Legend of Jade Spring Sword/C15 Three Dozen Toads
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Legend of Jade Spring Sword/C15 Three Dozen Toads
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C15 Three Dozen Toads


Lingyin felt that the climate on the mountain was constantly changing, as if spring had arrived in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the villagers who were sleeping in the cave had already ran out. Everyone was looking at the scenery in the mountain in astonishment. They couldn't believe their eyes as they gasped in admiration.

Ling Yin then told the Daoist Priest and Ling Xu that this matter should not be revealed, in order to avoid causing panic among everyone.

Then they began to build the road again.

Lingyin brought everyone to the side of the path, only to discover that the Azure Dragon had turned into a mountain range in the middle of the path. He didn't know when he had left that winding path. All the way up the hill.

After Ling Yin and the gray-clothed Daoist Priest saw this, his heart understood everything. Timing Canglong is afraid that everyone will damage the dragon vein by opening mountain roads. He could only leave a mountain path on his back for everyone to pass through.

Ling Yin immediately knelt down before the mountain incense and led everyone to build a thatched pavilion near the dragon's head. He also ordered people to engrave a message on the mountain wall.

Name: "Azure Dragon Mountain Range" This memory of the Azure Dragon Ford.

Afterwards, they crossed the Azure Dragon Mountain Range and arrived at a quiet valley. This valley was surrounded by mountains on all four sides. The jungle was dense, and weeds were growing everywhere. It was very quiet. Not a single bird could be heard within a radius of four to five miles, nor could any beast be seen.

Everyone carefully moved forward, only to discover that the road was littered with white bones. The bones that resembled the bones of a human or a bird had all been broken. It was a shocking sight, a truly terrifying sight to behold.

This scared Little Shi and Ling Xu so much that they hurriedly hid behind everyone and didn't dare to move forward.

Seeing this, Lingyin ordered the two of them to go down the mountain and get their rations. The two little fellows ran down the mountain like a wisp of smoke.

Ling Yin then stopped and warned everyone that they must be careful not to leave the place alone.

Everyone carefully looked around for a path. In a dense forest, there was a passage in the middle of the tall grass. Inside the passage was a mysterious cave. "It was like something coming in and going out of the way.

Ling Yin and the Daoist Priest dressed in grey looked around and found traces of blood on the branches beside them. There were also white bones and rotten clothes.

Moreover, the air was filled with a fishy stench, causing people's hearts to tremble.

Seeing that the situation wasn't good, Ling Yin ordered everyone to stop and leave.

Everyone stopped to rest on the open ground.

At this time, Lingyin saw an old man in green clothes walking out of the mysterious cave. His eyes were bulging, his nose and nose were pointed, and his face was lined with grey-green wrinkles. It was a very ferocious face.

Looking at his face, everyone was a little scared.

Ling Yin and the gray-clothed Daoist Priest immediately walked up and said:

"There are no birds or beasts in this mountain. Where did this old man come from?" And why is it here? "

He saw the old man in green sneer, causing his hair to stand on end …

He replied slowly:

"I am the mountain god of this place. Knowing that you all are going up the mountain, I waited here. and brought food for everyone. "

With that, his hands changed, and he took out a lot of dried insect and bird creatures, which he handed over.

Ling Yin continued to refuse. He saw the old man's mouth suddenly open up slightly, revealing strange and sharp teeth and a long and thin tongue. The corner of his mouth even had some hula flowing from it, making him feel extremely disgusted.

At this moment, a curious villager came closer to see what was going on.

Just as Lin Yin was trying to stop him from going back, suddenly, the old man turned into a giant toad and pounced on him with its mouth wide open.

The Daoist Priest immediately unsheathed his sword and stabbed at the toad, only to be knocked to the ground with a single strike. Seeing this, Lingyin immediately went up to him and began chanting a mantra while using the horsetail whisk to hit him.

With a flash of white light, the toad was sent back into the cave. He hastily rescued the gray-clothed Daoist and retreated.

It was very dangerous just now, and everyone was worried. Lingyin warned everyone to be careful of the monsters coming out again.

At this time, seeing that the sky was about to turn dark, Ling Yin ordered everyone to start a bonfire on the spot. They all rested in groups and stayed on duty in case of any accidents.


That night, everyone slept peacefully in fear.

