Legacy Of Order God/C10 One Three Five Meet
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Legacy Of Order God/C10 One Three Five Meet
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C10 One Three Five Meet

Three years later, at Martial Soul Hall.

Nine-year-old Qian Xiaoyi was practicing with his sword when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps.

A soldier hurried over and knelt on one knee, "Report, Young Master. After three years of searching, we've finally found an academy that meets your requirements. We wouldn't have discovered it if not for the presence of a branch hall there!"

Qian Xiaoyi sheathed his Judgement Sword and asked, "Oh? Which academy? What's it called?"

"Young Master, this academy fits your criteria perfectly. It's tucked away in a remote mountain. The place is quite rundown and impoverished, with only three students. It's the only academy where the number of teachers outnumbers the students. It's called... Oh! That's right, Shrek Academy!"

"And the quality of instruction?" Qian Xiaoyi inquired further.

The soldier replied with reverence, "It's excellent. All graduates are at least of the Soul Sect level, and they're young. In the future, they're bound to reach at least the high rank of Soul Saint. However, their admissions process is quite strict."

Qian Xiaoyi smiled, "An academy with just three students and yet commendable teaching standards—it's understandable that their admissions would be stringent. Hmm! Not bad at all, very good. Where is this academy located?"

"It's at..." The soldier provided Qian Xiaoyi with the address of Shrek Academy.

Qian Xiaoyi commanded, "Go inform the Pope that I am departing. I need to pack my belongings first."

"Yes, Young Master!"

Bibidong entered Qian Xiaoyi's room, with Qian Renxue following behind her.

"Sister? What brings you here?" Qian Xiaoyi inquired upon noticing Qian Renxue behind Bibidong.

Qian Renxue remained silent, her gaze filled with a mix of apology and deep reluctance.

"Yi, are you set to leave now?" Bibidong asked, her pink eyes brimming with moisture. Qian Renxue was equally emotional, tears streaming down her face.

"Yes, I'm leaving now. Mom, sister, farewell." He had little to pack—just some money and a few articles of clothing.

"Let's go. I'll escort you myself. Take this watch with you; it not only tells time but also serves as a Soul Guiding Artifact."

A Soul Guiding Artifact is a spatial device designed for storage. One simply needs to channel their own soul power into it to use it.

After bidding farewell to Qian Xiaoyi, Qian Renxue watched his retreating figure with a tumult of emotions.

'It's all my fault. I'm sorry, Xiaoyi. I wish you a safe journey. I wonder how long it will be before we see each other again.'

Bibidong rushed back to the Martial Soul Hall. "Someone, the prince has departed. Assign a Title Douluo to protect him. Keep me informed of any developments. Do not intervene unless absolutely necessary. However, if the prince encounters any trouble, report to me immediately."

Meanwhile, Qian Daoliu opened his eyes upon hearing the servant's report. "You say Xiaoyi has left? Hmm, dismissed. Summon the Sixth and Seventh High Officials."

Qian Renxue was hidden in her room, weeping. Today marked the first day since her martial soul awakening at six that she hadn't practiced her cultivation. Today, she realized how much she missed her accommodating brother. Now filled with regret, she lamented not treasuring their time together as Bibidong had advised.


"Hey! Have you heard? The Pope's son has left!"

"He's gone? How did he die? Oh! The young master was kind to everyone, never haughty. It's such a loss. The good die young!"

"You fool, he's not dead. He's left for school."

"Well, you could've clarified that. I thought..."

Unaware of the stir his departure caused, Qian Xiaoyi continued on his journey.

A month later, a nine-year-old boy trudged along a narrow path.

"Phew! I'm exhausted. After a month of walking, I'm finally nearing my destination. But this place is quite isolated! It's like I've reached the countryside."

From a distance, Qian Xiaoyi could see a small village about a mile ahead. Through his Purple Demon Eyes, he discerned that the village comprised roughly a hundred households, encircled by a wooden fence likely meant to keep out wild animals. At the village entrance, a crowd seemed to have gathered, and he wondered what had transpired.

