Legacy Of Order God/C9 Outer Attaching Soul Bone
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Legacy Of Order God/C9 Outer Attaching Soul Bone
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C9 Outer Attaching Soul Bone

While walking home, Bibidong inquired, "By the way, Yi, what's your first Soul Skill? Once you've absorbed the Soul Ring, you'll automatically know the Soul Skill and characteristics it brings."

Qian Xiaoyi openly revealed his ability. The Judgement Sword materialized in his hand, accompanied by a yellow Soul Ring. "Well... This Soul Skill is called Sword Qi. Its effect is..."

He swung the Judgement Sword, and a streak of sword light flashed, slicing any touched trees cleanly in two. "It launches a sharp Sword Qi that can attack from a distance."

Bibidong was taken aback. Normally, the first Soul Ring represented a minor aspect of the Martial Soul, but this Sword Qi seemed excessively powerful.

Everyone at the Martial Soul Hall was agape with amazement.

"Hey! Did you see that? The Young Master's first Soul Skill is incredibly potent, rivaling even my third Soul Skill."

"Hehe, your third Soul Ring is just a century old, so it's not much different."

"It's extremely sharp. I certainly can't manage that, even as a two-ring Soul Master."

The murmuring among the soldiers failed to capture Bibidong's attention; she continued to gaze at Qian Xiaoyi, still in disbelief.

Meanwhile, Qian Xiaoyi caught a glimpse of a blonde beauty darting past.

Upon returning to the Martial Soul Hall, it was evident that after Qian Xiaoyi's Martial Soul awakening, Bibidong had stopped sharing a room with him, leaving him with a room of his own.

Bibidong retired to his chamber, while Qian Xiaoyi made his way to Qian Renxue's quarters.

Upon opening the door, Qian Renxue, looking weary, greeted Qian Xiaoyi, "You've arrived."

Qian Xiaoyi remarked, "It seems like you were expecting me."

"I heard you were back and thought you might drop by. Is there something you need?" Qian Renxue inquired.

After a brief pause, Qian Xiaoyi confessed, "I'm thinking of leaving this place."

Qian Renxue's expression wavered slightly as she softly asked, "Why? Is it because of me? Isn't it nice here?"

Shaking his head, Qian Xiaoyi explained, "Sister, you're only part of the reason. The main issue is our mother; her overindulgence prevents me from truly growing up, so..."

Qian Xiaoyi hadn't finished speaking, but Qian Renxue already grasped his intent. She asked with a sense of loss, "You can't stay?"

With a smile, Qian Xiaoyi replied, "Sister, your sadness shows that I'm still in your heart, that you're the caring sister you've always been. But I have to go. It's the only way you'll have a better life."


Qian Renxue tried to interject, but Qian Xiaoyi cut her off, "Come on, Sister, it's not goodbye forever. I'm just going away to school."

Leaving the room, Qian Xiaoyi left Qian Renxue staring at her brother's retreating figure.

"Brother, have I truly treated you as such? My willfulness is to blame. Yet, it's you who've always indulged me, your so-called sister. Soon, I'll be off on a mission, and we might not see each other again."


Back in his room, Qian Xiaoyi called out, "Someone, come in."

A soldier entered, kneeling on one knee, "Young Master, what do you require?"

"I need to look into something. No, actually, find me an academy. It must be small and poor, otherwise, I might be recognized. I need to keep my identity secret, so the more secluded, the better. Understand?"

The soldier hesitated, "This... Yes, sir! But it may take some time, Young Master."

Qian Xiaoyi waved it off nonchalantly, "No problem, there's no rush. Just make sure it's the right fit. It has to be perfect."

"Yes, sir!" The soldier departed.

In the Martial Soul Hall, within the Pope's chambers.

"A small, poor, and out-of-the-way academy? What is Yi up to? He'll be so far from me. What if there's danger? I must speak with Yi." Pondering this, Bibidong hurried to Qian Xiaoyi's room.

"Yi, why are you searching for an academy? I can teach you," Bibidong inquired, her eyes brimming with reluctance.

"Mom? What brings you here? Ah! I want to experience the world beyond the Martial Soul Hall. It's vast, but it doesn't represent the whole continent. I can't always rely on you, can I?" Qian Xiaoyi stated firmly, his resolve evident.

As Bibidong was about to speak, Qian Daoliu entered the room. "Pope, the strong are not nurtured in the cradle of comfort. You wish for him to lead a tranquil life, but why not consider his own desires?"

