
Just as Li Jie wanted to use her arms to support his body, when she lifted it up, it immediately drooped down powerlessly. The whole night's piston movement had squeezed Li Jie's body dry.

"Little Li, is someone looking for you downstairs?"

The sound of footsteps came from outside the door, following that, Uncle Zhong pushed the door open and walked in, with a bowl of porridge in his hands, he placed it on the table and said.

Li Jie used all her strength to cover the two lumps of quilt that she was exposing, her face was flushed red and she looked like a little girl. She did not dare look at Uncle Zhong, and just thinking of her extremely shameful pose yesterday made her want to find a hole to hide in.

Zhong Jun scratched his head and said: "Then should I invite him in?"

Hearing that, Li Jie immediately shook her head, if Li Hao came in, who knows what would happen. Li Jie looked at Uncle Zhong with hope, and said: "Just say that I'm not home! "In the hospital!"

Uncle Zhong nodded his head, then raised his hand to point at the steaming hot porridge on the table and said: "I cooked that bowl for you specially to nourish your body and eat it while it's still hot."

With that, he turned around and left.

Li Jie looked at Uncle Zhong's back, his heart warm and his face hot.

After a long while, Uncle Zhong came back and told Li Jie that Li Hao had already left. Li Jie told her that she had taken sick leave to rest, and Uncle Zhong also came out the door with an understanding.

She suddenly realized that every time she looked at Uncle Zhong, she would feel weird. The relationship between the two was originally between a tenant and a landlord, but in the end, something unfathomable happened, causing her to be unable to come into contact with him for a while. However, when she thought about how she took the initiative to cater to him last night, Li Jie's face turned boiling hot again.

Uncle Zhong came in the afternoon to massage Li Jie again. His originally twisted waist had become much better, and could basically walk on the bed, but that lump, Uncle Zhong scratched his head and said that it was fine. Li Jie saw through his predicament and did not point out anything, guessing that it was due to the Evil Flame at that time.

After resting for an entire day, sshe woke up the next day. When Li Jie put on makeup, he found out that her face was red, delicate, and lustrous.

packed her clothes and left the house early, intentionally or unintentionally. She was originally thin-skinned enough to not meet the Uncle Zhong, and when others teased her, she would blush especially when it came to matters like this. She was as shy as a young girl aged 17 or 18 who had yet to experience anything.

Li Jie got on the bus and walked to the middle of the carriage. It was currently peak hour, and the bus was packed with people, so there was nowhere to sit. Li Jie could only stretch her arms and pull the handrail.

Today, Li Jie's temperament was extremely outstanding. Her cheeks were rosy, her red lips were alluring and alluring, while she had changed into a professional OL short skirt, all the way down to her thighs. The light gray colored stockings revealed her round, white, and smooth thighs.

Li Jie swayed slightly along the bus, when suddenly she felt that someone was touching her butt, Li Jie's entire body stiffened.

The moment the car turned the corner, a robust body directly pressed over. Her wide hands ignited all the way to her short skirt, her fingers hanging at the side of her pants as she pulled it down!

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