"We've arrived. This is Shrek Academy, but why is there such a large crowd? Hmm! Let's check it out!" Qian Xiaoyi said, making his way toward the gathering.

"Huh? Is that someone up ahead?"

Qian Xiaoyi had only taken a few steps when he noticed a figure in the distance. Upon closer inspection, it wasn't just one person—it was two youths, a boy and a girl, both around eleven or twelve years old.

However, the girl was piggybacking on the boy, which made them appear as one figure from a distance.

"I'm exhausted! Brother, look over there, a small village. Is that really Shrek Academy? It looks so rundown! It's hard to believe that an academy like this could produce a student like Dai Mubai," the girl said sweetly.

The boy replied with a hint of resignation, "Yeah! That must be Shrek Academy. If they can teach someone like Dai Mubai, the academy can't be that bad. The teacher sent me here, not you. Besides, do you even have the right to complain about being tired?"

"Hehe, I was just speaking on your behalf!" the girl said playfully.

Listening to their exchange, Qian Xiaoyi approached and chimed in, "Oh? Are you here to study at Shrek Academy too? What a coincidence, so am I. Haha, we might even be classmates! By the way, what are your names? And yeah, the place does look pretty worn out!"

The boy jumped, casting a wary glance at Qian Xiaoyi.

Who is this guy? How did I not notice him approaching?

"Ahhh!" The girl was equally startled by Qian Xiaoyi's sudden appearance, burying her head in the boy's shoulder and screaming.

The boy's ears were right next to the girl's mouth, and her scream left his head ringing, his alertness towards Qian Xiaoyi completely vanishing.

After a moment, the boy shook his head and said, "Xiaowu, keep it down, will you? My ears..."

Xiaowu, oblivious to her own volume, retorted, "Tang San! You jerk, instead of scolding this creep who scared us, you scold me!"

Qian Xiaoyi hadn't intended to frighten them and quickly bowed in apology, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you both. I didn't realize I would scare you."

At that moment, Tang San and Xiaowu took a closer look at the individual before them. Actually, it would be more accurate to say they were examining a child.

The child had an unremarkable appearance, standing half a head shorter than Tang San and looking to be about eight or nine years old. With long black hair cascading over his shoulders, red pupils, and dark red attire, he had a somewhat otherworldly appearance.

"Hey, little guy, are you here to study? You're so tiny," Xiaowu remarked candidly.

Qian Xiaoyi's mouth twitched involuntarily. Tiny? In what way am I tiny?

Tang San gave Xiaowu a gentle pat and introduced them, "Don't worry, little friend. My name is Tang San, and this is my sister, Xiaowu."

"Oh! I'm Xiao Yi. You can call me that," Qian Xiaoyi responded. After leaving the Martial Soul Hall, he had donned a human skin mask. Now, his face and his name were both altered to Xiao Yi, to avoid being recognized.

After all, as the son of the Pope, Qian Xiaoyi was a figure well-known across the continent. Being recognized would defeat the purpose of his training. The friends he made were often more interested in his background than in forming genuine connections.

From a young age, many had sought to ingratiate themselves with Qian Xiaoyi, but he had only ever had one true confidant—his elder sister, Qian Renxue. Thus, he found it necessary to conceal his identity, adopting a new face and name.

"Xiao Yi? Tang San? Xiaowu? One, three, five?"

"Let's head on together! It's just ahead," Xiao Yi suggested.

Tang San and Xiaowu nodded in agreement and proceeded.

Upon nearing their destination, Qian Xiaoyi sensed that something was amiss. The village entrance was bustling with people, predominantly young individuals their age, most accompanied by their parents.

At the village entrance, a table was set up, behind which sat an elderly man in his sixties. What left Xiaoyi, Tang San, and Xiaowu speechless was the sight of a slightly tattered sign hanging from a wooden archway. It bore five simple words: Shrek Academy. Above these words hung a green emblem resembling the head of a humanoid creature, oddly endearing in its appearance. The old man behind the table also wore a similar green circular badge on his chest, presumably the emblem of Shrek Academy.

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