Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C9 Capture plan
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Land of Freedom In Deep Space/C9 Capture plan
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C9 Capture plan

I hope you will leave now, or we Fedstans will not be polite. "

With that, he left with the people of Fedsta. Although these people had already left, Zhu Zhixin knew that these people were definitely hiding in the forest, secretly observing his every move. Yang Kaiji walked up to Zhu Zhixin and asked, "Zhu Zhixin, what should we do?" The Fedstas are the masters of this place. They don't welcome us, so let's leave. If there is a conflict, we will be at a disadvantage. " Zhu Zhixin said somewhat helplessly.

After saying that, Zhu Zhi Xin shouted towards the forest, "Yi Zizu, it's very dangerous outside. Although we can leave, but we have to find a way out in the forest. We are not familiar with this place. Can you show us the way? "

After Zhu Zhixin finished speaking, there was no response from the opposite forest.

Thinking for a moment, Zhu Zhixin said once again, "We won't let you help us for nothing. We'll give you two energy guns as a gift. I hope you can help us." After saying that, Zhu Zhixin placed the two energy guns on the ground and slowly retreated backwards.

This time, Zhu Zhixin's words were finally answered. Izu shouted loudly in the forest, "Alright! Don't worry! My people will bring you away!" Then he threw a javelin into the woods, and continued, "My people will show you the way with the javelin. All you need to do is follow the javelin. "

"There are a lot of forests here, my people will take you away from our territory. I hope you will live well elsewhere in the forest. " After Izu finished speaking, a javelin shot out from behind Zhu Zhixin.

Zhu Zhixin glanced at the javelin, then said, "Let's go. We'll head in the direction of the javelin." With that, Zhu Zhixin led more than three hundred humans towards the javelin. He was relieved to see that the humans had finally left. After having a few of the Fedstas join the human army, Izu left with the rest of the Fedstas.

After finding out that all the slaves in mine number 13 had fled, Uvlanco accepted the order and led his 500 soldiers to mine number 13. He looked at the trembling Ao De Ke. Wulanke sneered and said, "Lord Ojwin, all the slaves in mine number thirteen of yours have fled. I really wonder how Lord Ojwin managed mine number 13."

Wurke's words made the already nervous Ou Clan's Deco even more worried. He nervously asked, "Lord Wurke, what does the General mean by this?" As the general had said, what happened at mine number 13 was something that had never happened before. The general was furious. Now, the Lord General has asked us to capture all the human slaves who escaped. "Use their blood to wash away the shame you brought to us, the Anchorians, from mine number thirteen."

"Lord Wurke, Lord General's meaning is that we should kill all the slaves that escaped in mine number 13?" "Ojwin asked tentatively." Of course it was to kill them all. What? "Ouroboros, do you have any sympathy for the slaves in mine number 13?" Wurke said disdainfully.

After hearing Uranko's words, Ouroboros took out a magnetic card from his body and handed it over to him. "Lord Uranke, the army has requested that we provide a ton of energy stones for this month in mine # 13. But as you know, Lord Wurke, all the slaves in mine number thirteen have fled. We don't have any production left in mine number 13. "If I can't provide enough energy stones by the end of the month, the army won't let me off."

After hearing Ouroboro's words, Uranko laughed and asked, "What's wrong?" "Ouroboro, is your mine number 13 still related to the army?" Ouroboros laughed and said, "It's the second fleet. We, mine 13, are here to provide energy for the second fleet. "If we cannot provide enough energy stones for the 13th mine, I think the fleet commander will be very angry. When that happens, I think Lord Wurke and the general will be implicated."

After hearing Ou Jiu De Ke's words, Wooo Lanke immediately said in dissatisfaction, "What?" Ojwin, do you want to use the name of the second fleet to suppress me? " Although Wulanke had said this, Wulanke's heart was filled with fear. After he finished speaking, he continued, "Ou Clan Deco, how do you want to guarantee the production of energy stones in mine number 13?"

