Legacy Of Order God/C8 First Soul Ring
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Legacy Of Order God/C8 First Soul Ring
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C8 First Soul Ring

"Wait, Mom, I want to give it a try myself," Qian Xiaoyi interjected calmly, interrupting Bibidong.

Without a second thought, Bibidong rejected the idea: "Yi, be a good boy. I'm already taking a big risk by letting you absorb a five-hundred-year Soul Ring. But facing it alone is out of the question. Plus, the Blood Eye Sword Fang Tiger is a formidable opponent at its level."

Qian Xiaoyi shook his head, looking at Bibidong's resolute face. "Mom, even with an excellent Soul Ring setup, I won't be able to protect myself without real combat experience, let alone protect you. So please, let me do this! And you'll be there too, right? A hundred-year Soul Beast shouldn't be a problem."

With a sigh, Bibidong conceded, "Alright, but please be careful!"

The Martial Soul Hall members encircled the Blood Eye Sword Fang Tiger, trapping but not killing it. The beast, having been battered from all sides, was no longer at its peak fighting condition. When the six-year-old Qian Xiaoyi approached alone, the tiger's eyes glinted with ferocity. Lacking any independent consciousness, the Soul Beast didn't think to flee and, of course, couldn't escape.

Bibidong cleared a space for the battle, and Qian Xiaoyi stepped in.

In his hand materialized the Judgement Sword. As if on cue, boy and tiger charged at each other simultaneously.

Qian Xiaoyi was aware that a hundred-year Soul Beast fought purely on instinct, without any strategy. Still, he couldn't afford to underestimate it.

He lifted the Judgement Sword and swung down, while the Blood Eye Sword Fang Tiger raised its claws in defense.


The claws, which appeared fragile, clashed with the Judgement Sword, ringing out like steel on steel. The tiger lunged with its jaws wide open, aiming for Qian Xiaoyi, who nimbly dodged the attack.

Qian Xiaoyi furrowed his brow.

Now that he knew the beast's claws and teeth could contend with the Judgement Sword, he decided to avoid them and wait for another chance to strike.

Bibidong watched Qian Xiaoyi dodge and weave with palpable tension, his palms slick with cold sweat. He kept his eyes fixed on Xiaoyi's battle, fearing any mishap.

In truth, Bibidong needn't have worried so. In a skirmish of this caliber, not only could a Title Douluo like himself intervene in time, but even a four-ring Soul Sect could provide timely rescue. It was clear that Bibidong's concern had thrown him into disarray.

Qian Xiaoyi narrowly avoided the Blood-Eyed Sword Fang Tiger's onslaught, each escape closer than the last, and his body bore the marks of near misses. He appeared quite disheveled.

Suddenly, the Blood-Eyed Sword Fang Tiger lunged at Qian Xiaoyi, who took a running start and crouched low. The tiger soared over his head, and seizing the moment, Xiaoyi thrust the Judgement Sword into the beast's waist.

Puff! Bang!

The Judgement Sword sank into the Blood-Eyed Sword Fang Tiger's flank, and Qian Xiaoyi was sent flying by a kick from its hind legs.

"Cough, cough, phew! Lucky it wasn't at full strength, or I'd be no match for it. Truly, it's among the elite of five-hundred-year-old Soul Beasts. But for my Soul Ring, it was worth it. Hahaha!"

The Blood-Eyed Sword Fang Tiger lay convulsing on the ground, not yet dead, with the Judgement Sword still embedded in its side.

The Martial Soul Hall spectators gasped in amazement.

"The young master is truly formidable. I would have been done for in his place."

"Indeed! Even if the Blood-Eyed Sword Fang Tiger wasn't at its peak, it's still formidable!"

"Hehe, when I was level ten, I was chased all over by a hundred-year Soul Beast until my father stepped in to help. Who would've thought the young master could single-handedly take down a five-hundred-year Soul Beast of such noble lineage?"

"Psh, do you think you're on par with our Crown Prince?"


The Martial Soul Hall crowd buzzed with excitement. This time, the usually stern Bibidong let them be. If she weren't the Pope, she would have joined in the praise. She, too, was delighted.

As Qian Xiaoyi gazed into the Blood-Eyed Sword Fanged Tiger's eyes filled with resentment and saw its pitiful state, blood oozing from its waist, she felt a pang of guilt. With a heavy heart, she drew the Judgement Sword and said, "I'm sorry for disrupting your life. But to survive on this perilous Battle Net Continent and to protect my mother and sister, I must take your power."

With a swift motion, Qian Xiaoyi ended the tiger's life. As its life force ebbed away, a yellow Soul Ring emerged from the creature.

Fighting back the urge to vomit, Qian Xiaoyi sat down and took a deep breath, recalling Bibidong's instructions on how to absorb Soul Rings: meditate and use the Judgement Sword to draw in the Soul Ring.

The process was the same for everyone: guide the Soul Ring with your martial soul, absorb it into your body, and digest the stored soul power within the Soul Ring.

The yellow Soul Ring encircled the Judgement Sword in Qian Xiaoyi's grasp, and she felt a surge of pressure.

The Soul Ring's energy streamed into the Judgement Sword, then into Qian Xiaoyi's body, where she began to digest it. However, the absorption was happening much faster than she could process it.

Pain soon racked Qian Xiaoyi's body, a sensation of tearing from within.

Gritting his teeth, Qian Xiaoyi's cold sweat dripped onto the ground, a testament to the agony he was enduring.

Bibidong watched with a mix of reluctance and regret. He wished he hadn't consented to Qian Xiaoyi's request. Had the Soul Beast been younger, Qian Xiaoyi wouldn't have suffered so much.

The five-hundred-year Soul Ring was beyond what a Soul Master could typically handle for their first Soul Ring, rivaling the age of many Soul Masters' second or even third Soul Rings.

Bibidong felt helpless. An interruption during the absorption of a Soul Ring could be fatal or cause severe injury. All he could do now was pray for Qian Xiaoyi's safe passage through the ordeal.

The energy of the Soul Ring had been fully absorbed. All that remained was for him to assimilate the energy within his body to complete the absorption of the Soul Ring.

After some time, Qian Xiaoyi finally finished the process. He rose to his feet, sweeping the members of the Martial Soul Hall with a look of appreciation. His gaze settled on Bibidong, whose eyes had reddened from a mix of nervousness and excitement.

"Mom, I've succeeded."

Bibidong rushed over and embraced Qian Xiaoyi, her voice trembling as she spoke, "Yi, you scared me to death. From now on, don't attempt anything unless you're sure of it, understood?"

Qian Xiaoyi nodded in agreement, though what he truly thought about it, only he knew.

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