Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C18 Friendship
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Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C18 Friendship
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C18 Friendship

Although Izhu had acquired some weapons during his previous battle with the Anchorans. However, Zhu Zhixin knew that the number of weapons in Izhu's hands was very small, and he did not have enough ammunition. He was simply not a match for the Anchorites.

So, knowing that the Anchorans were beginning to attack the Fedstas, Zhu Zhixin immediately assembled his army and advanced towards the forest where the Fedstas were. This time, Zhu Zhi Xin brought five hundred human soldiers with him. Although their numbers were much less than the Anchoran army, these soldiers were not only full of combat surprises, but they also got excellent equipment with the help of Sun Pingshan.

In Sun Pingshan's weapons research and development center, all the weapons he owned were newly developed. Even among the human army, they were the most outstanding ones. So they went through Sun Pingshan's equipment. In terms of equipment, Zhu Zhixin's army could completely be compared with the most elite army in the human army.

The only thing lacking was that Zhu Zhixin's army didn't have any Battle Mechas, nor any heavy firepower. However, Zhu Zhixin was not worried about this, because Zhu Zhixin had already decided. In the future, when he fought with the Anchorans, he would only fight with them in the woods or in the mines, so Zhu Zhixin didn't care too much about the fact that he didn't have any Battle Mechas in his army.

Because of the frequent appearance of Anchorian fighter planes in the sky, Zhu Zhixin only allowed his own army to move at night to avoid aerial strikes by the Anchorites. Thus, it was already the early morning of the second day when Zhu Zhixin and co. arrived at the forest where the Fedstans were.

After hiding all the chariots he had brought with him, Zhu Zhixin led all the soldiers towards the Fedstans' tribe. The woods were full of trees, but with the help of the fodder, Zhu Zhixin and his people reached the fodder tribe that night. When they got close to the Fedsta tribe, Zhu Zhixin and his group were stopped by a few Fedstas.

This was because Zhu Zhixin and the other humans, along with the Fedstas, had fought against the Anchorites. Therefore, when they saw humans this time, these Fedsta didn't have much of a reaction. Knowing that Zhu Zhi Xin wanted to see Iju, the Fedstas immediately brought him to Iju. Izu, who was thinking about how to attack the Anchorans tomorrow, asked in surprise when he saw Zhu Zhixin approaching, "Zhu Zhixin? "Why are you here?"

Hearing his words, Zhu Zhixin smiled and said, "Yes, I'm here. This time, not only me, I've also brought five hundred human soldiers, fully armed. "Before, we humans and the Fedstas had teamed up and severely injured the Anchorans. This time, we will teach them a ruthless lesson."

Hearing Zhu Zhi Xin's words, Izu smiled and said, "Thank you, my friend. We thought that you would come back to help us. We are grateful to you for saving so many of our people." Zhu Zhi Xin patted Iju on the shoulder and said, "If I'm a friend then, there's no need to be polite. Tell me about the situation. "

"Before, in order to avoid the capture of the Anchorans, I had dispersed all the people of the Fedstans," he said, nodding his head. But this time, there are more than three thousand Anchorans. I know that this is the key to the survival of the Fedstans, so I gathered all of them together. Right now, I have four thousand Fedstans in my hands. But we can only use bows and arrows and javelins. We can't hurt the Anchorus. "

"This time, I will bring five hundred energy spears with me. That way, you can equip five hundred Fedsta soldiers. I think that we will definitely have the strength to fight against the Anchorans if we use the complex terrain here. Izhu, I have now established a base of my own. You will send all the old people, children and women of the Fedstans to it, and tomorrow we will fight the Anchorians with complete abandon. "

That night, Izu arranged for the old people, children, and women of the Fedstans to leave. With Zhu Zhixin's chariot, the task was much easier. At dawn the next day, the Anchorian army began to search the forest once more. But this time, the Anchorans did not know that they were waiting for a thousand armed soldiers, while the natives used only bows and spears.

The forest was vast, and if they wanted to find the Fedstas, they would have to split their forces. As a result, the three hundred Anchorans formed a team and began to search the forest. Zhu Zhixin, on the other hand, had secretly ambushed the army. Zhu Zhixin knew that this time, every army of the Anchorans had three hundred Anchorites. It was impossible to wipe out such an army in a short period of time. So Zhu Zhixin asked Yang Kaiji to lead a hundred soldiers to attack one of them, while he himself led the rest of the soldiers to ambush and attack the Anchorian army that was coming to their rescue.

