Legacy Of Order God/C6 Eightwinged Demon
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Legacy Of Order God/C6 Eightwinged Demon
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C6 Eightwinged Demon

Hmm? Is that the ghost face? Can this martial spirit be immune to my poison?

Bibidong immediately noticed something astonishing: the ghost face morphed, gradually taking on a more sinister appearance, transforming into a true demon.

Under normal circumstances,

Bibidong exclaimed with excitement, "Yi, initiate the martial spirit possession now."

Qian Xiaoyi scratched his head sheepishly, "I don't know how!"

Bibidong's mouth twitched slightly, "Just stimulate it with your soul power."

Qian Xiaoyi nodded and focused on the soul imprint, then bellowed,

"Martial spirit possession!"

Intense light radiated from his left palm, startling Qian Xiaoyi into closing his eyes quickly. Then, two horns sprouted from his head, his short black hair rapidly grew into long red locks, and eight black wings unfurled from his back.

Qian Xiaoyi slowly opened his eyes and gazed at his hands, "Wow! This is so cool! Huh? The soul imprint isn't the ghost face anymore? It's so imposing. I love it. Teehee."

Bibidong instructed, "Yi, the name of your martial spirit will come to you upon awakening. Check what it's called."

Qian Xiaoyi replied, "Oh! I would have forgotten if you hadn't mentioned it. The sword is called the Judgement Sword, and the ghost face... Ah, no, now it should be called the Eight-winged Demon. It's similar to Sister Xue's martial spirit."

Bibidong smiled, "Well done, Yi, you're a prodigy. Remember, you must dedicate yourself to your training from now on. Got it?"

Qian Xiaoyi affirmed, "Got it. Um... Mom, may I go play with Sister Xue now?"

Bibidong's mouth twitched again as he massaged his forehead, "You've just promised to focus on your training. Oh well, go ahead! Oh, and while you're at it, fetch your grandfather for me."

"Sure thing! Bye, Mom!"

Watching Qian Xiaoyi dash off, Bibidong mused, "This child is too fond of play. It's my doing, spoiling him so. But then again, I can't help doting on him."


Upon reaching the entrance to the Hall of Reverence, Qian Xiaoyi gave a slight nod to the guard and entered.

Spotting Qian Daoliu meditating in the hall, he announced, "Grandfather, Mom has summoned you. Oh? Where's Sister?"

Qian Daoliu opened his eyes, revealing a smile that was seldom seen. "Well, look who's here! Has my grandson come to visit his grandpa? Oh... no, you're here for your sister! Hmph, grandpa is not pleased."

"Oops! Grandpa, Yi missed you too, hehe." Qian Xiaoyi said as he planted a kiss on Qian Daoliu, leaving a wet mark on his cheek.

Qian Daoliu didn't mind at all and just chuckled.

"Off you go! Your sister is inside cultivating! I'm heading over to see your mother."

Since being brought into the family, Qian Xiaoyi, aside from his basic needs, hardly behaved like a noble. He never looked down on anyone, which made him beloved by all, including the servants.

Entering Qian Renxue's room, Qian Xiaoyi noticed a girl deep in her cultivation. Aware that it was a major faux pas to interrupt, he quietly took a seat opposite the young girl, remaining silent.

The girl was Qian Renxue, with her waist-length golden hair, delicate features, and soft skin. Her white dress highlighted her elegant figure, making her look incredibly adorable.

It wasn't that Qian Xiaoyi didn't want to play with other children; it was just that they would run away at the sight of him, fearful of offending him. As a result, Qian Renxue became the only playmate he had.

No sooner had Qian Xiaoyi sat down than Qian Renxue spoke up, "You're here!"

Qian Xiaoyi blinked in surprise, "Sister, you knew I was coming? Weren't you meditating?"

Qian Renxue responded with a cool tone, "Humph! I just sensed something bothersome."

Meditation is a widespread practice in the journey of cultivation. One must close their eyes, still their heart, and quiet their breath to achieve it.


Meanwhile, in the Pope's Palace.

"What's the matter, Your Holiness?" Qian Daoliu inquired.

With a stern face, Bibidong reported, "Today, I conducted the awakening of Yi's martial spirit. He has innate spirit power just like Xue, but unlike her, Yi possesses twin martial spirits."

"Twin martial spirits? Like yours?" Qian Daoliu exclaimed in astonishment.

Bibidong nodded. "Yes, indeed. I named him Xiaoyi, hoping he would lead a life of tranquility. But now..."

Qian Daoliu inquired, "What's his martial spirit?"

"It's a martial spirit that's never been seen before, called the Judgement Sword and Eight-winged Demon. But Yi likely doesn't realize that he can't use the Eight-winged Demon."

"Can't use it? What do you mean?"

Bibidong shook his head, his voice tinged with concern. "I'm not entirely sure myself. That martial spirit is quite unique, yet it refuses to obey Yi's commands. Sigh... I can't tell if this is a blessing or a curse."

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