Legacy Of Order God/C3 Qian Xiaoyi
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Legacy Of Order God/C3 Qian Xiaoyi
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C3 Qian Xiaoyi

"Wah, wah, wah!"

As Bibidong and her entourage were on the verge of exiting the Great Star Battle Forest, the wails of an infant pierced the air, prompting Bibidong to furrow her brow.

"Thousand Jun Douluo, go see what's the matter. Could it be a One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast transformed into human form?"


Following Bibidong's command, Thousand Jun Douluo headed towards the source of the noise. Shortly after, he returned, cradling a baby in his arms. "Pope, it's an abandoned infant. There's no trace of a Soul Beast's aura on him. He's not a One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast."

Indeed, if it were a One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast in human form, surely other powerful guardians would be present. It wouldn't be left to face danger alone.

Without a glance, Bibidong's voice was icy, "Kill it!" If it wasn't a One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast, it held no value. Why spare it?

Thousand Jun Douluo hesitated, taken aback. He was aware of the Pope's ruthlessness, but never imagined she'd be so merciless as to not spare an infant simply because its cries were an annoyance.

Seeing Thousand Jun Douluo's indecision, Bibidong was about to take matters into her own hands. But upon seeing the infant's face, she froze.

The child bore a resemblance to her late husband, Qian Xunfeng. Perhaps as the child grew, the likeness would become even more pronounced.

"Brother Feng, is it that you couldn't bear to leave me, and have returned to see me?"

Bibidong took the child into her arms, and curiously, the once wailing infant quieted down, gazing at Bibidong and giggling, "Ah! Ah!" The sounds were eerily reminiscent of a child calling for its mother.

For the first time since Qian Xunfeng's death, Bibidong smiled. "Someone attend to the young master. From this moment on, he is my son."

Thousand Jun Douluo was utterly bewildered. Moments ago, she had ordered the child's death, yet one look had transformed him into her son? A young master? Such a dramatic turn of events was almost too much to handle. And as for the members of the Martial Soul Hall, their expressions varied, each lost in their own thoughts.

As much as they wanted to, no one in the Martial Soul Hall dared to contradict Bibidong. Those who had in the past had all inexplicably vanished.

Upon their return to the Martial Soul Hall, Bibidong couldn't stop smiling, leaving Qian Daoliu utterly baffled. He began to wonder if Bibidong had lost her mind. Yet, when Qian Daoliu saw the child in Bibidong's arms, who bore a striking resemblance to Qian Xunfeng, he couldn't help but laugh too. "Hahaha, wasn't it the same when I found Feng'er? He really does resemble him!"


Six years later, in the Martial Soul Hall, within the Pope's chambers.

"Yi'er, it's almost time for your martial soul to be awakened. Go get ready," Bibidong called out.

"Eh? But... Mom, what is a martial soul awakening? And why does it have to be today? I want to play with my sister!" The boy's youthful voice chimed in.

Dressed in fine clothes and beaming with joy, the boy was sprawled across Bibidong, playfully seeking her attention.

Bibidong stroked the six-year-old's head, her smile tender. "Silly boy, there's always time to play with your sister. Here on the Battle Net Continent, the awakening of a martial soul is a momentous event. It's the emergence of your martial soul that marks a pivotal point in your life, potentially leading to great heights or deep falls. But don't worry, Yi'er. No matter what martial soul you awaken, I will never look down on you. I will always be here to protect you!"

The little boy, with his endearing childish voice, declared, "Hehe, Yi'er is definitely going to be a genius."

Bibidong chuckled in agreement. "Yes, Yi'er, you're bound to be a genius. Children usually undergo their martial soul awakening at the age of six, though there are rare cases of it happening at birth. Most awaken at six, like you will. Your sister's martial soul, the Six-Winged Angel, is a top-tier martial soul passed down from your father, whom I have already avenged."

"Father's killer? You mean, Mother, you avenged him?"

Bibidong nodded affirmatively. "Yes, that's right! Now, let's not dwell on that. Go on and prepare yourself!"

"Mmm!" Qian Xiaoyi responded and walked away, leaving Bibidong sitting alone. She gazed at Qian Xiaoyi's retreating figure and whispered to herself, "Brother Feng, this child is so much like you. He's as kind-hearted as you were, and he even resembles you a bit. These past six years have been truly joyful for me. Just wait a little longer, and we'll be reunited."

In those six years, Bibidong had found herself smiling more and shedding less blood. Her ambition had waned. All these changes were brought about by Qian Xiaoyi's arrival. Initially, her interest in him was purely because of his resemblance to Qian Xunfeng, but as the years passed, she genuinely grew fond of the obedient and sensible boy.

Eventually, Bibidong took Qian Xiaoyi to the Martial Soul Hall, the place for awakening Martial Souls.

She entered the Awakening Hall with an impassive face, leading a six-year-old boy by her side.

A middle-aged man spoke in a hushed, deferential tone, "Your Holiness, the Pope, you've come in person..."

Despite Bibidong's more understanding demeanor over the last six years, it was only relative. No one had forgotten the Pope's ruthless tactics in securing her position.

Bibidong, still without a trace of emotion, declared, "I've come to oversee the awakening of my son's Martial Soul. Make the preparations and don't waste time."

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