Legend of Jade Spring Sword/C16 Tracer of Dreaming
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Legend of Jade Spring Sword/C16 Tracer of Dreaming
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C16 Tracer of Dreaming


Seeing that the toad's true form had been revealed, Ling Yin's tense heart gradually calmed down. He was prepared to bury the villager to show mercy to the people by casting spells and chanting incantations for him.

Lingyin looked at everyone. Along the way, they had experienced countless hardships. All of them had a very thin and weak body, and they were all very tired.

He thought, "Once we've cleared the mountain road, we'll go to the top and have a good rest."

Therefore, he got Ling Xu and Little Shi to get some meat and wine to eat as a nourishment for everyone today. Let's relax a bit before we head up the mountain tomorrow to clear the way.

The villagers were all very happy. They found an open space on the mountain and built a bonfire. Everyone gathered around to drink, eat and relax. He also couldn't help but start singing that ancient song.

"Jade Spring Water, Jade Spring Ice, Jade Spring Water and Void Spirit Clear …"

Ling Yin and the gray-clothed Daoist Priest were beneath a thousand-year-old ancient tree. As they drank and listened to the song, they couldn't help but think of their grandmaster, Daoist Priest Chen. Everyone missed him a lot, but they didn't know where he was cultivating now.

And Ling Yin remembered what the Draconian had said, and taught him to open the mountain and cultivate the road, to cultivate in the palace of the Heavens. As he thought about it, the two of them fell into a deep slumber along with the aroma of the wine.

In the open wilderness, the scent of wine wafted in the air.

The bonfire was fiery red, and the dry firewood was crackling loudly. Everyone was in a deep slumber. Like the setting sun, they slowly fell asleep around them.

As night fell, the night wind began to blow. The mountains were quiet and empty, and only the sound of snoring could be heard.

At this time, Lingyin leaned against the ancient tree and slept soundly. She was still dreaming, and would giggle from time to time as she called out for Martial Ancestor.

Because in her dreams, she dreamt of Martial Ancestor Chen Zongshi. She also dreamt that they had finally arrived at the summit of the mountain, and that they were taking the disciples to practice their swordsmanship in the palace of the Heavens …

At this time, Ling Yin felt as if she had suddenly woken up. She had been woken up by a noise. He listened attentively, and the sound echoed in his ears.

Who is drinking here? I wonder if we could drink together? "

Ling Yin kept listening to him talking and writing a poem.


"A good wine doesn't get drunk, but a good evening guest.

He was not stingy in his search for the fragrance of dreams.

The imperial carriage had a golden wind tonight,

"You still have some lingering feelings."

After he finished speaking, a burst of hearty laughter resounded throughout the sky.

Ling Yin looked around but couldn't see anyone.

He then loudly said:

"I am Ling Yin, a Daoist from the Daoist Jade Spring Academy. I am here to open up a path. If I disturb the Supreme Celestial, please forgive me."

There were very few traces of people here. Could it be that you're a deity from the mountains? Why not come down and drink a cup of delicious food with me?

After another round of laughter, he replied:

"Am I not a deity? Merely, I have been here for a long time. I am already completely unrecognizable, yet I cannot show myself. I don't want to scare everyone."

Ling Yin was intoxicated, as if she was half asleep and half awake, unable to believe her own ears.

He laughed again and asked in surprise:

"There are very few experts in this mountain. Since you're here, how can you live and eat? This mountain is filled with jackals, wolves, tigers, and leopards.

Supreme Celestial once again said with a smile,

"I live in a cave, eat pine branches and wild fruits, drink mountain spring water, often with jackals, wolves, tigers, and leopards as my companions. How many years had it been? "The flowers on this mountain are blooming and falling, the clouds are clear and foggy, the golden birds are phoenixes, the plum deer is immortals, and the mortals are cultivators. It has been many years."

Ling Yin heard the echoes of Supreme Celestial as they reverberated through the valley. He couldn't help but think of his Martial Ancestor.

Meanwhile, that Supreme Celestial once again loudly asked:

"May I ask Brother Yin, what year is it today, and what dynasty is it?"

Lingyin seemed to sense something. Supreme Celestial, are you not a Supreme Immortal? Question marks appeared in his mind.

He then said, "It's better if you come down. We'll drink and talk."