Very soon, Yang Kaiji found traces of the Anchorans. Looking at the approaching Yang Kaiji, Yang Kaiji aimed and pulled the trigger in his hand. With a gunshot, the head of one of the Anchorans was shot through by an energy gun and fell to the ground. The other Anchoran soldiers also reacted quickly, immediately falling to the ground and starting to fire at the place where Yang Kai had hidden himself.

This time Yang Kaiji was only there to attract the other Anchorian troops, so Yang Kaiji just let the men hide behind the trees and shoot. Although they had not killed many of the Anchorans, the commotion had obviously alerted the other Anchoran troops. Immediately, three nearby Anchoran soldiers had approached the area.

At this moment, a troop of three hundred Anchorans was rushing towards the location of the battle at full speed, completely unaware that they were being surrounded by ambushed human and Fedsta soldiers. The place Zhu Zhixin chose was a long and narrow slope, and the Anchorites were rushing forward at a fast pace.

Seeing that the Anchorites had already entered the ambush, Zhu Zhixin immediately gave the order to attack. Hearing Zhu Zhixin's order, a dozen of the Fedsta soldiers immediately threw the bombs in their hands towards the Anchoran. These bombs were obtained from the mines of the Ancheros. They were able to blast apart hard rocks, so the power of these bombs could not be underestimated.

After the explosion, not only did the bombs kill a large number of the Anchorans, but they also threw the soldiers into chaos. Before the Anchorans could react, the soldiers on the slope had already begun firing at them with their energy spears. At the Angelo's side, Zhu Zhixin had seized a heavy machine gun. The Anchorian was tall. The machine guns used by the Anchorans were not suitable for humans. Fortunately, there was still the Anchorian, Doggiri, here in Zhu Zhixin.

Therefore, this heavy machine gun was naturally used as a special weapon by Degyri. With the heavy machine gun in hand, Deggiri immediately became the embodiment of Death itself. This type of heavy machine gun not only had a terrifying firing rate, but also had an astonishing power when fired from its energy bullets. After being hit, it would also be torn to pieces in an instant.

Under the attack of Deggiri, fifty or sixty Anchorans immediately died at the hands of Deggiri. At the same time, the Anchorans also began to set up their own machine guns in a hurry. However, Zhu Zhixin obviously would not give the Anchorites this opportunity. Zhu Zhixin raised his own energy gun and shot at the two people who were setting up the machine gun.

The two people of the Anchorus, who were setting up machine guns, were completely unable to defend against Zhu Zhixin's attack, and were directly killed by him. Seeing the two Anchorites killed, one of the Anchorans ran quickly to try to take out a machine gun, but the Anchorites, who had just reached the machine gun's vicinity, were shot dead by Zhu Zhixin, who was waiting for them.

With Zhu Zhixin's attack, six more people were killed who wanted to get close to the machine gun. That way, the Anchorites temporarily did not dare to attack the machine gun. Just when the Anchorites had begun to use their weapons to fight back against Zhu Zhixin's soldiers. The Fedstas who were hiding in the trees all raised the energy guns in their hands.

The people of Anchoro only thought that the attack came from the front. They never thought that the book would actually have a person hiding from them. As a result, more than sixty Anchorites were killed in an instant under the attack of the Fedstas. Faced with the attacks from different directions from both the human and the Fedsta soldiers, the Anchorus managed to resist for a while before they completely collapsed.

An Anchorian stood up and fled when he did not receive the order to retreat. As the Anchorus began to flee, the others followed. However, at this moment, the human soldiers were very concentrated in firing. Every single person that stood up was immediately knocked down to the ground.

Helpless, an army of Anchorans could only let all of them lie on the ground. Although the Anchorans were able to avoid the attacks of the human soldiers in front of them, they were unable to avoid the attacks of the Fedsta on the trees.

Seeing the soldiers next to him fall to the ground one by one, one of the soldiers said fiercely, "Since we're all going to die, let us die together." With that, the Anchorian army picked up their communicator and began to call the Anchorian artillery to attack the area.

Seeing the action of this Anchorian officer, Zhu Zhixin immediately turned around and shot at him over ten times.

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