Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C17 Rescue of the fedstas
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Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C17 Rescue of the fedstas
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C17 Rescue of the fedstas

"There is no way to compare the fighting power of a frontline army with that of the Anchorians." Zhu Zhixin said with a smile.

You only have these crude weapons, and you can still kill so many Anchorans. If I give you excellent weapons like the equipment of the regular army of humans, I think even if you meet the combat troops of the Anchorans, you won't be too weak.

Who knows, maybe your battle strength is even stronger than the human army's previous ones." Hearing Sun Pingshan's words, Zhu Zhixin really didn't know what Sun Pingshan was up to, so Zhu Zhixin said, "Sun Pingshan, why are you here?" Although he heard Zhu Zhixin's words, Sun Pingshan didn't respond at all. "Zhu Zhixin just stood there, quietly looking at Sun Pingshan.

After a while, Sun Pingshan suddenly asked, "What's your name?" Me? My name is Zhu Zhixin. " Zhu Zhixin said with some surprise, "Good, Zhu Zhixin. I've already made the decision to support you." Sun Pingshan said seriously. Well, really? "Then thank you for your support." Zhu Zhixin said indifferently. In Zhu Zhixin's eyes, it didn't matter whether a robot was supporting him or not.

"Sun Pingshan, let's go to another place and find the footprints of the Anchorans. We can kill all of them here." With that, Zhu Zhixin turned around and was about to leave. Seeing Zhu Zhixin's cold attitude towards him, Sun Pingshan immediately said, "Hey, Zhu Zhixin, what's with your attitude? Do you think I can't help? Let me tell you, Zhu Zhixin, there's a research and development center for weapons here. "

Sun Pingshan's words gave Zhu Zhixin a really big surprise, "What? Weapons Research and Development Center? " Zhu Zhixin said in surprise. "That's right, come with me now." With that, Sun Pingshan turned around and walked towards the back. Although he didn't know what Sun Pingshan wanted to do, Zhu Zhixin still followed him.

Soon, Sun Ping Shan brought Zhu Zhi Xin to a stone wall. Looking at this stone wall, Zhu Zhi Xin doubtfully asked, "Sun Ping Shan, what did you bring me here for?" Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Sun Pingshan smiled and said, "Zhu Zhixin, take a good look." Just as Sun Pingshan finished speaking, the stone wall suddenly vibrated. On the stone wall, a huge stone door gradually appeared.

Although the stone door slowly opened, Zhu Zhixin saw that behind the stone wall, there was actually a huge stone cave. And inside this cave, Zhu Zhixin not only saw a large number of instruments, but also dozens of strange weapons placed there. Seeing the weapons, Zhu Zhixin curiously walked over and asked in surprise, "Sun Pingshan, why do these weapons look so strange?"

After saying that, he saw Sun Pingshan didn't have any response. Zhu Zhixin looked at Sun Pingshan in confusion, but what surprised Sun Pingshan was that Sun Pingshan was just standing there quietly. "Before, Sun Pingshan's eyes were filled with red light, but now, they were completely dark." Zhu Zhixin, do you really think I'm a robot? " At this time, a voice sounded from behind Zhu Zhixin.

Hearing the voice behind him, Zhu Zhixin immediately turned around. At the same time, he quickly pulled out the gun in his waist, and pointed it at the person walking toward him. What? You want to kill me? Zhu Zhixin, if you kill me, you will suffer a great loss. " The man said with a smile as he walked.

"Who are you?" Zhu Zhixin asked doubtfully. "I am Sun Pingshan. What, we just said so much, and now you've forgotten me?" Sun Pingshan said with a smile. "Sun Pingshan?" Zhu Zhixin puzzledly looked at the robot beside him and asked, "Then this robot is …?" He is under my control, so what you said and what this robot said are also what I said to you. " Sun Pingshan walked to the side of the robot and patted its body and said.

After saying that, Sun Pingshan sighed and said, "You know, more than a hundred years ago, ever since the robot rebellion, humans have been forbidden from developing and using robots. So I can only operate the robot on the console. "

The robotic rebellion Zhu Zhixin that Sun Pingshan talked about was known, because even though human technology continued to evolve, allowing robots to have intelligence that was not inferior to humans, in the end, the AI robots rebelled. In order to suppress the rebellion of the robots, mankind had to pay up to 10 million casualties. It was also because of this civil war that humans had been at a disadvantage in the war against the Anchorans.

