Reveler World:Life As A Digital Anomaly/C23 The Underground City(4)
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Reveler World:Life As A Digital Anomaly/C23 The Underground City(4)
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C23 The Underground City(4)

Hai Yun remained silent, glancing down at the data in her hand. Upon hearing Xie Yu's words, she couldn't help but smile ruefully. The man before her was adept at speaking without giving anything away, leaving her unable to extract any particularly useful information.

The energy situation in the underground city had been showing signs of decline over the years. The birth of energy was increasingly out of sync with its consumption. There used to be a time when the two were in equal balance, but now, instances where consumption outpaced production were becoming more frequent. If this trend continued, the city would inevitably face a shortfall, and by then, it would be too late to act.

Finding a new home and a new energy source had become the underground city's top priority in recent years. It was a concern that weighed heavily on the minds of both the governing bodies and the ordinary citizens. As part of the police force, one of the first to encounter outsiders, they had been explicitly ordered by their superiors to exhaust all means to glean clues from these strangers.

Even without explicit instructions from the higher-ups, the search for new energy sources and settlements had been relentless since the city's inception. However, the urgency of the search had only increased with time.

Their frustration stemmed from the enigmatic nature of the outsiders' identities. Initially, they had resorted to using harsh interrogation methods to coerce information from them, but some of the outsiders had responded with violence, choosing to fight despite the pain. After suffering significant losses, the police discovered that these individuals would simply disintegrate into white light upon death, leaving no trace or information behind.

After numerous such encounters, the police came to realize that these outsiders were not the same species as them, and that upon death, they would vanish into white light, rendering any potential information unrecoverable.

Consequently, the police shifted their approach, seeking to collaborate with the outsiders instead of confronting them. Despite their efforts, the situation remained fraught with challenges, with some outsiders still resorting to violence, causing chaos and heavy casualties.

Over time, the police department had become psychologically prepared and experienced. This time, as Hai Yun faced Xie Yu and Soong Mu, she drew on all her past experiences, ready for the annual City Creation Day, anticipating the arrival of outsiders. She hadn't expected them to actually show up.

This was Hai Yun's first encounter with an outsider, and despite her best efforts to remain composed, she felt a tinge of nervousness.

Her high ponytail bobbing, Hai Yun quickly strategized on how to engage with the two outsiders before her, aiming to extract as much intelligence as possible.

The energy crisis was escalating, and although the underground city was managing to cope, missing the opportunity presented by the arrival of these outsiders was a risk no one was willing to take. No one knew when, or if, there would be another chance.

Their arrival was entirely unpredictable, more akin to a random occurrence.

They weren't willing to risk the chance that outsiders might not show up next year. Now that they were here, it was imperative to capitalize on the opportunity!

Hai Yun's grip on her pen tightened as she silently clenched her teeth.

Dr. Robert represented a potential breakthrough. To her knowledge, the doctor was currently engaged in a confidential study.

Perhaps she could persuade Dr. Robert to cooperate. There might be a chance.


She glanced at the two men. Dr. Robert was under strict protection by the administration. Given her position, she doubted her ability to escort them inside.

"Look, there's no need to probe these matters. As outsiders, we won't divulge anything until our mission is complete, and we can't linger here. If you're unable to assist us, then we'll have to apologize and move on," Xie Yu said, eyeing the clock on the police station desk. At long last, he could confirm the time.

It was eleven in the morning. Even if they didn't require food or rest, with nightfall calculated to begin at six, they had only seven hours at their disposal.

Their time was limited, and with obstacles like Hai Yun in their path, their exposed identity as outsiders was a significant hindrance.

Neither Xie Yu nor Soong Mu was keen on becoming experimental subjects in this world.

"I can escort you to the City Administration's headquarters," Hai Yun offered, rising to her feet and leaning forward on the table, her hands bracing her. Xie Yu caught a glimpse of white at her chest and quickly looked away, reminding himself, 'It's a seduction tactic, don't get fooled...'

He repeated the mantra three times in his head and tugged at Soong Mu's arm, wary that if his companion succumbed to the ploy, they'd both suffer the consequences.

"Then let's not waste time. We must proceed," Xie Yu declared, standing up with Soong Mu promptly following.

The mission was critical; these individuals were merely characters within the scenario.

Seven hours remained. Even if they could reach the City Administration headquarters within an hour, he was skeptical about their chances of a smooth encounter with Dr. Robert.

Especially given their status as outsiders.

It sounded good to say they carried the hope of saving the underground city, but from another angle, they were unknown entities, and their safety couldn't be assured.

Dr. Robert is a special talent safeguarded by the underground city's governing edict. Meeting him isn't something I can promise," Hai Yun said as she set down the folder and locked eyes with Xie Yu.

Xie Yu would have been more on edge if she hadn't asked for compensation. Hearing her request, his face visibly eased.

"Alright, I'll help you as long as it's within my capabilities," Xie Yu responded.

After a brief pause, he added, "Our stay here will be brief. You have half a day."

"We leave now," declared Hai Yun, slapping the table with finality.

As they rode towards the City Administrative Bureau's headquarters, Soong Mu gazed at Xie Yu with respect.

A few words were all it took for this striking woman to personally chauffeur them to the Bureau's headquarters. Time seemed to be slipping away.

"Don't let your guard down. The real challenge begins at the Administration. This is just the prologue," Xie Yu murmured, "We need to keep leveraging this woman. If she can handle the task of liaising with outsiders, her role is likely more complex than just a minor police station chief."

"Do you think she's been purposely placed here to intercept us?" Soong Mu whispered back.

Their hushed conversation in the back seat was inaudible to Hai Yun, despite her keen hearing.

Their dialogue, steeped in the context of the game instance, was subject to system alteration. Even if Hai Yun overheard everything, it would sound like trivial, everyday banter.

The deep blue sports car dashed down the road, unceasing.

Before long, a skyscraper loomed ahead, towering over the surrounding structures.

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