Ouroboros laughed and said, "Lord Woodrow, near our mine number 13, there is a large forest. I knew there was a Fedstad tribe in the woods. "I hope Lord Wurke will be able to help us in mine number 13, capture some of the Fedstans and bring them here to mine energy stones for mine number 13."

After hearing Ouroboro's words, Uranke looked at the gold card that Ouroboros handed to him, thought for a moment and said, "Alright, Ouroboros, since that is the case, we will have to focus on the energy stone production in mine number 13." "We will attack the Fedstans first, and then we will chase after the fleeing slaves from mine number thirteen."

After making the decision to attack the Fedstadts, Uvlanco led his five hundred Anchorian soldiers and ten heavy armors toward the forest where the Fedstadts were. Since the Anchorites had come to the planet, there had been frequent forays into the woods by Degerge to plunder the Fedstas as slaves to his mines.

It was because of the attack of the Anchorans that the number of Fedstas had been reduced rapidly, and it was also because of the protection of the dense forest that Izu was able to keep his people safe under the attack of Deggiri. However, this time, the assault of five hundred Anchorans, even in the forest, was unable to protect the Fedstas.

As soon as they were in the woods, Uvlanco began to have the Anchorites search for traces of the Fedstans. With the help of the precise apparatus, Ustranco soon found traces of the Fedstas in the woods. At this moment, the Fedstas knew about the Anchoran who entered. At the command of Izu, the Fedstas assembled at once.

After Uranko led the Anchoran army into the forest, the other Fedstas who were hiding in the trees all picked up their bows and spears. Izu, who was also standing on the tree, saw that the Anchorites had entered his circle and shouted, "Warriors of the Fedstans, kill these Anchorites!" At Izu's command, all the Fedstas immediately released their bows and arrows. Although the Fedstas' attack had hit the Anchorans, they were the regular army of the Anchorites, protected by bulletproof armor. Therefore, the arrows of the Fedstas did not cause the slightest harm to the Anchorians after they had struck them with their arrows.

The attack of the Fedstas directly exposed the position of the Fedstas. The Anchorans all raised the energy guns in their hands and continued shooting at the Fedstas. Under the powerful firepower of the Anchorans, the Fedstas on the tree were hit and fell.

But Ushlenko immediately shouted, "Don't shoot, don't shoot!" "Capture those who are still alive and capture all of them alive." Although Uranko also wanted to kill all of these people after receiving the attack from the Fedstas, he also knew that mine number 13 lacked manpower. He had to capture mine number 13 alive to ensure the production of energy stones from mine number 13.

Hearing Uranko's order, the soldiers put down their weapons and rushed towards the Fedstas. As soon as he saw that the weapons in his hands could not inflict any casualties on the Anchorians, Izhu brought the Fedstas with him and fled into the depths of the forest.

Although these Anchorian soldiers were well-equipped, they were combat troops. It would not be difficult for the Andro people to kill these Fedstas, but it would be a big problem for the Andro people if they were to be apprehended. These people had lived in this forest for generations, so they were naturally very familiar with the terrain.

Soon enough, the Fedsta people all hid into the forest. As they watched the figure of the Fedsta leave, Wurke viciously said, "Alright, stop chasing them. We don't have the tools to capture them." "Now, let's go back to Mining Area 13 and get the tools we need to capture them. We'll come back after we get back there."

Under Uranke's orders, the soldiers of the Anchoran tribe, although unwilling, could only leave the forest one by one and head towards mine number 13.

At this moment, the human army led by the Fedstas suddenly heard the sound of an energy gun being fired from behind them as they shuttled back and forth through the forest. Especially the heavy machine guns equipped with the heavy armor of the Anchorans. After firing, a few loud sounds attracted Zhu Zhixin's attention.

"What's going on?" Yang Kaiji asked nervously. It must have been the Anchorans, the Anchorans who caught up. "Oh no, it must have been the Anchorites and the Fedstas." Zhu Zhixin said nervously.

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