Zhu Zhixin carefully looked around and asked, "Sun Pingshan, why is there only weapons here?" No chariots or mechas? " Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Sun Pingshan rolled his eyes and said, "Zhu Zhixin, why don't you think about it? We are a weapons R & D center, not a Battle Mecha R & D center, a tank R & D. So there's only light weapons here. "

"Besides, this is only the place where weapons are developed. It's not a military factory, so you can't mass produce weapons." Hearing Sun Pingshan's words, Zhu Zhixin couldn't help but feel dejected. Zhu Zhixin originally thought he could get a weapon production line and produce a lot of weapons, mechs, and war chariots for him, so that he wouldn't have to worry about the disadvantages of fighting against the Anchorites. But now, Sun Pingshan told Zhu Zhixin that they could only produce a small amount of weapons, which made Zhu Zhixin depressed.

Feeling the change in Zhu Zhixin's mood, Sun Pingshan smiled and said, "Well, Zhu Zhixin, you don't have to be so discouraged. You have over a thousand people right now, and the weapons here are enough to arm you. Even though I don't have any tanks or mechs. However, there were a lot of weapons that could be used against Anchoran Battle Mechas and chariots. "Don't worry, I won't let you suffer too much in a war with the Anchorans."

Sun Pingshan's words allowed Zhu Zhixin to regain some confidence, but Zhu Zhixin quickly asked, "Sun Pingshan, you're the only one here?" Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Sun Pingshan immediately became angry. Of course, you don't know, these so-called weapons experts don't know anything. He always wanted to increase the amount of ammunition on the energy spear and increase the firing rate of the energy spear. However, they did not think about it. Right now, whether it is the Anchorian or the human soldiers, they are all equipped with defensive armor. "

"Unless you use an energy gun to fire 30 energy bullets, it's impossible to kill the enemy. But on the battlefield, after being hit by an energy shot, even a fool would immediately dodge it. If you want to shoot down 30 energy bullets in a short amount of time, how can it be that easy? "

"Although they can attack enemies' heads and limbs on the battlefield, these places are unprotected by armor. But the targets in these places were too small. It was hard to hit, so I wanted to develop a lethal weapon. But the experts said I was just making random improvements. "

"They left me here to defend the Anchorus when they attacked. However, they didn't expect this either. As soon as they boarded the ship, they were destroyed by the Anchorian battleships even before they could fly out of Crash. "

With that, Sun Pingshan picked up a weapon from the ground, smiled and said, "Zhu Zhixin, this is what I shot. It was just a pistol. Because there was only one person here, its power was limited. However, as long as one shot is fired, even if it is to land on the armor of the Anchoran, it would be easy to kill them. "

Looking at the handgun Sun Pingshan handed him, Zhu Zhi Xin realized that this handgun could only fire two bullets at a time. Zhu Zhi Xin knew that the more powerful the weapon, the more energy it would need to be able to fire two bullets at the same time.

"I have produced a total of 2000 guns. I originally wanted to wait for the human race to reoccupy the fallen planet and hand them over to the army so that everyone would know about the genius that I, Sun Pingshan, am. "However, since it's you guys who have come, I'll let you guys off this time." Sun Pingshan said with a smile.

Although two thousand energy spears were not a lot, it was still very important for Zhu Zhixin. Like this, his soldiers would all be equipped with weapons. Sun Pingshan's weapon research and development center did not have much energy, so there was a limited number of weapons produced.

However, this time, when Zhu Zhixin had attacked the Anchoran mine, he had obtained a great deal of energy stones. These energy stones were enough to supply the center with sufficient energy. At the same time, Zhu Zhixin had the soldiers dismantle the armor and Battle Mechas of the Anchorans, using them as raw materials for weapons production. Zhu Zhixin believed that it wouldn't be long before his army would be as good as new.

After killing all the Anchorites in the mine, Zhu Zhixin immediately had the soldiers build a defensive perimeter inside the mine. The main reason why Zhu Zhixin was heading towards this place as his base was because of this cave. The terrain was very complicated, and there were caves all around, allowing the soldiers to easily deal with the An Qiruo people.

This time, after discovering Sun Pingshan's weapon research and development center, Zhu Zhixin immediately set up his own headquarters and military factory here. This was because not only was this place extremely hidden, it also had a tight defensive system.

However, just as Zhu Zhixin was directing the soldiers to carry out their construction in a frenzy, he received news that the Anchorans had once again dispatched troops to attack them. This time, the first target of the Anchorans was not Zhu Zhixin, but the Fedstas in the jungle.

The Anchorians did not think that Zhu Zhixin's slaves would be able to occupy three of the Anchorian mines in succession, so they believed that it must have been the Fedstas who had helped from behind the scenes. So before the attack on Zhu Zhixin, the Anchorans were ready to enter the forest and kill all the Fedstas.

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