you?"

"No, we have more than three hundred slaves. You know the current price of slaves. If something goes wrong, I can't afford to sell me. It would be better for Lord Dirk Mountain to come personally. " As he spoke, he secretly stuffed some gold coins into the man's hand. At Duggiri's words, the Angelo said, "Okay, I'll talk to Lord Dirk Hill. You take these slaves to the slave camp of our mine number ten."

The Anchorian's words perfectly fit the wishes of Deggiri, so he immediately returned to the car and led the convoy into the interior of the tenth mine under the guidance of the Anchorian. Hearing the report from the Anchorian guards, Dirk knew that this time, after all, there were three hundred slaves and their numbers were not small. So Dirk went with a dozen of the Anchorian guards to the caravan.

Seeing Mount Dirk walk over, Doggie immediately walked over to Mount Dirk and said with a smile, "Lord Dirk, you've come. Please take a look at these slaves." After hearing what Deggiri said, Dirk Mountain arrogantly nodded his head and said, "Alright, you can release those slaves now."

Hearing Dirk's words, Deggie laughed and turned away, but just as he turned around, he suddenly turned around again. After turning around, he used his left arm to wrap his arm around Dirk's neck. At the same time, he used his right hand to take out his gun from his waist and pointed it at Dirk's head.

The Anchorian guards immediately raised their own energy guns and aimed them at Duggie, but Dirk was right under the gun's muzzle, so they didn't dare do anything.

Feeling the cold muzzle of the gun above his head, Dirk asked nervously, "What are you trying to do? Was it Orydico who told you to do this? "Is Ouroboros crazy?" The moment he finished speaking, the human soldiers brought by Zhu Zhixin walked out of the magnetic cars. Seeing these human soldiers come out, Dirk Mountain became even more confused. Zhu Zhixin walked over with a smile and said, "Are you Dirk Mountain? We are the human slaves who escaped from the hands of the Orydico. "

"You, what are you two doing here?" Dirk Mountain asked nervously. Hearing Dirk Mountain's words, Zhu Zhixin did not say anything and just nodded at Yang Kaiji. Seeing Zhu Zhixin's actions, Yang Kaiji and Zhang Jianhui immediately brought the human soldiers and rushed towards Mining Area 10. Soon, under the pressure of the human soldiers' energy guns, the Anchorans came out from the Fortress of No.10.

By this time, Dirk had been captured by DeGigli, and the Anchorites did not dare to do anything even if they wanted to resist. Zhu Zhixin sneered and said, "Dirk Mountain, tell your people to use their energy guns." Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Dirk Mountain did not give a single reply, but only turned his head to the side.

Seeing Dirk's reaction, Zhu Zhi Xin didn't say anything. He simply used the energy gun in his hand and shot Dirk on the right leg. Dirk was half-kneeling on the ground. This time, Dirk Mountain felt the threat of death. Although Dirk Mountain was an Anchoran, as a merchant, he had no intention of dying in battle. "After falling to the ground, Dirk Mountain immediately shouted," All Ankiros, put down your energy spears! " Let the Anchorans take off their armor. " Zhu Zhixin said again.

Dirk Mountain looked at Zhu Zhixin and sighed, "Everyone, take off your armor." Hearing the order from Mount Dirk, the guards looked at each other and slowly took off their armor. At this time, Yang Kaiji walked over and said, "Zhu Zhixin, all of the Anchoran guards in Mining Area 10 have arrived here. We have thoroughly controlled Field 10."

Hearing Yang Kaiji's words, Zhu Zhixin nodded in satisfaction and said, "Detain them all. "Let's collect all the weapons and food in mine number 10 now." Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, the human soldiers walked over one by one, tying up all the Anchorans and locking them up.

Mining Area 10 was one of the largest Anchoran mines here, so under the collection of soldiers, Zhu Zhixin obtained a large amount of weapons and food. More importantly, Zhu Zhixin had saved more than 2000 slaves. Among these slaves, there were six different races.

