Legacy Of Order God/C7 Hunting Soul Beast
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Legacy Of Order God/C7 Hunting Soul Beast
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C7 Hunting Soul Beast

In Qian Renxue's room, Qian Xiaoyi let out a sigh. "Sister, do you still despise me? You're always so kind to me when others are around. Is it all just for show, to impress Mom and Grandpa?"

"Be quiet. Your very existence has robbed me of everything. Mom and Grandpa greet you with open arms, while they barely acknowledge me. Why? I'm their flesh and blood. You're nothing but an outsider who understands nothing!" Qian Renxue's eyes snapped open as she shouted, her presence flaring with intensity as two yellow Soul Rings materialized behind her.

On the Battle Net Continent, soul power is categorized by levels, with each level requiring the absorption of a Soul Ring. These Soul Rings, remnants of deceased Soul Beasts, vary in color and strength. From weakest to strongest, they range from white, yellow, blue, black, to the legendary red.

A white Soul Ring signifies ten years, dropped by a Soul Beast upon death if it's under a decade old. Yellow represents a century, blue a millennium, black ten millennia, and red is exclusive to Soul Beasts of a hundred thousand years. Absorbing a Soul Ring isn't a matter of choice; it's about whether one's body can withstand the process.

Naturally, Soul Beasts won't stand idly by awaiting their demise, and the number of people who have perished while hunting them is not insignificant.

Qian Renxue possessed two yellow Soul Rings, each marking a hundred years. Her formidable aura was not something the newly awakened Qian Xiaoyi could hope to match.

With a thud, Qian Xiaoyi was sent flying, crashing against the wall. Freshly awakened to his martial spirit, he stood no chance against Qian Renxue, a two-ringed Great Soul Master.

"Cough! Sister," he managed to say.

Qian Renxue, looking at Qian Xiaoyi sprawled on the ground, her gaze softened slightly. "Did you come here just to be punished?"

Slowly getting to his feet, Qian Xiaoyi raised his right hand, and a sword began to materialize – the Judgement Sword.

"Do you want to come to an understanding? Bring it on!" Qian Renxue's martial spirit surged to life, revealing six wings at her back.

Qian Xiaoyi shook his head and offered the Judgement Sword to Qian Renxue. "Sister, my martial spirit was awakened only today. This is my spirit, the Judgement Sword. I know you resent me, believe that I've stolen everything from you. You can strike me to let off steam, but please, don't use your martial spirit. If I'm seriously hurt, Mom will notice."

Qian Renxue clenched her jaw and retracted her martial spirit, declaring firmly, "Alright!"

As Qian Xiaoyi watched his sister raise the Judgement Sword, he noticed her hesitation to strike.

With a smile, Qian Xiaoyi said, "You know, big sister, you've always looked out for me. You still love me, don't you?"

The Judgement Sword in Qian Renxue's hand transformed into specks of light, dispersing into the air.

Embracing Qian Xiaoyi, Qian Renxue sobbed, "I'm so sorry, Xiaoyi. I was just feeling resentful and took it out on you."

Qian Xiaoyi was taken aback, not expecting his sister to apologize. He then smiled and gently patted her back, reassuring her, "It's okay, sister. I love you too. I've always loved you. You see, the way Mom and Grandpa treat us differently is because they have different expectations for us."

Qian Renxue, puzzled, pushed Qian Xiaoyi away and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You possess the Six-Winged Angel martial soul, just like Grandpa, with innate soul power at level twenty. Your potential is limitless, and for someone like you, leniency isn't an option. As for me, I've always been carefree, and since Mom has no real expectations for me, she's never been strict," explained Qian Xiaoyi.

"Today, my martial soul awakened, and I've discovered I'm a genius too. From now on, I'll dedicate myself to my training, so you won't have to work so hard, big sister."

Qian Renxue wept, burying her face in Qian Xiaoyi's chest, crying her heart out.

"From this day forward, big sister, let me be the one to protect you. I'll be your sounding board and your shield. Whatever you need, just come to me," Qian Xiaoyi said, holding Qian Renxue close.

Unseen by all, a faint white glow radiated from Qian Renxue, while a dark aura surrounded Qian Xiaoyi. One exuded sanctity, the other, a sinister presence.

The following day at the Martial Soul Hall, Bibidong addressed Qian Xiaoyi, "Yi, the advantage of having twin martial souls is that you can possess twice as many Soul Rings as a regular Soul Master. The optimal strategy is to focus on developing one martial soul at a time. Even though your Second Martial Soul lacks a Soul Ring, it can still accommodate Soul Rings of any age. This means that once you achieve the Title Battle Net, your Second Martial Soul could potentially be equipped with hundred-thousand-year Soul Rings. Now, you must decide which will be your Second Martial Soul: the Judgement Sword or the Eight-Winged Demon. Take your time and think it over carefully."

Qian Xiaoyi hesitated briefly before speaking, "I want the Eight-winged Demon as my second martial soul, but I don't like it. Moreover, for some reason, I can't utilize this martial soul. The Judgement Sword is better and more suitable for my development."

Bibidong nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's head to the Setting Sun Forest to bestow your first martial soul, the Judgement Sword, with its initial Soul Ring. Someone! Relay the order that I will be going to the Setting Sun Forest with my son."


The Setting Sun Forest, a renowned expanse on the Battle Net Continent, teemed with Soul Beasts. Unlike the monotonous Great Star Battle Forest, which was all trees, this forest boasted grasslands, lakes, and more.

Bibidong brought only a few people on this trip, but finding a century-old Soul Beast was sufficient. Naturally, he wouldn't settle for just any century-old Soul Beast. As the Pope, Bibidong was determined to secure the best for his son.

After half a day of selection, they settled on a Soul Beast of around five hundred years—the Blood Pupil Sword Fang Tiger.

Typically, a Soul Master's first Soul Ring wouldn't exceed four hundred years. However, Qian Xiaoyi's physical condition had been enhanced by his second martial soul, the Eight-winged Demon, allowing him to barely absorb a five-hundred-year Soul Beast.

Initially, Bibidong was reluctant to let Qian Xiaoyi take such a risk. There had been others who attempted to absorb a Soul Ring beyond their level, but they had all perished. It was only with great assurance from Qian Xiaoyi that Bibidong reluctantly consented.

The Blood Pupil Sword Fang Tiger, with its crimson eyes, stood taller than an adult, its imposing frame accentuated by two sharp fangs that served as its primary means of attack. Its limbs were muscular and powerful.

Bibidong asked coolly, "Will this one suffice, Yi?"

Qian Xiaoyi nodded. "It's perfect; I feel it's a great match for me, especially since its name includes the word 'sword'."

Bibidong looked somewhat bemused. "Just because it has 'sword' in its name, it suits you? Are you sure you're not pulling my leg?"

"Men! Capture this—"

"Hold on, Mom, I'd like to try on my own," Qian Xiaoyi interjected calmly.

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