Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C4 Escape plan
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Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C4 Escape plan
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C4 Escape plan

"Before, you could not defeat Duggie, and he could not defeat me. So, can I now be the leader here?" Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Yang Kaiji calmly nodded. Zhu Zhixin continued saying, "Since it's up to the leader to make the rules here, then I, Zhu Zhixin, will tell you about my rules. From today onwards, we will eat all the food together." If you are not convinced, you and your subordinates can challenge me. "

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Yang Kaiji couldn't help but laugh, and calmly said, "Zhu Zhixin, now that you're the strongest human here, you can be our leader. But before you make the rules, I still have some things I want to tell you."

"What do you mean?" Zhu Zhixin asked doubtfully. Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Yang Kaiji looked around and whispered, "You come with me first." With that, Yang Kaiji stood up and walked towards the depths of the mine. At this time, Zhu Zhixin also followed Yang Kaiji inside. Yang Kaiji's subordinates followed him in.

"Because he was worried that Zhu Zhixin would be in danger, Zhang Jianhui immediately stood up and wanted to follow him in, but Zhu Zhixin was stopped by one of Yang Kaiji's subordinates." What for? "Let me in." Zhang Jianhui said in dissatisfaction. If you can beat me, I'll go in. " Yang Kaiji's men said coldly. Hearing the words of Yang Kaiji's underlings, Zhang Jianhui could only helplessly sit on the ground and drink from the bowl that Zhu Zhixin had just handed him.

The terrain inside the mine tunnel was very complicated. Under Yang Kaiji's lead, Zhu Zhixin walked through several mines before arriving at one. What do you want to do? " Zhu Zhixin coldly asked as he looked at the people following behind him.

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Yang Kaiji didn't say anything. He walked straight to a rock, moved the rock away, and took out a bundle. After Yang Kaiji opened the package, the food inside was revealed. These food was given to the miners by the Ankhs as black bundles.

Yang Kaiji smiled and said, "The food the Anchorans gave us doesn't have much nutrition and doesn't taste good, but it can be stored for a long time without rotting. We asked the other miners for food at night, and they all thought we ate it. "Actually, they didn't know that I, Yang Kaiji, had hidden all these food."

Looking at the food in Yang Kaiji's hand, Zhu Zhixin knew that the amount of food a miner could get was very limited. Yang Kaiji must have spent a lot of effort and time storing these food. Zhu Zhixin asked doubtfully.

"What for? If we want to escape, the biggest problem we face is food. We don't have enough food, so even if we escaped from mine 13, we won't be able to survive. " Yang Kaiji said. " You want to escape from Mining Area 13? " Zhu Zhixin asked with some surprise. Of course, when I first came to Mining Area 13, I already wanted to escape. Zhu Zhixin, don't you want to? " Yang Kai Ji asked. Of course I do. "Although I only stayed here for one day, I have already lived here in mine number 13." Zhu Zhixin said fiercely.

"Alright, since it's like this, let's join hands!" Yang Kaiji said with some excitement. "Me?" Zhu Zhixin asked. Yeah, I thought you didn't have much ability. But today, when you were lecturing Duggie, I discovered that you were stronger than any of us, and that you had fought against the Anchorites before. Then our chances of escape will definitely be greater. " Yang Kaiji said with a smile.

Hearing Yang Kaiji's words, Zhu Zhixin thought for a while, then asked, "Okay, then let's practice our way out of Mining Area 13, this damn place." Do you have any plans? " Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Yang Kaiji took out a wooden board from the ground and handed it to Zhu Zhixin, saying, "This is a map I drew. When I was digging, I found a mine and a natural mine connected.

These days, the few of us have been searching for a path. Soon, I will be able to leave this place. "As long as we leave this mine, we will be able to escape from mine number 13." So when can we act? " Zhu Zhixin asked.

"We still need to wait two more days. Actually, we wanted to escape three days ago, but one of the caves collapsed and we were unable to pass through. So we're going to find a new way out of Mine 13. I'm afraid it will take a few days. " Yang Kaiji sighed and said.