Seeing that there were other Fedstas among these slaves, Zhu Zhi Xin said with a smile, "Yang Kai, release these Fedstas and let them go back to Iju. It can be said that we, Zhu Zhi Xin, have done them a favor. In addition, we will also take away all the slaves. They should know that the Anchorans will not let them off here, and only by being with us will they be safe. "

In mine number 10, what made Zhu Zhixin most satisfied wasn't just the materials, but also the holographic map. The entire planet was already marked here. After carefully checking the map, Zhu Zhixin discovered a mine that was currently being built.

When he first laid eyes on the mine, Zhu Zhixin knew that the terrain here could be used as their base of operations. After taking away all the energy stones in mine number 10, Zhu Zhixin brought all the soldiers and slaves and advanced towards the mine that was currently being built.

"Zhu Zhixin, aren't we going to kill all of them?" Seeing that Zhu Zhixin only took away and did not kill those Anchorans who were captured in mine number 10, Yang Kaiji said with great dissatisfaction. Yang Kaiji, we need to build our own camp. "Since they have made slaves of us humans, why can't we humans make slaves of these Anchorians?"

After saying that, Zhu Zhixin looked at Deggiri, who was also sitting in the car, and said, "I don't think Deggiri would agree that we should kill the Angelo people. If we kill the Angelo people on the battlefield, Deggiri wouldn't have any objections. But if we kill those Anchorites who have put down their weapons, then there will be some resistance in Deggiri. I do not want our ranks to lose Deggiri. "

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, although there was no reaction on Deggiri's face, his heart was in turmoil. He had always regarded himself as an Anchoran. Although he had been betrayed by other Anchorites, in his heart, he had never regarded Zhu Zhixin and his people as his own people. But now, after hearing Zhu Zhi Xin's words just now, for the first time, Degji's heart began to feel a sense of recognition towards Zhu Zhi Xin.

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Yang Kaiji glanced at De Guiri and did not say anything more. However, Yang Kaiji thought for a moment and then said, "Zhu Zhixin, why don't we attack other Anchorian mines?" Hearing Yang Kaiji's words, Zhu Zhixin shook his head and said, "Yang Kaiji, the Anchilo mine cannot be so easily destroyed."

"The main reason why we were able to attack mine 17 so easily is because the Anchorites didn't know we were going to attack them. They didn't know that we slaves would attack them. That's why the Anchorans weren't on guard at all. That's why we were able to take mine number seventeen so easily. "

"But this time, we captured mine number 17, so I think that there will definitely be some news. After all, we cannot guarantee that the Anchorans will not spread the news. Our current strength is too weak, we cannot take any risks."

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Yang Kaiji no longer had any objections, and Zhu Zhixin's team began to advance towards their destination.

Zhu Zhixin's target was named mine number 17 by the Anchorites, and Zhu's guess was not wrong. The Anchorites had now received word that the human slaves had begun to fight back. Therefore, the Anchorian people have increased their vigilance in various mines. However, mine number seventeen was an Anchoran mine under construction, so the Anchorians did not believe that mine number seventeen would encounter any human attacks.

After Zhu Zhixin and company arrived at mine number 17, the people of Anchoro, in mine number 17, weren't alert enough. However, Zhu Zhixin also knew that it wasn't easy to deal with these people. Therefore, Zhu Zhixin only ambushed the army in the vicinity of Mining Area 17. In the Anchorian mine, Zhu Zhixin had already obtained a large number of energy spears and slaves, so now he had 500 human soldiers under his command.

Although the human soldiers were able to use the Anchoran's energy spear, because the Anchorans were much larger than humans, Zhu Zhixin and the other human soldiers were not able to use the Anchoran's armor. As the sky darkened, the Anchorans in mine 17 began to rest, and the slaves that were captured by them were all imprisoned.

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