Legacy Of Order God/C1 Qian Xunfeng
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Legacy Of Order God/C1 Qian Xunfeng
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C1 Qian Xunfeng

“Hahaha! You’re finally dead. You messed up everything for me. You’re nothing but a bastard. Without the Martial Soul Hall, where would you be? Hahaha.” A man with a ghastly visage and bloodshot eyes was cackling wildly, his body covered in wounds, looking utterly wretched.

It was tragic that such a repulsive individual had six sacred wings on his back. Behind him, nine Soul Rings of various hues were neatly aligned.

Two equally disheveled people stood behind him, each with their own set of nine differently colored Soul Rings.

This was the Battle Net Continent, where Soul Rings served as evidence of a Soul Master's progression and also bestowed upon them abilities — Soul Skills.

A bloodied man lying on the ground gazed at the maniacally laughing figure and said weakly, “Cough, Qian... Xunji, you’re not wrong. Without... the Martial... Soul Hall, I might have... died long ago. But that doesn’t justify your... cough, your tyranny. Therefore, it's my duty... my obligation... to stop you. Cough, cough, cough!”

Qian Xunji, the next Pope of the Martial Soul Hall, was a malevolent man with a martial soul of the Six-Winged Angel. His martial soul was of a peak grade, a rarity seen once in a century.

Qian Xunji, clenching his teeth in fury, barked, “Silence! Stop me? Yes, you are strong. It took the full force of the three of us, Title Battle Net Douluos, to barely defeat you. Before you came along, everything was mine. But after you arrived, everyone in the Martial Soul Hall, Title Douluos or not, revolved around you. Why? Because your martial soul is stronger than mine? Because you’re more empathetic? Cut the nonsense, Qian Xunfeng. You’re nothing but a dog my father took in.”

Qian Xunfeng remained silent, listening, his gaze growing dimmer — the harbinger of death.

Qian Xunji continued to yell, "You are my brother, not by blood, but why did father only value you? Without you, I would be supreme. Bibidong, my disciple, and your beloved. Little brother, I have news for you. Bibidong is indeed carrying your child. I merely took advantage of your concern for her, luring you back to the Martial Soul Hall, ambushing you on the way, and killing you. Hahaha! Cough, cough."

Qian Xunji, gravely wounded, knelt on one knee, gasping for breath. His throat, strained from overexcitement, could no longer sustain a shout. "Little brother, you must have realized by now that one of our trio is under the thumb of the Vast Heaven Sect. He's working for me. I'll pin your death on the Vast Heaven Sect, sparking a war that will allow me to conquer the entire continent. But before that, my dear little brother, hand over your Soul Bone!"

Qian Xunfeng laughed joyously, unafraid of his looming demise. "Qian Xunji, thank you. I have a child now, a child! Hahaha! Go ahead, do it!" he exclaimed, his voice booming with his final words.

"Alright!" A man behind Qian Xunji swung down a hammer with a decisive motion.


"Three Soul Bones, not bad at all. Thank you both. Since you're not too injured, go ahead and bury him," Qian Xunji commanded, his tone flat, devoid of mirth.

"Hehe, your grace is too kind, Pope. Brother, let's bury him," the other man chuckled.

Qian Xunji wasn't the Pope yet, but it was certain he would be after Qian Xunfeng's death.

"Mmm!" The second man behind Qian Xunji nodded in agreement.

Turning away, Qian Xunji murmured, "Pope? Hehe, I'll be the Pope soon enough. Brother, I'll remember you. Hahaha!"


Having buried Qian Xunfeng, Qian Xunji departed with his two companions. Unbeknownst to them, a woman had been watching from afar.

With her hand over her mouth, tears streamed down her face. After a long while, she bit her lip and vowed with venom, "Qian Xunji, I, Bibidong, swear I will kill you one day. And the Vast Heaven Sect? You won't escape my wrath either."

This woman was Bibidong. She had only seen the Vast Heaven Hammer from a distance and hadn't heard the man's betrayal of the Vast Heaven Sect, so she harbored hatred for them too.

