Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C5 Riots
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Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C5 Riots
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C5 Riots

After thinking for a while, Deggiri said, "I used to be a war hero in the Anchorian army. In one battle, we were ordered to attack your human position. When we were about to reach the human position, the human army began to launch a countercharge. "

"However, we can easily defeat the human army, but the Anchorans behind us will start firing at us. All my Anchorian soldiers are dead. After that, the commander explained to me that he wanted to wipe out the human army, so he fired his cannons. But later, after the war ended, I learned. It was because I found out that the officer was selling arms. "

"In order to cover up my crimes, he ordered me to fire an attack during the charge, allowing me to die on the battlefield. But what he did not expect was that my soldiers were all dead, and I, Deggiri, was still alive. "

"In my anger, I wanted the Anchorian military to report the crimes of their officers, but I didn't expect that there would be many powerful generals in this group. Not only was my report not investigated, but I was also being hunted down by the killers under my command. My wife and my two sons have both died in their attack. "

"I was also captured by them because of my own injuries. But they didn't kill me. It was a false accusation that I had been a deserter during the war with the humans. Because I killed one of their important members. They wanted my life, but before I died, they wanted me to lose the honor of an Anchorian. Humiliate me before I die. "

As he spoke, Deggiri became more and more excited, and his voice also became louder and louder. The surrounding miners all looked over at Zhu Zhixin and Deggiri. Looking at the agitated De Geli, Zhu Zhixin calmly asked, "De Gelou, do you want revenge?" "Revenge?" De Gjhiri asked. That's right, revenge. " Zhu Zhixin nodded and said again. I want revenge every day. " De Gjizi said fiercely.

Hearing De Gigri's words, Zhu Zhixin nodded in satisfaction and said, "If you want revenge, you have to escape mine # 13 first. To tell you the truth, there will be Anchorites here later, and we will attack them. After that, we will escape. If you want to take revenge, then join us in killing these Anchorites. "

"Of course, you have another choice, which is to report us to the Anchorites. However, even if that is the case, you will still not be able to continue living. The people who framed you will not let you off. " With that, Zhu Zhixin no longer paid any attention to De Geli. Instead, he found one of Yang Kaiji's subordinates and began to assign the tasks.

Mine No. 13 was ordered by the military department of the Ankylo people to provide one ton of energy stones at the end of the month, which was an impossible task for mine No. 13. It was also for this reason that Ou Qun spent a lot of money to buy these new slaves, hoping to speed up the energy stones excavation. Thus, upon hearing Yang Kaiji's report of a large amount of energy stones being discovered in the mines, the Ouroboros didn't hesitate at all. They immediately ordered the Ankh to pilot the industrial Battle Mechas into the mines.

However, it was not like he was not on guard at all. Therefore, this time, not only did a Battle Mecha enter the mine, but Rialdoki also personally led the twelve armed Anchorus into the mine. Arriving at the mine, Rialdoki told all the miners to start gathering.

After that, Rialdoki left the eight Anchorites to guard the miners, and Rialdoki himself led the four soldiers and the Battle Mechas to the collapsed mines. Although the Battle Mechas were able to shatter the collapsed rocks of the mine, many of the stones had to be removed by hand. Thus, Riyaldoki had Yang Keji select six miners to work with him.

As he was leaving, Rialdoki glanced at Duggiri and let him follow him to the collapsed area. The collapse of the mine was a long way from here, and the size of the Anchorites was already much larger than the humans. The Anchorus operated mechas that were larger in size, so Yang Kaiji had no choice but to bring the Anchorites along in the larger mines.

After many twists and turns, Yang Kaiji finally brought the Anchorites to the place where the cave collapsed. After reaching this point, Rialdoki did not waste any time on words. He immediately got the Anchoran to move the rocks that were blocking the passageway. By this time, the six miners that Yang Kaiji had brought with him were slowly approaching the Anchorans.

"Halt." Realizing that Yang Kaiji's miners were approaching him, Rialdoki shouted loudly. Hearing Rialdoki's words, the miners immediately stopped moving. At that moment, a loud sound came from the direction of the Anchoran Mecha.