The next day, when everyone was counting the people, they found that they were missing a villager. Everyone looked around, but they couldn't find him.

Ling Yin felt that this matter was a bit strange. He and the gray-clothed Daoist Priest immediately went to the cave to search.

When they were not far away, they discovered that along the way, there was a patch of blood that had yet to dry, extending all the way to the entrance of the cave.

Ling Yin listened attentively. He was the missing villager. They crept in against the wall, trying to rescue the man.

The cave was dark and humid. The stench of bones and viscous mucus filled the air. Once accidentally stepped on, stuck, not easy to walk away from.

At this moment, something seemed to have crawled out of the hole, and the sound was especially loud. Ling Yin and the gray-clothed Daoist hurriedly found a secluded place to hide.

All of a sudden, a colossus crawled out in a hurry. He had just crawled out of the cave when he suddenly disappeared.

Aiya, the two of them curiously looked for a long time, but they could not find a single trace. They had no idea where that huge monster had run off to.

He didn't think too much and directly ran into the cave to save the villagers. But when they found him, he was dying. He was trapped in the mucus that the monster had spat out, unable to move. His body had been torn in many places.

Ling Yin immediately wanted to rescue him, but no matter what, he couldn't do anything. He was tightly entangled inside, and once he was dragged, his entire body was already broken. Ling Yin and the gray-clothed Daoist looked at him with pain in their heart, and that villager used all his strength to say the last sentence, telling them to leave, quickly leave the cave.


When they were reluctant to part, they actually discovered that the big monster at the cave entrance seemed to have run back. Lingyin and the gray-clothed Daoist hurriedly hid behind a stone wall, and the two didn't even dare to breathe as they silently looked at the big monster in front of them.

It spat out a thick liquid at the villagers, immediately surrounding him. Then it stretched out its long tongue, coiling him up in the air, biting him in its mouth from time to time. After a moment, it ferociously spat it out, smashing him against the stone wall.

At this moment, Lingyin's heart was filled with rage, she really wanted to charge out and kill that monster.

However, they were stopped by the Daoist Priest in the end because the two of them were not a match for the monster. Thus, they could only sacrifice themselves in vain. They had no choice but to think of other ways to deal with the monster.

At this moment, the monster seemed to be tired and it lay on the ground and closed its eyes and fell asleep. Seeing that it seemed to have a chance to kill it, the Daoist Priest quietly left with his sword and signaled Lingyin to go out to hide first.

He looked at the huge monster in front of him, and stabbed down with his sword. The result was that the skin of the huge monster was extremely hard, and it was unable to pierce through no matter how hard he tried.

The large monster immediately roared and chased after it with bared fangs and brandished claws. This frightened the gray-clothed Daoist and he quickly ran outside.


The huge monster stuck out its tongue and quickly chased after them. Just as it ran out of the cave, it disappeared like a wisp of smoke.

Smoke filled the air and they couldn't see the direction clearly. As the two of them were fleeing in panic, the bones beneath their feet knocked them down.

He turned his head and saw that the old man he had just met was standing at the entrance of the cave.

At this moment, Lingyin finally understood the reason. It was a huge monster inside the cave, and as soon as it appeared, it immediately took human form.

Suddenly, a streak of golden light streaked across the sky, and with a rumble of thunder, it split open the entrance of the cave. The few pieces of toad meat had traces of blood on them as they fled into the cave.

After Lingyin returned, she led everyone to carry a lot of dried wood and put it into the cave. Furthermore, it was tightly stuffed into the hole.

He also had everyone find some pine and cypress oil in the mountains and put it all in the cave, ready to burn the monster to death.

With a single command, the blazing fire started to burn the cave, causing thick smoke to billow out. The fire was so intense that no one dared to approach it.

After about four hours, the burning cliff broke into pieces and fell down. Not long after, a toad with fire all over its body ran out of the cave and turned into a dying old man. It laid at the entrance of the cave, begging Ling Yin and the others for mercy.

Ling Yin replied:

"There is good fortune in heaven, and this is all your fault. You can be reborn from the ashes of the fire and cultivate your good karma. Only by eliminating all evil will you be able to enter the Heaven Realm."

As he was speaking, he saw the old man, who was still struggling at death's door, slowly approaching him.

Suddenly, a huge rock fell from the top of the mountain and smashed into the old man's body. The rock instantly turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

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