Legend of Saint Demon/C14 Run away
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Legend of Saint Demon/C14 Run away
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C14 Run away

He had been gone for such a long time, and yet he still hadn't returned home, which made the two of them a little worried. Thus, the two of them decided to go out and take a look at the situation. When they saw a strange expression on Long Tianlong's face as he walked back, Xuan Xin actually smiled and asked, "How was it? Is it very comfortable to be beaten up by others?

Hearing Xuan Xin's sarcastic tone, Long Tianci bitterly sighed, and then suddenly spoke to his foster father: "Old man! I just killed someone! "

"..." What did you say? Killed someone? Who did you kill? " Although Long Tianci was born mischievous, but in all of these years, he had never killed anyone. Now that he suddenly heard Long Tianci say that he had killed someone, how could the man believe him? He thought that bastard was just joking with him!

Long Tianci could tell that his foster father did not believe him, so he stepped forward horizontally. Then, he pointed at the big sized man's corpse and said: "Here ~! The body is there! "

Following the direction that Long Tianci was pointing in, the man and Xuan Xin both looked at the corpse at the same time. The two men were stunned, if not for the fact that they saw the corpse, they wouldn't have believed that Long Tianci would kill anyone!

"Are you, bastard, crazy? Why did you have to beat him to death when he could just beat you up like that? You bastard! This is bad! " The man revealed a panicked expression, and then furiously smacked Long Tianci in the face!

"He wanted to cripple me just now. I was just defending myself! You can't blame me for this! " Long Tianci said while covering his face, feeling wronged!

"Do you think the master of the Criminal Division will let you off because of your explanation? Killing people was a serious crime! You brat, you will be hanged! No! You can't stay here! Pack up your things and go! There should still be time! " The man said anxiously, as he reached out and dragged Long Tianci back into the house!

Under the man's urging, Long Tianci quickly packed his luggage, and carried his luggage on his back. But looking at the boy's expression, it looked like he was not willing to leave, and the situation had already changed far beyond his expectations. At the beginning, he had wanted to send Xuan Xin back to live with a large amount of rewards, but now that he had a lawsuit on his back, it was impossible for him to continue living here!

Seeing that Long Tianci was hesitant to leave, the man revealed a reluctant expression. After that, he hugged Long Tianci and said: "Child! Don't be sad, go out and hide! Wait until the limelight passes, then come back. Didn't I ask you to go and learn Azure Dragon College? "Don't come back until you've mastered it. I think it's been four years and people have almost forgotten about this case. You can come back then!"

"But I can't bear to part with you!" Long Tianci, the bastard who was usually mischievous, actually cried at this moment.

"Ah ~!" Aren't you always annoyed with me? Now that you can finally get rid of me, you should be happy! Alright, bastard! Don't cry! What was a man crying for? Other people's little girls will laugh at you! " The man hugged Long Tianci and said, but although he advised Long Tianci not to cry, the man had also shed sad tears.

Looking at the father and son that was about to be separated, Xuan Xin, who was at the side, also felt a little upset. Although the first impression the father and son gave her was that they were sloppy, she could feel that the father and son were both good people!

Just as Long Tianci was about to leave the man reluctantly, a loud voice suddenly came from outside: "Hey, hey ~! The body was found! This should be the scene of the murder. Go and surround the house, don't let the criminals escape! "

At the same time, a knock on the door sounded, "Open up! Open up!" We are officials! Someone reported that Long Tianci killed someone! We're taking him back to interrogate him! "Quickly open the door!"

The three people in the room did not expect the officials to arrive so quickly, all of them started to panic, causing Long Tianci to tremble even more, he even formed a scene in his mind where he was hanged to death!

"What should we do? The officials were here! What should I do? I can't escape anymore! " Long Tianci looked at his foster father and asked in fear!

"What are you panicking for? Didn't they still not catch you? You come with me! Girl, you come over too! "Hurry up!" The man's expression was extremely serious. After that, he dragged Long Tianci and Xuan Xin towards his own self.

Being dragged by the man, Long Tianci and Xuan Xin entered the man's bedroom. The man then came to the bedside and pushed the bed open a crack, but there was a secret passage under the bed!

"Back then, you dug this secret passage to prevent your enemies from finding you. I didn't expect that you would use it to hide from the soldiers!" Alright! You can go down! This tunnel leads to the back of the woodshed. After you leave, quickly leave. The man pointed to the tunnel.

"But if they can't find me, won't they make things difficult for you?" Long Tianci asked worriedly.

"It's not like I killed them! What can they do to me? Alright! Don't dilly-dally! Run! "If you don't leave now, it will be too late!" The man anxiously said, and then directly pushed Long Tianci and Xuan Xin into the tunnel!

Seeing Long Tianci and Xuan Xin jumping into the tunnel, the man quickly moved the bed back to its original position, and then casually picked up the wine jar on the table, sprinkling some of the wine on his body, and just as the man finished doing all of this, the big door was kicked open, and then four to five officials rushed in from outside and started searching everywhere!

"..." Why the f * * k was it so noisy? Are you even letting me sleep? " The man turned his head to look at the position of the tunnel with a worried expression. Then he pretended to be in a daze, as if he was drunk, and carried the wine jar out of the bedroom!

On the other side, Long Tianci and Xuan Xin followed the tunnel and arrived at the back of the woodshed, and then came out of the tunnel, sticking close to the corner of the woodshed, Long Tianci looked around. After confirming that all the soldiers were gathered outside the hut and no one was looking, Long Tianci grabbed onto Xuan Xin and ran far away. Wait for me to come back! I'll make you happy! "I swear!"

Long Tianci and Xuan Xin ran for a long time, and only stopped when they were in the woods. After that, Long Tianci leaned on a big tree and panted, and from the looks of it, he was quite tired, but Xuan Xin's condition was even worse, his face was abnormally pale, and the way he stood was also very weird, as though he was only touching the ground with one leg!

After resting for a while, Long Tianci turned his head to look at Xuan Xin, and then asked with furrowed brows: "What's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly? "

"My feet are hurting. I don't even dare to touch the ground anymore!" Xuan Xin replied with tears in her eyes!

"Tsk ~!" I forgot you had a foot injury! Sit down and let me see! I hope the bones are fine! " Hearing Xuan Xin's reply, Long Tianci suddenly remembered that Xuan Xin's leg was injured, and had been dragged by him for such a long distance, the girl's leg must have been injured again, if not her face would have been so ugly!

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