"This won't do. We can't wait any longer. Yang Kaiji, you should have also discovered that today, the Anchoran people have given us an extremely heavy task. I think the Anchorans must be under pressure to increase their efforts to mine the energy stones. "I'm worried that if we wait a few more days, who knows how many people will be killed." Zhu Zhixin said. Do you have any ideas? " Yang Keji asked.

Hearing Yang Kaiji's words, Zhu Zhixin lowered his head and began to think. After a while, Zhu Zhixin said, "What if we blow up the collapsed cave?" We don't have enough equipment. If we want to blow up the mine, we have to make the Anchorus operate the mech, but that way, the Ancheros will discover the passage and will guess our plan. " Yang Keji shook his head.

"Mecha?" "It's okay, we will let the Anchorans operate the mech. Once we enter the mine, I will find a way to kill the Anchoran." Zhu Zhixin said fiercely. After hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Yang Kaiji began to think carefully. After a while, Yang Kaiji said, "Okay, we will all die at the hands of the Anchorites sooner or later anyway. We might as well fight the Anchorans. Zhu Zhixin, what do you think we should do?"

Zhu Zhixin thought for a moment and said, "You go up and tell the Anchiro people that you found energy stones in the mine, but the mine suddenly collapsed, making it impossible for us to excavate them. You hand over all your subordinates to me, and I'll command them. When Deggiri comes here, we'll kill all of these Anchorites. "

Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Yang Kaiji also knew that in terms of commanding the battle, Zhu Zhixin far surpassed him. However, Yang Kaiji still doubtfully asked, "Zhu Zhixin, isn't it a little too hasty for us to start now? I think we should at least make preparations." Now that we are making our move, naturally we are in a hurry, but it is also because of this that An Qiruo would not be on our guard against us. We would not have expected to run away at such a time, and neither would the Anchorians. "

Yang Kaiji thought for a moment before leaving the mining cave. He walked toward the exit of the mine. After contacting the Anchoro people, the mineshaft left the mine with Yang Kaiji. After Yang Kaiji left, Zhu Zhixin walked in front of Deggiri.

He wanted more food before, so he attacked Yang. But this time, he was defeated by Zhu Zhixin, so he didn't have the face to go and get more food. The miners of mine no. 13 naturally did not have the slightest bit of goodwill towards the Angelo, Deggiri did not take any food, and none of the miners would offer food to Deggiri on their own accord.

At this time, Zhu Zhixin walked out of the mine tunnel. When he walked out, all the miners couldn't help but stand up. Zhu Zhi Xin didn't pay any attention to the miners, but walked over to the vat where the food was kept, scooped out a bowl of food, and handed it over to De Ge Ji. De Zhi Ri raised his head and looked at Zhu Zhi Xin, and then looked at the food that Zhu Zhi Xin handed to him.

Zhu Zhi Xin sat beside Duggie Ri and calmly asked, "Doggie Ri, you are an Anchoran, but now you are the same as us, a slave. The Anchorites call you a deserter, but I don't think you're a deserter. "

Zhu Zhi Xin's words made Degji Ri's body involuntarily tremble. Degji Ri coldly said, "How do you know that I'm not a deserter?" Because I can feel the killing intent coming from you. The deserters had to flee for their own safety. They did not have the courage to die, nor the courage to kill. Therefore, it is impossible for killing intent to appear on deserters. " Zhu Zhixin said with a smile.

"What do you want to do?" "De Ghiri said in a alert manner." I just want to talk to you. "Degji Day, it's the same for us now. It's the slave miner of mine number 13. Can't we have a chat?" Zhu Zhixin asked with a smile. Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Deggiri didn't say anything else and just continued to quietly eat the food in his bowl.

Zhu Zhixin looked at De Gjizi and suddenly said, "You were wrongly accused." Zhu Zhi Xin's words completely shocked Degji Sun. Degji Sun looked at Zhu Zhi Xin for a while and then said, "What are you trying to do?" I've been watching you ever since you arrived at mine number 13. I noticed that when you were looking at the other Anchorans, your eyes were filled with hatred, and although I don't know what happened to you, I know that you were not only wronged by the Anchorians, but you also hated them as much as you hated us human slaves. " Zhu Zhixin's words caused Degjili to fall into deep thought.

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