Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C8 Fedsta
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Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C8 Fedsta
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C8 Fedsta

"Of course, when I was a member of the Resistance, I saw a magazine for the Anchorians. There was an introduction to the planet. Furthermore, it said that this plant is edible. " Zhu Zhixin said with a smile. Is there anything else on it that can be eaten? " Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Zhang Jianhui immediately asked curiously.

"How should I know? I don't even know the language of the Anchorans. It's just that I saw an Anchoran eating this kind of root in the picture." Zhu Zhixin said with a wry smile. "Alright, since Zhu Zhixin said he can eat, then let's quickly cook these foods. Look, there are still many of these things here." Yang Kaiji said excitedly.

In mine number 13, Yang Kaiji had to store a lot of food because he had to. However, like the other miners, Yang Kaiji hadn't eaten his fill for a long time. So when he heard Zhu Zhixin say that this food was edible, Yang Kai immediately brought the other hungry miners to dig around for this plant.

What Zhu Zhixin said was not wrong. Although the taste of the rhizome wasn't that great, it was still edible. Zhu Zhixin, what's the name of this rhizome? " Zhang Jianhui asked as he ate. Hearing Zhang Jianhui's words, Zhu Zhixin picked up a root, smiled and said, "I don't know, but since we're eating, then let's give them a name."

"Since we have just escaped from mine number 13, we have gained our freedom. Let's call it this rootstock free fruit. I hope we can achieve true freedom. " Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Yang Kaiji immediately shouted loudly, "Alright, brothers, what we are eating is called the Free Fruit. Everyone will definitely be able to get rid of those damn Ankylo people."

"Zhu Zhixin, since we've already given this food a name, then let's give it to the rest of us. We can't always be called miners, can we? " Yang Keji continued. Hearing Yang Kaiji's words, Zhu Zhixin also thought for a while before saying, "Alright, let's call it the Relay Resistance Army. Human Alliance, I don't think we can rely on that anymore. If we want to be free, then we can only rely on ourselves. We will fight against the Ankylo people."

"Rebel Army, alright, we will be called Rebel Army. In the future, we will have our freedom, we will no longer have to return to mine number 13, and we will no longer be at the mercy of the Anchorans." Zhang Jianhui said excitedly.

Hearing Yang Kaiji's words, these human miners immediately became excited, cheering non-stop. After eating their fill, these miners, under Zhu Zhixin's command, began to spread some of the leaves flat on the ground.

However, the humans like Zhu Zhixin did not know that after they entered the forest, the aboriginals in the forest had also noticed the humans like Zhu Zhixin. Just as Zhu Zhixin and co. were setting up the camp, the aboriginals in the forest gradually gathered together, secretly surrounding Zhu Zhixin and the other humans.

At the same time, Ojwin had also reported the escape of the human slaves to the Anchoran headquarters. Ever since the Anchorans began to transport human slaves here to excavate energy stones, even though there were still many human slaves who ran away. However, there had never been a situation where all the slaves in a mining site had run away.

So when the Anchorans found out that all the human slaves in Mining Area 13 had fled, they immediately dispatched five hundred fully armed Anchorus soldiers to Mining Field 13. After carrying a large number of mechs and armed vehicles, this team of Anchorites rushed towards the forest where Zhu Zhixin was hiding in a formidable array.

Zhu Zhixin knew that this forest would definitely not be safe, so when the others were resting, Zhu Zhixin had set up 15 human defense camps. After everyone started to rest, the Fedsta in the forest slowly approached the human camp.

At this moment, a Fedsta in the forest raised the blowout arrow in his hand and blew it towards a human sentry. The Fedstas' arrows were smeared with poison, so when the arrows hit the human, he fell to the ground.

After the Fedstas attacked, the other Fedstas also took out their arrows, while the sentries that Zhu Zhi Xin had set up fell to the ground one by one. After getting rid of the human sentries, the Fedstans gradually walked out from the forest. However, just as these Avdstas walked out, a human hiding in the shadows raised the energy gun in his hand and started firing at them nonstop.

