Legend of Deadly Dart/C4
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Legend of Deadly Dart/C4
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The Taoist was called Feng Wu Man, he was an outstanding cultivator, able to tread on the snow without leaving a trace, summon the wind and rain, move mountains and overturn the seas, and he was called the Taoist Master Feng Wu by the Jiang Hu. On the surface, this person looked like he was a cultivator. But in reality, he was secretly ordering his underlings to go around and plunder, murder, and arson. He was committing all sorts of crimes. At the foot of Wutai Mountain, there was built a large courtyard that looked like a temple, but was neither a temple nor a temple. It had over five hundred disciples, Zhuang Ding, and more. Everything within a hundred miles was within his sphere of influence, and no one dared to offend him.

A distant relative of Wu's eldest wife had been killed by bandits in her family, leaving only the mother and daughter who had come to visit her family. Helplessly, the woman brought her daughter, who was only fifteen years old, to the foot of the Wu Taishan, two hundred li away from their home.

As soon as Wu Xianzi saw the girl who looked like a plum blossom, he immediately took the mother and daughter in and told the maid to take them to a bath and change their clothes.

Wu Xiren held a teacup in his hand as he strolled back and forth in the hall, angering his first wife who was sitting beside him.

"What is an old thing like you doing!" Who knows what your stomach is full of evil thoughts about! I'll go ahead. If you dare to have any ideas about my cousin's daughter, I'll give you one more, don't think I'm easy to bully! "

Wu Xiren said with a face full of smiles:

"Look what you're thinking, I can't even deal with you three female wolves, how can I have the energy to think about others!" Aren't they your relatives? Who cares who we are? "

The first wife mocked:

"I've never seen you so kind!"

As he was speaking, a young lady in a long purple silk dress slowly walked into the room. She was accompanied by two maids. The high breasts were like towering peaks that made one want to climb up; the delicate, limpid face seemed to come to life at a touch; the long legs of the elegant man moved in the thin dress, making one want to get in and see what was there; the pair of bright eyes under the curved brows shone like pearls in the water; the cherry mouth made one want to swallow it. She can talk all over, and all over she's beckoning to you.

Wu Zhiren stood there staring at the tea bowl in his hand, "Dang!" He fell to the ground with a thud, saliva trickling from his mouth uncontrollably.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" How is this even a person? This is simply like a fairy descending from heaven, quickly serve tea to this fairy. Come, come, quickly come to my side and sit down to talk! "

Wu Xianzi stretched out his hands to grab the girl's hands and pulled her over, hugging her as he sat on the big wooden chair.

"Pah!" A loud sound rang out.

Wu Xianzi's face burned as he received a fierce slap. Only then did he regain his senses and let go of the girl.

"You old bastard, I knew you had bad intentions!"

The first wife gave Wu Xiren a tight slap, got up, pulled her cousin's daughter into her room.

This girl was Hu Yuqiu. She was smart, but as soon as she arrived, she could tell that Wu Xianzhen had ill intentions towards her. However, she had her own plans. Despite her young age, she knew the situation she was in. He was a weak girl, what ability did he have to fight against others?

In the back room, her aunt said to her,

"Yu'er!" It looks like your aunt won't be able to protect you. Sooner or later, you'll be ruined by that old thing. Auntie will give you two and your daughter a hundred taels of silver. The further they go, the better. In the future, find a good family to marry, and take good care of your mother! "

Hu Yuqiu said to his aunt:

"Auntie, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I will protect myself, and resign myself to fate! "

One night, a few days later, Wu dressed himself up as a handsome man and entered Hu's room.

Hu Yuqiu had not fallen asleep yet. Seeing the handsome man beside the bed, he was not the least bit afraid. He said straightforwardly:

"I know who you are. Aren't you my uncle? Why do you need to be so sneaky? As long as you agree to my conditions, I don't mind being your concubine. A woman will marry sooner or later, so what's the difference between marrying someone and what's the difference? "

Wu Xiren chuckled and said, "Heh heh …"

"What a smart beauty. Speak, I will fulfill any request you have as long as you follow me!"

Hu Yuqiu said:

"I want you to teach me magic, the most powerful martial arts." You teach me the Art of Summoning and the Art of Perception first tonight, and then you can go to my bed. "Continue to teach me Qing Gong in the future, my sword arts …!"

Wu Xiren nodded excitedly in agreement. That very night, he taught Hu Yuqiu the incantation of calling the wind and summoning the rain and bewitching the soul, and tried out that enchanting virgin night.

From then on, Hu Yuqiu became Wu Xianzhen's concubine, but Wu Xianzhi was, after all, nearly sixty years old. He had to deal with the other women, how could he satisfy the desire of the voluptuous Hu Yuqiu! Before long, he had secretly made contact with one of Wu Xianzi's disciples, Chen Shiming.

After all, Chen Shiming was still young and strong, and he had Hu Yuqiu's heart. The two of them could not help it.

A few months later, Hu Yuqiu's mother died of an illness.

Wu Xiren was already somewhat suspicious of Hu Yuqiu's performance. Every time he went to Hu Yuqiu's bed, he would no longer have that sort of mesmerizing feeling. Hu Yuqiu no longer had any passion for him, but merely dealt with him. Wu began to pay attention to her daily movements, checking to see who she was dealing with.