Reaching the burial site of Qian Xunfeng, she unearthed his body with her bare hands and tenderly placed his head upon his stomach.

"Brother Feng, can you hear that? The child is calling for daddy! Brother Feng, please, say something! Say something! Sob, sob, sob~ Brother Feng, trust me, I will avenge you and take down that scoundrel. But for now, you must rest in your rightful place."

Qian Xunfeng was laid to rest in the Martial Soul Hall's mausoleum, a burial site reserved for past popes and Hyper Douluos, a place of distinguished individuals. Each had their own private "room."

Half a year passed.

Bibidong was now the Saintess of the Martial Soul Hall, and Qian Xunji had ascended to the role of Pope.

Seated in her chamber, Bibidong caressed her growing belly and smiled softly, "My dear, you are all I have now. The Martial Soul Hall has news that Qian Xunji is on a mission to slay a One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast that has been reincarnated. Rumor has it that the soul beast's spouse is a candidate for the next sect master of the Vast Heaven Sect."

"No matter who perishes, it will be in service to your father's memory! Rejoice! But if Qian Xunji survives, we'll find an opportunity to eliminate him."

Another half year at the Martial Soul Hall.

Amidst the cries of a newborn, Bibidong gave birth to a daughter, "My child, your name shall be Qian Renxue."

With narrowed eyes, Bibidong continued, "Your father's demise was partly your doing, Brother Feng. Since you longed for a child, I shall keep her. After all, she represents the bond between us. And it so happens, that soul beast also gave birth today!"

On the same day, a gravely wounded Qian Xunji made his way back to the Martial Soul Hall.

"Cough! Cough!"

"Pope! You... Uh, Pope, the Saintess has just delivered a child. Perhaps you should visit?"

"Cough! What visit? She's given birth? Quickly, have the Saintess bring the child to me."

"But, Pope, the Saintess..."

"Do it now!"

"Yes, at once!"

After some time, a servant approached the Saintess's door and spoke to the guard with a neutral tone, "Inform the Pope that he has been invited by the Saintess to meet the child."

The guard hesitated, as the child had just been born, but the Pope's authority prevailed. "Holy Maiden, the Pope requests your presence, and... the Little Holy Maiden as well."

Bibidong, reclining in her chamber, opened her eyes and picked up Qian Renxue, murmuring, "Hmm? Hehe, let's go, my little Xue. Let's see what the Pope requires of us."

"Holy Maiden, please be cautious and mind your health."

Bibidong, holding Qian Renxue, replied, "No worries. Let's go!"


"Announcement, Pope, the Holy Maiden has arrived."

Qian Xunji, now sitting up, saw Bibidong enter and commanded, "Cough, everyone leave! I wish to speak with the Holy Maiden alone."

Bibidong, with an impassive face, inquired, "What matter requires my attention, Pope? Were you successful? The One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast..."

Qian Xunji coughed and smiled, "I was close to success, but the Soul Beast offered itself up. Ultimately, it was defeated by the Title Battle Net. Never mind, it's not worth discussing. Child, may I see her?"

Bibidong, eyes slightly narrowed, smiled softly and said, "Of course! Here you go."

Qian Xunji took the child, gently infusing her with his soul power.

Already gravely injured, Qian Xunji's life force waned even further.

In a feeble voice, Qian Xunji apologized, "Bibidong, I'm sorry. The Six-Winged Angel Martial Spirit... is passed down to only one heir, and I have no offspring. I had no choice but to use this child. Surely, you wouldn't want your... child to inherit the same... Martial Spirit as you!"

"With my life's cultivation, I've transformed... this child's Martial Spirit... into the Six-Winged Angel Martial Spirit. This has also... enhanced... her innate talent. This is my Six-Winged Angel Martial Spirit's unique ability—Transference. Now, I... simply wish to cling to life. Go... call my father. By the way, your child's name..."

Bibidong scoffed, "Qian Renxue. But, Master, didn't you aspire to rule the entire continent?"

Qian Xunji nodded emphatically but remained silent. One only understands the weight of surrender after enduring the struggle.