When the sentry was being set up, Zhu Zhixin had set up more than a dozen sentries, and also set up three hidden ones in a very hidden place. This was also a habit that Zhu Zhixin had developed in the past. After all, it was very easy for an open sentry to be killed by an enemy. And this time, Zhu Zhixin's setup was completely accurate. It was precisely because of Zhu Zhixin's hidden sentry that the humans like Zhu Zhixin had discovered the traces of these people.

None of them had expected that there would be a hidden sentry. As a result, under the assault of the hidden sentry, more than twenty of them were hit by the energy shots and fell to the ground. As soon as they were attacked by the human energy guns, the Fedstas turned and fled back into the trees.

The sound of the energy gun woke all the humans up, but as soon as they stood up, they were shot by the arrows shot out by the Woodsmen and fell to the ground. The Fedsta's bow was also smeared with poison. After being shot, he could only weakly struggle a few times before falling to the ground.

Seeing more than a dozen humans on the ground, Zhu Zhixin immediately shouted loudly, "Damn it, everyone, don't stand up. Lie down on the ground and be careful of the enemy's arrows." Yang Kaiji crawled to Zhu Zhixin's side and asked nervously, "Zhu Zhixin, who are those people in the forest?" After Zhu Zhixin looked at the forest, he shook his head and said, "I don't know. Anyway, it won't be the Anchorites. They won't use these crude bows and arrows. I think it should be one of the aboriginals here. "

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhixin loudly shouted, "Alright, everyone stop shooting." Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, the humans that used energy guns stopped shooting. After the humans stopped firing, the Fedstas in the forest also stopped attacking the humans.

Looking at the gradually quieting battlefield, Zhu Zhixin loudly shouted, "People in the forest opposite, who are you?" Although Zhu Zhixin's voice was loud, there was no response from the forest across them. So, Zhu Zhixin shouted once again, "Who are you people? Why attack us? We mean no harm. "

This time, Zhu Zhixin's words were obviously effective. In the forest, a person shouted loudly, "We are Fedstans, are you humans? Human, why have you come to our territory? "

"Fosterians, we are humans. We came here by accident, and we have no ill intentions towards you Fosterians." I'm going to stand up right now. Please don't attack. " After he finished speaking, Zhu Zhixin slowly stood up on the ground. Seeing Zhu Zhixin stand up, Zhang Jianhui quickly stretched out his hand, wanting to hold onto Zhu Zhixin, but Zhu Zhixin pushed away Zhang Jianhui's hand.

After Zhu Zhixin stood up, the Fedstas in the forest opposite did not attack him. Seeing that the Fedsta on the other side of the forest didn't seem to have any obvious malicious intent, Zhu Zhixin continued, "The Fedsta on the other side, we don't have any malicious intent, I hope to become friends with you Fedsta." Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, a dozen odd looking people also walked out from the opposite forest.

Although these people were of similar height to Zhu Zhixin and his people, their faces were painted with oil. Furthermore, these people had three nostrils on their nose, which made Zhu Zhixin feel very strange. However, the universe was big and there were tens of thousands of races. The appearance of these people hadn't reached the point that they would shock Zhu Zhixin.

Zhu Zhi Xin smiled as he said to the tens of Fedsta friends that were walking over, "My name is Zhu Zhi Xin, I'm the leader of these humans. I hope to become friends with you." Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, one of the Fedstas opposite laughed and said, "Hello, human. My name is Izu, I'm the leader of these Fedstas."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw De Gjri standing behind Zhu Zhixin. When he saw Degerg, Izhu said angrily, "Why are there Anchorites in your team?" Hearing his words, the Fedstas behind him immediately raised the javelins in their hands. Seeing the man's actions, the human behind Zhu Zhixin immediately raised the energy spear in his hands.

Seeing that his anger had frozen in an instant, Zhu Zhixin immediately said, "Everyone calm down. Yang Kaiji, get someone to put down the energy spear immediately. Izu, we have no ill intentions. I hope you can trust me. The reason why there is an Anchorian in our ranks is because this Anchoran is also our companion. "

"We are the slaves' miners who were imprisoned in mine number 13, we escaped in mine number 13. The Anchorian is one of us, a slave miner like us. " Hearing Zhu Zhixin's words, Izu sneered and said, "A man who can make a man a slave? Humans, let me tell you, we do not welcome you humans here.

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