Bibidong gazed at Qian Xiaoyi with a sense of reluctance. "Ah, Yi, it's up to you."

Qian Xiaoyi embraced Bibidong warmly. Being only half her height, he could only wrap his arms around her legs.

"Mom, it's going to take a long time to find such an academy! Plus, Yi will make sure to visit you often."

"Mmm! Mom, I'm not leaving just yet. We still have a few years to wait!"

Bibidong nodded and left the room, her cheeks marked by unseen tears.

The following day, Qian Xiaoyi examined his left hand, now encased in white bone, his fingers transformed into sharp blades. A casual swing left five deep gouges in the ground.

"This looks incredibly powerful. I should ask Mom what it is!"

Bibidong had just finished her tasks when Qian Xiaoyi approached her.

Stretching out his left hand, Qian Xiaoyi asked, "Mom, what's this? It appeared after I absorbed the Soul Ring. How do I remove it? I don't want to become a monster."

Bibidong gazed at Qian Xiaoyi's left hand, stunned. "An Outer Attaching Soul Bone?"

Qian Xiaoyi cocked his head, puzzled. "What's an Outer Attaching Soul Bone?"

"The Outer Attaching Soul Bone is exceedingly rare, typically produced only by Soul Beasts of superior lineage. That Blood-Eyed Sword Fang Tiger must have been extraordinary! Let me explain about Soul Bones. They are incredibly unique, originating from Soul Beasts just like Soul Rings, and are of the same age. However, they differ significantly from Soul Rings. The chance of a Soul Bone appearing is a mere one in a thousand, if not less. Generally, only the most powerful Soul Beasts that undergo special circumstances upon death can leave behind a Soul Bone. Unlike Soul Rings, which every Soul Beast can produce, Soul Bones are exceedingly rare and invaluable."

The distinction between a Soul Bone and a Soul Ring lies in the fact that, unlike a Soul Ring, it isn't necessary for the Soul Master who kills the Soul Beast to be the only one who can use it. One can find and absorb a Soul Bone from the corpse of a Soul Beast, which significantly strengthens the constitution of a Soul Master. Consequently, this allows for the absorption of higher-grade Soul Rings, enhancing attack, speed, and strength. It's akin to having a support-type Soul Master by your side at all times.

A Soul Master can only absorb Soul Bones from their four limbs, head, and torso. This means that an ordinary person can absorb only six pieces, similar to how a Soul Master can absorb nine Soul Rings.

Qian Xiaoyi had an epiphany, "So, is this my left arm bone?"

Bibidong shook his head once more and explained with patience, "No, what you have is an Outer Attaching Soul Bone."

"An Outer Attaching Soul Bone is a wondrous entity. It's a unique existence beyond the six primary types of Soul Bones. Its most extraordinary feature is that it evolves as you absorb Soul Rings and grants you a special Soul Skill. If the chance of an ordinary Soul Bone emerging from a Soul Beast is one in a thousand, then the likelihood of encountering an Outer Attaching Soul Bone is less than one in ten thousand. Furthermore, to absorb an Outer Attaching Soul Bone, one must first absorb the Soul Ring of the Soul Beast from which it fell. When we speak of torso-type Soul Bones, we're generally referring to the sternum. Limb-type ones are usually arm bones and leg bones, while the head-type is typically the skull."

"The Soul Bone you've absorbed is a hand bone. From my observations, I can confirm that it is indeed an Outer Attaching Soul Bone. Child, are you aware that in the world of Soul Masters, there's a prestigious ranking known as the Soul Master's Dream List? The Outer Attaching Soul Bone consistently holds the second spot on that list, surpassed only by the nearly mythical hundred-thousand-year Soul Ring."

Qian Xiaoyi exclaimed in amazement, "Wow! That's incredible! Hahaha, Mom, I'll be the one to protect you from now on!"

Bibidong smiled and affectionately ruffled his hair, "Yi, there are many powerful individuals on this continent. To protect Mom, you'll need to keep striving. Now, why don't you take a look at the abilities of your left palm bone?"

Qian Xiaoyi excitedly clenched his fists and exclaimed, "Shatter! It can pulverize anything it comes into contact with."

Bibidong couldn't help but smile. The stronger Qian Xiaoyi became, the more joy it brought her.

"Indeed, it's high time for Yi to venture out and experience the world. Ah, well!"

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