With that, a tall figure floated down from the tree. Its entire body was covered in hair, and its hair was extremely long. He did not wear any decent clothes, and there was a grass rope tied around his waist. He tied a golden gourd, and even used some furs to wrap his lower body like a wild man.

Behind him followed two large, golden-feathered birds. His two eyes shone with a strange light as he stood in front of Lingyin. He lowered his head and smelled the fragrance of the meat and wine. He then said with a smile:

"You don't know how many years it's been since I've had meat and wine." After saying that, he laughed out loud.

Ling Yin immediately stood up and invited him to sit and drink with her.

The wild man took the bottle gourd from his bosom and poured out many different things. He handed them over to Lingyin with both hands.

"This is a thousand-year-old pine resin. It tastes pretty good. You can try it."

Ling Yin curiously asked:

"Is this something to eat?"

The barbarian looked at Ling Yin.

He said, "This is edible, because I just escaped from the Qin Dynasty and came here, so I hid in the government. I accidentally hid up the mountain, and I also encountered some noblemen who helped me. I almost died several times."

Ling Yin looked at the wild man with excitement, his eyes glimmering with tears. He felt an ancient feeling, causing Ling Yin to feel some sympathy. Seeing the changes on his body, many things must have happened to him.


Ling Yin paused for a moment. Then, she suddenly thought of something? That wild man said he came here in the last years of the Qin Dynasty.

Ling Yin couldn't help but feel that the past was no longer the past. He carefully thought back for a while.

It had been more than ten years since he'd arrived at the Jade Spring Dao Academy and started cultivating on the mountain.

I wonder how much the outside world has changed. Sigh! Even more so, he did not know what year it was in the past.

Lingyin speculated that right now, it should be the end of the Tang Dynasty, when all the heroes in the world would take up residence here. They would occupy the land for the people, colluding with the officials and bandits, mourning everywhere.

As Ling Yin thought about this, she could not help but sigh. As a Taoist family member, she could not make decisions for the people. This would benefit the village and cause the people to be in deep pain. He had originally wanted to walk the world with a sword in hand, to eliminate evil from the people's hearts, but he could not do so for a long time. He thought that he could benefit the people after he gained the Taoism, and take Taoism's broad spirit as its connotation, just like Laozi. To travel around the country.

Ling Yin could not help but think, her heart filled with boundless ambition and desire.

At this time, the barbarian's eyes were fixed on Ling Yin, as if he already knew all of her thoughts.

Then he said lightly, "Don't be sad, Brother Yin. There must be good fortune in everything, and cause and effect can be decided. It is just that this is heaven's will.

He added, "I don't know why." Except for this brute force to build the mountain and build the road. with oxygen, hydrogen and electricity. "

With that, he picked up the cup of wine in front of him.

He said to Lingyin, "With this wine, you have crossed over ten thousand."

With that, he drank it all in one gulp and said, "This wine can be considered a sacred object in the world, it can cure all human feelings in the world, and will never stop until one is drunk.

After saying this, the two of them poured drinks for themselves. The grey-clothed Daoist Priest was still deep in his dreams, unable to wake up even after a long time.


In the tranquil night, everyone was sleeping, their surroundings completely dark. Only the crackling of the burning fire could be heard.

At this moment, Ling Yin and the savage were drinking happily, as though they were a pair of soulmates that had just reunited after a long time. They talked about everything and chatted very happily.

The two golden birds also laid beside the savage without making a sound. They would use their heads to pat the wild man's arm from time to time, appearing to be very close to him. Just like a cute pet, it was very obedient.

At this time, Savage stood up and respectfully stood in front of Ling Yin, and said:

"Thank you Brother Yin for your taste in the mortal world. Let me try to resolve my greed. Today's journey is only hurried. See you around without a gift. I can only give you the thousand-year-old pine resin that I've brought with me to help you resist fatigue and to prolong your life. "

Ling Yin looked at the savage in surprise and hurriedly thanked him.

The savage said, "Brother Yin, there is no need to be polite. The first time you consume this fruit, it will be extremely uncomfortable. If you consume it for a few days straight, it will have a miraculous effect. I hope that when you cherish this item, it will not be passed on to others. "

He then flew away with the two golden birds in an instant. The only thing left behind was a cloud that was hovering in the air above the valley.