Bibidong's voice was icy as she taunted, "Haha, Master! I'll summon the Great Venerable, but you won't live to see him arrive!"

With a sharp sound, Bibidong used her soul power to shatter Qian Xunji's heart meridian, sealing his fate.

"What... You..."

Bibidong's laugh was cruel and mocking. "Hahaha! Master, you killed Brother Feng and still hope to cling to life? I haven't given my consent!"

Qian Xunji's eyes widened in shock. "You, you knew?"

"Hehe! Indeed, Master! I witnessed you killing Brother Feng. If not for Qian Daoliu, you probably would have killed me too. Now, die!" Bibidong sneered.

Qian Xunji's eyes bulged, and then he was still.

After murdering Qian Xunji, Bibidong lifted Qian Renxue in her arms. "Xue, we've avenged father," she said, smiling through her tears.

Time passed before Bibidong regained her composure.

She commanded, "Someone come!"

"Your subordinate is here!"

"Notify the Great Venerable! The Pope has succumbed to severe injuries inflicted by the Vast Heaven Hammer, leaving behind his Soul Bone and the six-winged angel martial soul."

"Yes, right away!"

Soon after, the Great Venerable of the Martial Soul Hall, Qian Xunji's father, Qian Daoliu, arrived.

As the overseer of the Hall of Reverence, home to the Ninety-Five Hyper Douluos, Qian Daoliu's authority was unquestionable.

"Bibidong, what happened? Qian Xunji, he..."

Bibidong burst into tears. "Great Venerable! The Master learned of a One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast in human form and set out with two Title Douluos to hunt it. Alas, the beast's sacrifice proved too much for the Pope. His heart meridian was shattered, and now... the Master has passed away without peace."

With her display of grief, Bibidong cleverly allayed Qian Daoliu's doubts about her.

The Great Venerable spoke with a tone thick with fury, "Ah! My only two children, both gone, both gone! All because of the Vast Heaven Sect."

With eyes brimming with tears, Bibidong vowed, "Great Venerable! I will surely avenge them against the Vast Heaven Sect."

Yet, this vengeance was not for Qian Xunji, but rather for Qian Xunfeng. Witnessing Bibidong's genuine loathing for the Vast Heaven Sect, Qian Daoliu cast aside the last shred of doubt he harbored towards her.

Bibidong's voice boomed, "Attend to my command, Martial Soul Hall! From this day forward, I assume the mantle of Pope. Spread the word: any disciple of the Vast Heaven Sect is to be slain on sight."

When no one responded, the Great Venerable's dissatisfaction was palpable. His aura flared, overwhelming everyone until they gasped for air. "Did you not hear me?"




The Great Venerable, observing Bibidong's tear-stained face, inquired, "Bibidong, why have you stopped calling me father? And, I'd like to see my granddaughter."

Handing over the child, Bibidong replied, "Now that I am Pope, I must maintain decorum. With your strength, how could you not have kept your child safe?"

Qian Daoliu, the Great Venerable, reassured her, "No matter, continue to call me father! Feng'er's fate has been harsh. I failed to protect him, and for that, I apologize. Let's pick an auspicious day for the Pope's inauguration ceremony."

Hearing Qian Daoliu mention Qian Xunfeng, Bibidong's eyes welled up once more. "Great Venerable! Protocol must be upheld. As for the inauguration ceremony, whenever you deem appropriate."

One month later, the Pope's inauguration ceremony took place as planned. Bibidong ascended to the papacy with level 83 soul power, becoming the youngest Pope in history. Many were skeptical, yet all were quelled by the Great Venerable's authority.

Despite lingering dissent, none dared to challenge the Great Venerable, a Limit Battle Net.

With Qian Xunji's death, Qian Xunfeng's three Soul Bones had been reclaimed by Bibidong. She chose not to assimilate them, instead treasuring one by her bedside.

Bibidong declared, "The moment I open my eyes, I want to see you, Big Brother Feng. Qian Xunji is dead; it was I who killed him. I've avenged you. Big Brother Feng, I love you! It won't be long before the Vast Heaven Sect joins you in the afterlife."

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