Hu Yuqiu and Chen Shiming knew the story was about to be revealed. One night, Hu Yuqiu stole a martial arts manual from Wu, and the two of them sneaked out of the courtyard. After running for about five kilometers, they arrived at a valley. The sky was starting to brighten.

In the dusky morning mist, a small stream snaked out of the valley with a "hualala" sound. The morning sun shone down on the earth, casting a deep mist over the valley. A large figure could be seen floating in the air above the stream.

Chen Shiming exclaimed:


Hu Yuqiu scolded,

"It's an illusion. What are you afraid of? At most, I just have to fight to the death for this old fellow! "

After Hu Yuqiu finished speaking, he muttered something under his breath. In the blink of an eye, the wind blew fiercely. The sky was dark, lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, and heavy rain began to fall.

Hu Yuqiu pulled Chen Shiming along as he sprinted to the right.

"Ha!" Ha! Haha! Where are the two traitors going? "

Wu Xiren laughed maniacally.

A steep mountain blocked their path. Helplessly, the two drew their swords and turned around to look at the approaching Wu Juren.

Chen Shiming begged Wu.

"Master, this disciple is unfilial. Please help us. We will repay this great kindness for the rest of our lives!"

Wu Dairen scolded.

"Stop daydreaming. You dare to snatch my beloved, and you still want to come and die? Since you've made your choice, I'll let you guys go to heaven to be a pair of lovebirds! Ha! Ha! "Haha!"

Hu Yuqiu scolded,

"You wolf in human skin, you seem full of righteousness, but you are actually full of male thieves and female prostitutes. Don't think I don't know what you're doing in the dark, murdering people and burning their money. If you take advantage of me, you will die a horrible death. I'm following Chen Shiming today. If you want to kill me, kill me. But we won't let you do it that easily. Come on, old dog. Si Ming, take out your courage, we will fight to the death for him! "

Two young men brandished their swords at Wu. Suddenly, a road with fragrant flowers on both sides appeared in front of them. At the end of the road was a large garden where a group of beautiful girls were enjoying themselves. Upon seeing the two lovers, Chen Shiming and Hu Yuqiu slowly walked towards the garden, as if they had lost their souls.

"Stop, don't move forward! Danger! "

A loud voice shouted.

Chen Shiming and Hu Yuqiu suddenly woke up from their stupor. A cold longsword had already pierced into Chen Shiming's chest. The two of them cried out in alarm.

At this critical moment, a few rays of starlight shot over like lightning. The tip of the sword that was stuck on Chen Si Ming's chest flashed and disappeared. "Clang clang clang!" A few hidden weapons fell to the ground. Blood flowed out of Wu's left shoulder, staining his clothes red. Despite his brilliant swordsmanship, he was still unable to block all the projectiles aimed at several of his vital points, and a dart struck him in the shoulder.

Wu Dairen scolded him bitterly.

"Guo Jincheng, you interfere too much in this matter. This old man is here to clean up the mess yet you still dare to interfere in my affairs and hurt this old man." We are irreconcilable, if you know what's good for you, then quickly leave. This old man can even forgive you for not knowing what's good for you! "

Hu Yuqiu pleaded loudly:

"Please don't listen to his nonsense, Noble Hero. Please save us!" A year ago, my family was robbed by bandits, and my mother and I survived. I had no choice but to join my cousin at the foot of Wutai Mountain. I didn't expect that this inhumane thing would throw stones at me while I was down and ask me to go with him. In order to survive, I was taken by him. This so-called cultivator was actually a wolf in human skin, secretly committing murder and robbing wealth. I fell in love with his disciple Chen Shiming, and after he found out, we had to run away. "I don't want him to catch up to me and kill me. I hope the hero can fulfill my wish."

Guo Jincheng said:

"Wu Xiren, I, Guo Chen, have long heard of your actions. Today, I will be in charge of this matter." Whether or not you let them go is up to you. I don't want to start a fight. "

Wu Xianzi was already wounded and knew that he was no match for Shi Mu. He said with hatred:

"Mr. Guo, let's wait and see. This is a feud between us, and it's not like this old man is being heartless. Both of you just wait and see. I won't let you off!"

With that, Wu Xianzhen disappeared in a flash!

Chen Shiming and Hu Yuqiu hurriedly knelt down to thank Guo Jincheng for saving their lives …

Hu Yuqiu said to Guo Xiaobang:

"Master Guo, be careful. Li and Liu from your hometown hire a lot of martial artists to try and exterminate your Guo Family." Not long ago, Wu Xiren went to the middle of the river to find a fault, and was killed by your father. Recently, Li Liu and his surname have sent many experts to stop you on your way home. We still don't know yet that the person these people want to capture is the son of Great Hero Guo. I just gave you a bit of knockout drug in the wine and you'll be fine soon. Young Master Guo, you should get some good rest. Tomorrow will be a good day to travel. Please forgive me for offending you! "

Guo Xiaoban laughed as he chatted with the two of them for a while. After giving them an explanation like this, they both went back to their respective rooms to rest …

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