Legend of Saint Demon/C12 Special ability(part i)
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Legend of Saint Demon/C12 Special ability(part i)
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C12 Special ability(part i)

Seeing Xuan Xin had gone out, Long Tianci hurriedly turned his head to look for his clothes on the bed. As he searched, he also mumbled to himself in confusion, "I clearly remember that I didn't take off my clothes, right? Why was his clothes gone? Ah ~ ~? Where are my clothes? "

Long Tianci turned the bed over, but he couldn't find the clothes he was wearing yesterday. However, there were some strange ashes on the bed, he remembered that they were not there when he slept last night!

He really couldn't find clothes, so Long Tianci could only ask his foster father to go to his room and bring another one for him, and then put it on. After changing, Long Tianci walked out of the room, and then he was completely stunned.

"Damn!" Dad, you have a fit? You actually know how to clean the house? " Seeing the clean and tidy hall, Long Tianci opened his mouth wide, then spoke with a strange tone!

"I'm not the one who cleaned it up!" It was Miss Xuan Xin who helped us to clean up this mess ~! Sigh ~ ~! There still had to be a woman at home! I should consider marrying a wife! " The man sat in the rocking chair and said with a smile!

"A slob like you wants to marry a wife? Only an old woman like Aunt Cui Hua would fall for you! " Hearing the man's words, Long Tianci rolled his eyes and said!

"Cui Hua? Not bad! Although he was older, his figure was still pretty good! Furthermore, after so many years, she should have accumulated quite a bit! I'll think about it! " The man laughed shamelessly before nodding his head!

"Ah ~!" Cui Hua should have a lot of money, at least you won't have to worry about money for the wine after marrying her! " Long Tianci actually nodded in agreement after hearing his foster father's words!

"You two are indeed father and son. You two are simply the same as a small marten! Alright! Breakfast! " Just as the father and son pair were thinking about where to get back to sleep, Xuan Xin walked out of the kitchen with a large bowl of porridge in his hands.

"It smells so good!" You did this? " The moment he smelled the fragrance of the porridge, Long Tianci's stomach growled. After that, Long Tianci quickly sat in front of the table and smilingly asked Xuan Xin!

"If it's not me, could it still be you? Eat it! " Xuan Xin glared at Long Tianci, and ordered a bowl of porridge for him!

"Hm!" Not bad indeed! Girl, are you interested in being my daughter-in-law? "With you around, it'll be easier to save trouble!" The man took a sip of the porridge and said with a praising expression.

"Marry him? I'd rather marry a puppy! " Xuan Xin stuck out his tongue when he heard the man's words, and then answered!

Hearing the girl's words, Long Tianci revealed a bitter expression, and then said helplessly: "I say, you're going too far, no matter what, I'm stronger than a dog!"

Xuan Xin did not bother with him anymore. He glared at Long Tianci for a moment, then continued to drink his porridge. Seeing Xuan Xin ignoring him, Long Tianci curled his lips in annoyance, but did not say anything.

Just as the family was eating porridge, a shout suddenly came from outside the house: "Long Tianci! Come out, you little beast! I will make you pay! "If you have the guts, come out!"

Hearing this shout, the three people who were eating were all startled, and then the man asked: "bastard, from the sound of it, it should be Young Master Liu from outside the city, how did you offend him?"

"Nothing? "He was bullying people in the city the day before yesterday, so I toyed with him because I couldn't bear to watch him get used to it. Who would have thought that this guy would hold a grudge like that?" Long Tianci replied as he rolled his eyes!

"What the hell did you do to him?" The man started to sweat after hearing this, he understood Long Tianci too well, if this brat said he was messing around, then it would definitely not be a simple matter!

"Nothing?" I just threw him into the fecal pit! " Long Tianci replied casually.

"..." [You brat! You only know how to cause trouble. Hurry up and settle the matter, don't let others cause trouble at your doorstep!] Isn't it annoying to be like this every two or three days? " The man said snappily.

"Alright, alright! I'm going! Help me prepare it! " Long Tianci stood up helplessly, then turned and walked out!

Seeing that Long Tianci was about to leave the house, Xuan Xin frowned, then opened his mouth and asked: "Uncle ~! Aren't you going out with him? How is he going to settle this matter? "

"It's nothing, it's nothing! Eat your food! He was already used to it! Every time he went out to get beaten up, the other side would feel better! I'll go prepare the medical kit! " The man answered as if he was used to it, stood up and walked towards the bedroom!

On the other side, when Long Tianci walked out of his room, he saw Young Master Liu that he had thrown into the fecal pit a few days ago glaring at him angrily.

"Little bastard!" You finally came out! Today, I will make you pay the price! Prepare to die! " When Liu Gongzi saw Long Tianci's eyes, his face turned red, and then shouted angrily!

"Hey ~!" A mangy dog! You want me to die? Can you do it? You might not even be able to beat me even if I let you do it single-handedly! " Long Tianci rubbed his nose and said!

"I can't beat you! But this time, I found an expert! You're dead meat! cripple him! " Young Master Liu said with a sneer. Then, he turned around and said to the big man who had followed him here!

"Young master, how do you want to be a cripple?" The big sized man nodded his head, he then walked towards Long Tianci with his fists clenched, and asked while sneering!

"Break his hands and feet, by the way! Give me his roots! " Liu Gongzi was really ruthless, he actually wanted to find a helper to break Long Tianci's five limbs.

Hearing Liu Gongzi's words, Long Tianci's face changed, and after that, Long Tianci asked while sweating: "Hey, hey ~! I just threw you into the fecal pit. You don't have to be so cruel, do you? "

"I am that ruthless, so what can you do? "Attack!" Liu Gongzi said with a sinister smile!

Hearing Young Noble Liu's order, the big sized man rushed towards Tian Ci, and when Tian Ci saw him rush towards her, she immediately ran, but this big sized man was clearly a cultivator, after knowing a bit of martial arts, he actually caught up to Long Tianci in an instant, and pulled on Long Tianci's collar, throwing him to the ground!

Long Tianci who had fallen to the ground wanted to get up, but the big sized man obviously did not give him the chance. He actually stomped on his chest and sneered: "Brat! Which of the five do you want to cripple first? I think the one in the middle is pretty good! "

"That's right, your sister!" You want to cripple your father? I'll fight it out with you! " Long Tianci did not sit still and wait for death, so he grabbed onto the big sized man's leg and bit down, the big sized man who was being bitten cried out, and then used his other leg to kick Long Tianci ruthlessly in the chest, sending him flying for at least 3 metres!

Long Tianci who was sent flying held his stomach and curled up, and coughed violently, obviously this kick made him wish he was dead, but when the big sized man looked at his right leg that was covered in blood, his face revealed an angry expression, and then he walked towards Long Tianci with big steps and said fiercely: "Brat! I don't want you to become a cripple anymore! Because I want you to die! "

Hearing the big sized man's words, Long Tianci who was curled up on the ground, struggled to get up, but the pain in his abdomen made him unable to straighten his back, so he failed to do so several times. Looking at the big fellow who was getting closer, Long Tianci's face revealed a terrified expression, but he did not realize that when he started to despair, the two ruby eyes on the dragon ring on his finger actually flashed!

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