Legend Of Divine Dragon/C9 Banished
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Legend Of Divine Dragon/C9 Banished
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C9 Banished

"Wei Jia, you came. Do you know who is sitting next to me?"

A dignified and domineering voice came from the tall hall. Zhang Ming felt the pressure as soon as he arrived at Supreme Dragon Palace. The first word that came out of his father's mouth was like a giant hammer that struck his heart.

Zhang Ming forced himself to straighten up, not allowing himself to show any discomfort. His golden dragon eyes scanned the surroundings, and found that above the hall, in addition to the officials from Akela City that he was familiar with, there were also a man and a woman with wings sitting on the two sides of the hall.

The man had twelve wings, a twelve-winged angel, and an extremely strong existence behind him. However, Zhang Ming only took a few glances before shifting his gaze to the other Fallen Angel, the eight-winged Fallen Angel Hai Luer that he met at the Black Abyss River and wanted to take Zhang Ming as his pet to humiliate Zhang Ming.

The wound on Hai Luer's face had already disappeared, and she was still as beautiful as ever. However, her clothes and the wings on her back were still showing the damage done by the scales.

Since Zhang Ming was paying attention to her, Hai Luer naturally noticed it. She smiled complacently at Zhang Ming, who replied back with a cold smile.

"They are the important guests of Aqla, the third prince of Fallen Angels, Danny and Princess Hai Luer." Aqla didn't wait for Zhang Ming's reply before introducing, his voice was not as calm as before, but soon, Aqla spoke again, "Wei Jia, do you know what you did wrong? Use the language you have mastered to answer me."

Zhang Ming groaned. He couldn't stand the pressure anymore. A mouthful of blood came out. Zhang Ming swallowed it again. His whole body took a few steps back, but his four muscles remained standing.

Zhang Ming's heart was filled with anger. Acala did not listen to his explanation at all. At this moment, he had already put the wrong person on his head.

Ha, Zhang Ming laughed angrily in his heart, then said in a low voice: "I'm not wrong!"

The entire hall instantly quietened down. Almost all of the gazes held the same meaning, as if it was hard to believe.

How could this be? Giant dragons were the strongest in the Dragon Clan, and they were also the slowest growing race, so it was impossible for them to speak until they were fifty years old, and that included the prince of Dragon Clan, Akela, who still had not broken free from this rule. How could the monster in front of them not be shocked?

The first one to react was still Yakla. At this moment, his complexion was not very good. He asked in a deep voice, "Where did you learn to speak?"

"A few years ago." Zhang Ming's voice was simple and emotionless, giving off a mysterious feeling.

"What the hell are you?" Akela asked a somewhat ridiculous question.

"Your own son." Zhang Ming continued to answer and added in his heart: "It's just that the soul isn't."

There was no need to doubt why his eyes were so deep and profound. He was not a carefree and carefree young dragon, as if he had gone through many tests, and no matter what he had done, he could not find any problems. Could it be that a change had really happened, and he could not allow this matter to continue, so he had to notify his father, who was currently in closed-door training, and did not know when he would wake up.

The Fallen Angel, Danny, who was wearing a smile that was not really a smile by the side, slowly opened his eyes. Aqla did not want to argue too much in front of him, his gaze fell on Zhang Ming once again, "When your grandfather comes out of closed door training, I will tell him everything about you. What you have to answer me now is, what did you do wrong?"

"Yes, father, I was in the wrong. I shouldn't have allowed my ugly appearance to appear in front of your guests." Zhang Ming said calmly.

At the same time, he communicated with the Winged Dragon Scale, and the ancient presence of the Raindragon came out from the Winged Dragon Scale, suppressing Zhang Ming's fear of Akkarat. At the same time, Zhang Ming opened his eyes and faced Akela once again.

If he wasn't a freak, then even if he had offended the Fallen Angel Race, he would still have to protect his son's dignity. With Hai Luer's name in Devil Realm, how could he not know that Hai Luer was the one who instigated the trouble first? However, on both sides of the guest and the weird child, he still chose the guest.

"Akerlund, I think it's better not to worry about this. You should know my little sister's personality. She's definitely the one who started this." The Twelve-Winged Fallen Angel Danny suddenly spoke up.

"Third brother, you …" Hai Luer was annoyed and pouted. However, she was glared back at by Danny. She then said, "Congratulations to Ascending Dragon Lord for having such a genius son."

Danny deliberately emphasized the word genius, so anyone could hear what he meant.

After hearing what Danny said, Aqla's demeanor changed, his stiff face forced out a smile and he said, "Prince Danny is flattering me, but as the son of the Dragon God, how could I protect my son? I have to give an explanation to Princess Hai Luer."

After Yaquan finished speaking, he turned to Zhang Ming with a sharp gaze, "Wei Jia, from today onwards, you will no longer be a member of Acre City. You have been exiled, and the location of your exile is Dragon Horse City in the north. Do you have any objections?"

Although he didn't have much feelings for this father, Zhang Ming still couldn't help but feel sad about his decision. Acala's decision didn't want him to lose face by his side, it was also good that no one would be able to stay here, and since Zhang Ming was tired of staying in Acala, he should go out and walk around. Furthermore, he would turn into a dragon very soon, and if the powerful Acala were to discover him during the transformation, leaving Acala might be a good choice.

"Father will arrange it."

Zhang Ming's resolution was out of everyone's expectations. Danny thought to himself, Dragon Clan is indeed arrogant, even this monster dragon is the same. I'm a bit looking forward to the appearance of this monster dragon after it grows up.

"If there's nothing else, father, I'll go pack first." After Zhang Ming said this, he ignored the reaction of Zhang Ming, turned around and left the hall.


Just before he stepped out of the door, a delicate shout came from the hall, "Xiaolong, you hurt me. You cut my clothes and beautiful wings. I want you to apologize to me."

Towards this kind of woman, he didn't have any good impression. No matter how pretty Hai Luer was, she was looking sideways at the proud Hai Luer. Zhang Ming sneered and said, "Aunt Hai Luer, if a person doesn't have your approval and wants to ride on top of you, or even crush you under his body, you will do the same thing."

The great hall was filled with confusion. Soon, it became a scene of stupefaction. Then, another wave of low laughter could not help but sound out. There was even an angry scream mixed in the laughter.

After leaving Supreme Dragon's main hall, Zhang Ming heard the laughter and the scream coming from inside the hall. He felt an unprecedented sense of comfort, as if all the pressure from the past ten years had been swept away, as if he should be like this, fifteen years of life was simply wasted, why did he have to suppress himself, why did he have to live so hard? Since he came to this world, and it was even the so-called Devil Realm, then he should just follow the customs of the countryside and do as he pleased.

Having thought of this, Zhang Ming felt refreshed both physically and mentally. He hummed a popular song from his previous generation and headed to his room.

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