Suddenly, Lingyin woke up from his stupor. He looked at the people in the distance, who were sleeping soundly. They were all surrounding a bonfire and leaning against each other.

He only took a glance at the grey-clothed Daoist priest sleeping beside him. He was already finished drinking the wine in the jar. A golden gourd was placed in front of him …

At this moment, Ling Yin suddenly remembered that the scene she saw in her dream was real.

He hastily looked around him. The quiet valley was completely dark. He didn't see any savages or Golden Birds.

But he remembered very clearly that they had drunk quite a bit, and that the pot of wine had run out.

There was also the reddish-brown color of the pines in the golden gourd.

— —

"Yes." The term pine resin is derived from the history book Five Dynasties History (pine resin is a kind of medicinal material, buried in the ground for thousands of years, can be turned into a medicine which can cure all diseases).

Ling Yin hurriedly put it away. He had promised the barbarians that he would keep it a secret.


By the morning of the second day, everyone woke up from their dream and discovered that there was a lot of food and fruits around them.

Seeing this, Ling Yin smiled and said:

"This is from the foot of the mountain. It's for everyone to eat."

With that, he watched the crowd disperse one by one before finally relaxing.

Because of this, he had long since known about it and informed Ling Xu to go down the mountain in order to persuade everyone.

After a while, he started to lead the group towards the tallest mountain.

They walked along the mountain spring water, stepping on the traces left behind by the ancestor.

He cut the grass, traversed the mountains and rivers, and passed through a dense forest in a deep valley. As he went up and down, he inadvertently discovered a few streams of spring water flowing down from the mountain. In the dense forest of an extremely wide and flat valley, he agilely gathered at the foot of a cliff. It formed a lavish patch of aquatic plants. There were all kinds of magical birds, and also cranes with a red patch on top of their heads. Sometimes playing in the water, sometimes dancing.

On the side of the mountain were strange shaped pine trees, and every single one of the pine trees was especially thick and sturdy. A few feet.

The mountain was once again shrouded in layers of mist, flickering and flickering.

At this time, everyone was captivated by the scene in front of them. They felt as if they had arrived in a fairyland, and everyone was so intoxicated that they stopped moving.

Ling Yin and the grey-clothed Daoist seemed to be immersed in it. In the face of such an immortal realm, they had already forgotten about the mundane world. He did not know his purpose in coming here.

Suddenly, a golden light streaked across the sky. In an instant, the colorful sky was as beautiful as the sunset glow.


At this time, in the clouds, there was a fairy wearing gorgeous, multi-colored clothes. She rode a white deer and elegantly approached. Behind her, there were actually groups of beautiful butterflies dancing in the air.

I saw the goddess standing in the clouds,

He said in a stern voice, "You have already barged into the immortal palace. Why aren't you leaving yet? Be careful, the Hua Shan God might find out and punish you."

Ling Yin, who was watching, suddenly felt much more clear-headed as she quickly led everyone else away.

They seemed to have gone back the way they came and came out after a few laps.

Everyone was in a daze, and no one could recall what just happened. It was as if nothing had happened.

Just as Rinsyi was wondering, he saw a shadow fly down from the west side of the mountain. He was wearing plain clothes and a bamboo hat. In his hand was a curved tree root that was glossy and shiny. Ling Yin looked at him, but it was unknown whether it was a man or an immortal.

Just as he was hesitating, that person took a step forward and said, "I am a disciple of Taichi. I train wholeheartedly on Mount Hua and follow the orders of my master. Only by relying on a wooden boulder can I cultivate to the Immortal Realm.

Ling Yin immediately clasped his hands and respectfully asked, "I, Ling Yin, greet the celestial dao because I have opened a path here and lost my way. I would like to ask the celestial dao to give me some pointers so I can get to the palace as soon as possible."

The immortal cultivator faintly smiled.

This mountain is divided into the East Peak and the West Peak, and the Heaven Viewing Hall should be at the top of the West Peak. You can go past the Shennong Temple on the west side and arrive at the cliff of the Sun Moon by passing through the Lions. I hope you will be careful. "

With that, he took another step forward and whispered a few words into Ling Yin's ear.

After Ling Yin heard this, she couldn't help but be shocked for a moment and then didn't say anything. He seemed to be thinking about something.

After he finished speaking, he turned and took his leave.

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