Legend of A Conjure Boy/C17 To the Institute
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Legend of A Conjure Boy/C17 To the Institute
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C17 To the Institute

The strong gales came wave after wave, getting bigger and bigger. Meanwhile, the power of Ling Feng's genetic energy was getting weaker and weaker, giving him a feeling of being unable to make ends meet.

"Boom!" After withstanding the biggest wave, Ling Feng finally ran out of energy.

In a few breaths, the wall was swallowed up by the black storm that covered the sky and covered the moon.

Ling'er quickly used her own body to block Ling Feng. To the Desert Lion, this wouldn't pose too much of a threat.

The next day, as the sky brightened, Ling Feng lifted his sore body with difficulty. Ling'er looked at Ling Feng strangely, "Master, do you know? You are very strong, at your age, for you to have this kind of cultivation and to be able to unleash this kind of power, you are already quite good. "

Ling Feng smiled bitterly as he thought to himself: "If it wasn't for Ling'er, I would most likely have been crippled here yesterday. At that time, even if I activated the Eagle Wings, it would have been difficult for me to escape."

Ling Feng took out some food and shared it with Ling'er. After finishing dozens of Elementary Spirit Packs and drinking a large bottle of fruit wine, Ling Feng became spirited again.

He took off his shirt, revealing his firm muscles and long hair as he struggled to move his legs.

Now, under the restraint of his heavy leggings, he could already walk at a fast pace, step by step, under the stimulation of his spiritual energy again and again. Ling Feng was pleasantly surprised, this could be said to be a huge improvement for him.

Constant consumption of energy, constant replenishment, exhaustion, and climbing; in this situation, one's willpower and growth rate would be honed to the maximum.

During the night, Ling Feng and Ling'er once again welcomed the violent sandstorm. Ling Feng once again constructed a wooden wall to fight against the sandstorm. However, this time, they were able to endure for a little longer, and the length and width of the wooden wall also increased.

Half a month later, under the strong sunlight, a youth was running bare-chested across the vast desert.

The young man stopped and took out a pair of golden steel daggers, dancing nonstop. The daggers were extremely short, but under the dazzling dance of the young man's footwork and ingenious techniques, they were still blown into the air. The young man was like a leopard in the sand, yet also like a giant eagle swooping down.

Not far away, a golden lioness was lazily crawling on the ground, looking at the youth with eyes full of admiration.

It was night. The black storm came again. Ling Feng and Ling'er had already made their preparations. Ling Feng quickly activated his magic, and the same wooden wall appeared, blocking the path of the black tornado. The only difference was that the current wooden wall was very thick and hard.

The sandstorm came wave after wave, and Ling Feng used his power to pour into the wooden log to block it. Now, he could hold off the sandstorm with one hand, and the consumption of his power was much smaller than before. Although he couldn't say that he could block the entire storm, but at least he could block half of the attack time.

Ling Feng was completely focused on perceiving the fluctuations of the Spiritual Energy. Suddenly, his body trembled, followed by constant trembling. At this moment, the wooden wall began to sway, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

Ling'er was greatly alarmed and shouted when she saw this, "Master, don't worry about anything else. Compress your mind and meditate on the spot. You're about to break through. I'll protect you."

With a "pa" sound, the wooden wall disappeared. Ling'er wrapped her body around Ling Feng, and Ling Feng gradually entered a meditative state within Ling'er's body.

First of all, he felt a wisp of origin ability energy from the cyclone in his body, and that origin ability energy was continuously converging with the rest of his meridians. Sometimes it would fuse together, sometimes it would split apart.

However, the good news did not last long. Ling Feng's body began to turn red like fire, because the newly generated genetic energy in his body, under the calcination of his meridians, was becoming increasingly restless and frantic.

The more he absorbed it, the more solid the origin energy became. However, if there was an accident, then he would be in danger of Qigong deviation.

Ling Feng's body possessed the power of the Origin Energy, so the various attributes in his body were much more beneficial than the wood element. His body's healing speed was two times faster than an ordinary mage's.

Therefore, even though the restless spiritual energy in his body was' rebelling ', no accident occurred due to the high resistance of the earth element as well as the powerful healing ability of the wood element.

Finally, after a whole night of training, Ling Feng finally broke through. This was also due to lack of experience, so he estimated that if he were to reach a bottleneck once again, Ling Feng would not be in such a difficult situation.

Ling Feng slept for a long time before standing up. An orange star lit up on his forehead, which meant that he had already become a Rank 1 Spirit Master.

Spirit Masters and Spirit Masters were two completely different concepts. When a Mage truly became a Spirit Master, it could be said that he had truly walked through the door of the world of magic. A Spirit Master might be able to fight against a Spirit Master that was several levels higher than him, but a ninth level Spirit Master didn't have much of a chance against a first level Spirit Master. This was the difference in rank, and also represented pure strength.

Ling Feng felt refreshed. After last night's breakthrough, there was a lot of impurities in his body, and his body was emitting a terrible stench. He could even smell it himself.

"What, do you feel smelly? Do you want to take a bath?"

Ling Feng was overjoyed, "There's a place to bathe?"

"This is our home ground, there's nothing I can't do, come with me."

Sure enough, after a while, Ling'er brought Ling Feng to an oasis. In the middle of the oasis was a large lake, and Ling'er was the first to jump into it. It had been a long time since he had felt this refreshed. It's all because of you stinking humans that I got hurt. "

Ling Feng instantly took off the clothes on his upper body. Suddenly, Ling'er shrieked, "Do not take off your clothes again! Do not take off your clothes again!"

Only now did Ling Feng realize that Ling'er was a girl, and he couldn't help but blush. "Plop!" He dove into the lake, and a refreshing feeling spread through every pore of his body. A man and a lion were playing in the lake. The sounds of laughter could be heard nonstop, reaching far into the distance …

Time flew by, and school was about to start in the second semester of the tenth day. Ling Feng stored Ling'er in his Spiritual Sea, and returned to Desert City to gather many supplies before rushing back to the academy.

Soaring Wind flew day and night, and on the tenth day at noon, he rushed all the way to the academy's entrance.

Many students were signing up. A teacher was sitting at a table at the entrance of the academy, registering. Lingfeng was in the middle of the line, and the teacher would announce his name once every time he registered, "Li Qiang, next, Liu Hu. Next, Vilar. Next …"

When he registered to Lingfeng, his face was filled with anger, "Lingfeng? You are Ling Feng? Do you know what a mistake you made? You dropped out of school for a whole semester in the first semester, how much of an impact did this have on our academy? "If you don't miss a single word of it, that would save a rotten fish a pot of soup."

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