Before the Anchorans came here, Zhu Zhixin had placed the energy stone he dug up this morning in these rocks. Zhang Jianhui had previously told Zhu Zhixin that energy stones were very unstable, and when they encountered mechanical excavation, they would explode. Therefore, Zhu Zhixin had placed the energy stone here, so that the explosion of the energy stone could attract the attention of the Anchoran.

Although the energy stone had exploded, the purity of this piece of energy stone was not very high. Therefore, the explosion had only cut off the right arm of the Angel mecha. It hadn't affected the main body of the mecha in the slightest. After the sound of the explosion, the others all looked to the place where the explosion had taken place.

Zhu Zhixin naturally would not let go of the opportunity he had created. After pulling out the iron rod that he had hidden in his waist, Zhu Zhixin rushed towards an Anchor. These iron rods had been meticulously polished by the miners, and they had very sharp thorns.

Therefore, after Zhu Zhixin had stabbed into the body of the Anchoran, the Anchoran was killed by Zhu Zhixin instantly because he had been stabbed in the vitals. When Zhu Zhi Xin began to attack Degji Day, the other miners who were already prepared immediately took out their own iron spears and charged towards the Anchorites.

Although Zhu Zhixin's movements were very fast, killing an Anchoran before the Anchorites could react, the other miners were not as fast as Zhu Zhixin. Before they reached the Anchorus, they had already raised the energy guns in their hands and were shooting at the miners. In a flash, three miners were hit by the Anchoran's energy fire and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Rialdoki and an Anchoran raised their energy guns and started shooting at Zhu Zhixin. However, after Zhu Zhixin killed an Anchoran, he placed the corpse of this Anchoran right in front of him. With this corpse, Zhu Zhixin temporarily blocked the attack of the Anchoran.

However, Zhu Zhixin also knew that the energy gun's owner would naturally pierce through the body of this Ankh person very soon, so Zhu Zhixin continuously retreated while using the body of the Ankh person to block the energy gun's bullets for himself. Yang Kaiji and the other three miners had no choice but to hide behind a rock as they were being shot by the other two Anchorans.

At this moment, Zhu Zhi Xin was taken off by the energy gun of the Anchorus that he killed, and started to shoot at the other Ancheros. When they saw Zhu Zhixin start attacking with an energy spear, Rialdoki and another Anchorian immediately started to suppress Zhu Zhixin with an energy spear. As for the other two Deggians, they used their energy guns to suppress the miners while walking towards where they were hiding.

From the very beginning of the attack, Deggiri had been standing by the side of the Anchorian Battle Mechas. The moment he had heard about the war between the Ancheros and Zhu Zhixin's miners, the Ancelan Battle Mechas had turned around and wanted to use their firepower to support Rialdoki. At this moment, Deggiri was standing beside the Anchoran Battle Mecha.

As the Anchorus began to turn, Deggiri picked up a stone from the ground. The mecha naturally had a metallic exterior, and the stone in his hand alone was insufficient to pose any threat to the Angel mecha. However, as a veteran Angelo fighter, Deggiri naturally knew where the weakness of their Battle Mechas lay.

Therefore, after picking up the stone, Degarmo smashed it down heavily on the mech's arm. The point of the attack was where the Anchorian Battle Mechas were connected. As a result, Duggiri's attack tore open a small hole in the Mech's arm. After he had destroyed the arm of the Anchoran, he had used his fingers to hold the protruding part of the Anchoran's arm, and had snapped the wires inside.

At this moment, the electrical wires had been destroyed and the Mech's arms could no longer operate. It froze in place.

At the same time, Degarmo used his own hands to pull down the energy rifle on the Anchoran's arm. After taking it off, he took out his energy rifle and fired fiercely at the control room of the Anchoran's Battle Mecha. The Anchoran's mech was an industrial one. Although it could move rocks, it could not compete with a fighter jet's combat power. Although this mecha also had an energy rifle, it didn't have much defensive power. Under the barrage of the De Gjri's energy rifle, the protective shield outside the mech control room was destroyed in an instant. The Anchorites were also killed by Deggiri.

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